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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Cold air in the room = heater running constantly = ouchie for the wallet. :)
  2. Sorry, no idea if he was eating. We get Axys in that colour quite a lot so I can never really tell which is which. Are you keeping them together? He might catch on if he sees Banana eating. Have you tried larger live foods like Earthworms? Or have you got any livebearer fry of a decent size you want to cull? I'm really not sure if this works for Axys like it does for fish so you're best off checking at an actual Axolotl forum or something, but food soaked in garlic juice (or even just rubbed on the garlic) can entice most fish to eat. Smells good and can help clear parasites out of the gut. But please do ask someone who specializes in them first because I have no idea if it's poisonous to them or something.
  3. Taking a break from setting up my new (2nd hand) marine tank.. my arms haven't stopped burning. :( damn saltwater

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yanagi


      It looks so bad, haha. No coral or anything and I've been too lazy to clean the glass. Will see what I can do picture wise tomorrow after work.

    3. daniel031


      Lol, Make it look pretty X D

    4. Yanagi


      Gotta make sure the water conditions are stable after moving tank and it's entire contents half an hour down the road, lol. I do hope to add some soon though, I need SOMETHING to look at!

  4. I meant the log and their sump in their tank at the aquarium, sorry for the confusion.
  5. Not a bite, probably hurt himself on the awful fake log someone put in their tank. Or gotten over to the sump area, they have a habit of doing that. I think a fair few fish meds are toxic to axolotls, if the wound does start looking nasty, you can safely use salt (1 tsb per 2lt) and/or Melafix. edit; the wound looks 'clean', no irritation, redness, fuzzy, etc. But I'm looking at photos, not the real thing.
  6. My betta eggs fungused.. so I took Apisto fry from work, hah! Ended up with fry anyway... More valuable fry. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      I think my favourites are the Apistogramma cacatuoides. But that's just from the quick googling I just did. :)

    3. Yanagi


      Borelli Opals are mine.

    4. Sarah


      Oohhh... pretty!

      Good luck with the fry. :)

  7. Really? Higher phosphates being suggested?? They CAUSE algae.. Haven't looked at the links as I'm doing w/c and just waiting for a tank to fill while I waste precious time on the forum but.. I find that absolutely bizarre. Must remember to check those links out.
  8. I didn't read the whole thread, just replying. According to our plant guy, Anubias do get that algae when they get too much light. Move them to a more shaded spot or get some floating plants and see if that helps.
  9. pH? Checked for physical symptoms... velvet?
  10. I would not be using huge pebbles like that. Same reason you don't in 'fish' tanks, food and waste falls between and rots. The only time I'd ever use anything like that would be as a 'decoration' spread out over the top of a proper layer of gravel.
  11. ^ Agreed. Been there, done that (with juvies I had thought were female..) didn't last very long. Though I did get a spawn out of a pair in that tank.
  12. I GOT EGGS!!! Can't see Mrs Betta or Mr Betta anywhere though.. Tank is FULL of moss/rocks/logs... I am not sure if this is good or bad.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Yanagi


      I can see the eggs changing colours and shape.. Looks like they're fertile! :D

    3. Sarah


      That is brilliant news! :D

    4. Yanagi


      Looks like the eggs have all gone fungused (is that even a word?). I added meth. blue, hopefully there's still one or two still good.

  13. Got a pair of.. BETTA CHANNOIDES... I have to sell my Rutilans now though.

    1. Sarah


      Congrats Yan!

      I love the dark, rich colour of the Channoides. Too bad about your Rutilans though, I hope you find a good home for them.

  14. Broke my plant tweezers. :( This is seriously saddening. I loved those things. Best tool ever.

    1. fishbites


      There's a plant seller on ebay who has plant tweezers for about $6 iirc... Aquatic-Kingdom is his seller name

    2. Yanagi


      That's where I got mine from lol

  15. You don't need multiple tanks to set up a drip system, you can use one big one and divide it with solid glass dividers. That is what I originally wanted to do but then decided it was too much time/effort to have each individual barrack drilled to drainage. If you can find someone willing to do that or do it yourself, and get a tank built with thick enough glass it's possible. I've ended up with one large one with dividers, I've had velvet run through the tank already. Before I get the whole digs set up I'll be investing in a UV sterilizer and crossing my fingers. Don't think I'd do it this way again.
  16. I've run out of hikari pellets so I gave my barracks a bit of flake. They ALL turned their nose up at it like 'What the hell is this?!?!' I've raised spoiled fish... Sigh.

  17. I have redone my shrimp tank twice and haven't lost anybody yet, same with the 3 main tanks with shrimp at work... Although it isn't me personally working on them.
  18. Between 3 months to a few weeks ago.. We also have several crypts in tanks at work which have shrimp in them. Actually can't take a picture, forgot to buy batteries. :/ Edit- I found a few threads which I think you're referring to. I have java fern in with my shrimp, and we have it in with them at work too. Absolutely no issues. The crypt mention was specifically 'crypt wendtii', which I have in my shrimp tank. I have so many shrimp I have been giving them away... The other is anubias nana? I have had ghost shrimp in with anubias nana, no issues. Not CRS or RCS though. I believe we have nana in some of the tanks at work with shrimp at work... No issues. Ok.. just read a bit more. Supposedly it is when the leaves or rhizome are cut.. I have replanted and damaged leaves in my shrimp tank before, everyone is still alive. Unless I crushed a little shrimplet in the process. I am going to go with my own personal experience and say it's a myth.
  19. If that were true I'd be throwing the worlds biggest tantrum.. I'll take a photo of my shrimp tank after work.
  20. Most shops sell Crypts as 'assorted', I couldn't tell you the species off the top of my head. That is extremely cheap, lucky you. Crypts do well in low light, they're growing in the near-pitch black areas in my Rutilans tank. Mine thrive on neglect, I don't use fertilizers on most of the tanks containing them, but I do use a planted tank substrate which is rich in iron and yaddayadda. They are doing alright in plain old gravel too. All in all, no special care, although I am not sure how they will do in a pot long term.
  21. Has started to figure out how to get the best from my point-n-shoot camera

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Oh yes I know that. I should edit my comments. Sorry.. I meant the pretty copper fish photos. :

    3. Yanagi


      Apparently my replies don't work very well while at work.. Anyway I replied that I've run out of batteries, this stupid camera won't take our rechargable ones.

    4. Sarah


      Well that's a pain. :(

  22. Easier way to do it is right-click on the image, if you're using IE go to 'properties', if you're using Firefox (YAY FIREFOX!) click view image info. It will tell you the dimensions.
  23. Are those Praecox I spy? Lovely fish Lovely tank, too!
  24. How do the chambers work? Are you leaving a gap at the front for water flow?
  25. They're looking amazing. :)
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