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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Don't think I need to worry about that, MT. This crab's apparently been in here for at least a year and has remained small enough to hide. I got 4 (very) small hermit crabs on tuesday. All but one have wandered off into the rock work. They're cute. I did want bigger ones but I also didn't want to add too much bio-load at this point. They'll grow eventually, anyways. Yesterday was a killer, I'm sure glad this tank came with a chiller. It runs SO hot. I'm looking for some new fans and trying to think of ways to keep it cooler. No pics 'cause.. Well, I'm lazzzyyy. There's still not much to look at, either..
  2. Yeah, you have fairly easy plants there. Hairgrass will most likely die off though. I've never had much luck with it even under T5s, flora base substrate and weekly dosing of fertilizers. RE upgrading, it all depends. What plants do you want to keep? There are low light plants that will grow perfectly well under what you have such as java fern, java moss, most Crypts, Anubias, hygros, wisteria, valisneria, etc. Look up plants, decide what you like, look up their requirements and decide if it's worth purchasing T5s.
  3. Sorry haven't been paying much attention lately. Yeah, there is gravel in their tank. We don't have a proper axolotl set up, they just go in the goldfish system because people keep asking for them.
  4. You've got less light in there, that would be why. If you mean upgrading to T5s, then you'll need to buy a new light unit as well. T5s are much smaller.
  5. I always add plants to newly set up tanks. My tanks cycle faster and it gives me something to look at. You didn't mention your lighting. What was your 80lt compared to 4ft?
  6. Being crabby is a mood, being a disgrunted crab is caused by being an ugly little crab who no one likes. Figured since I have about zero chance of getting any reply from Guppys I would just keep the powerheads. They're so freaking huge. Not cool. Take up way too much room in the tank, and one wasn't enough. Sigh. Will have to buy some replacements. But for now, they're doing a good job. They're lifting a lot of waste and sediment off the rocks and substrate into the water where it's getting filtered... Yay for clean rocks and substrate. Tank looks like a mini washing machine. I'm thinking I need to bring home some hermit crabs soon. I love hermit crabs! As opposed to disgruntled crab who is downright ugly with hairy legs.
  7. All of my spawn of marble x solid gave me all cellophanes, minus one who was given away because I didn't like him. I am forever scarred by this.
  8. Oh but I am not begging, it's just gifts from my adoring fans! You are completelyyy welcome to donate tanks, buffers, test kits, etc. Not tax-deductible. I'll let you come do water changes, testing, the occasional feeding. S'all good. :)
  9. Stuff I ordered from Guppy's arrived today.. The powerheads are WRONG and so are the nozzle attachments I ordered.. These look a cheaper and flimsy. Extremely unhappy here. I have to get ready for work so rant must end here.. :censor:
  10. A stand? Not a super classy streamlined cabinet so I can hide the unsightly gear below? Come on, what do you take me for? *lol*
  11. Not big enough and not compatible with what I intend to own. You guys feel free to start a 'Yan's Marine Betta Fund' though.. I'll take a 4 x 2 x 2, nice big sump.. don't skimp on the live rock.. C'mon guys. I'll let you come over and feed it every once in a while.
  12. You ain't seen nothing yet. My room IS my fishroom. I'd post photos but I'd need to spend the rest of the day cleaning, first. And in other news.. If only I had another tank I could dedicate to a marine betta. :P
  13. I wish I were my clownfish, I could use a chiller right now.

    1. Yanagi


      ^ And again for today. Stinking hot. :(

  14. Can't get the youtube embedding thing to work so here's a link to a video of the tank.. Oh boy. Apparently it does work, just doesn't show up in preview. lulz.
  15. Forgot to take a photo of the crab before I rearranged the rock.. Oops. Anyway, here's the new layout.. Improvement? Also.. Mr Tangy.
  16. Just did a little work on my marine tank.. Mr Clownfish is adorable!! He was swimming through my fingers and following my hand around the entire time watching what I was doing! *love*

    1. Sarah


      That is just adorable! Awww.. he loves you Yan! <3

    2. GoldenGirl13


      Can you do it again with video?!!

    3. Yanagi


      Odd, the work computer refused to post my comment..

      I tried to get him to do it again, no go. :( I couldn't reach the camera the first time...

  17. LOL @ Jo I went through the tank with a torch last night and found Disgrunted Crab's little house (Yes, that is his name now, first time I've named a 'fish' in a while). I'll try to take a photo of him later, but it's such a dark spot I may have to kill him with flash to do it, lol. Impatiently testing the tank every day, resisting the urge to do it twice. C'mon and finish your little mini-cycle, I want new fishies! The rocks on the right hand side are starting to bother me, honestly. I don't really like the layout of them. Problem is, part of them is holding up the caves toward the middle which in turn are resting on the massive piece in the left corner. If I move one piece, I have to move them all, albeit just slightly. If I start moving things and decide I liked the other way better, I'll never be able to put them back the same way. Sigh. What to do??
  18. Lol Sarah, I'd certainly hope rocks aren't actually alive. Wouldn't want to come into my room one day and find my rocks on the floor flopping around and another one holding the lid open helping the others out. Fish-only marine tanks are easier the reef tanks. You can always upgrade lighting and get corals later on.. Give it a go ;P Sorry, probably should of added tank stats in the first post. It's the Red Sea Max 130D. 130lt, 110lt in the actual fishy section. Almost a 2ft cube. Built in 'vertical sump' in the back with protein skimmer and what not. Two circulation pumps that come standard. I'm buying another two with nozzles to make them more into 'waves' then just jets of water. I do need to buy some more fans though because the lights make the tank run VERY hot.. A bit hotter than coral would like. Yup, got some coral and an anemone on hold until the tank settles down. Will post pics when the tank's ready and it's in.
  19. Vodka, it's great for everything! :cheer:
  20. I haven't even had the thing for a week. If nitrates prove to be too much to control with W/C and minimal feeding then I'll either try some nitrate removing product or the vodka method.
  21. Nah, first marine tank. Been reluctant because I have some sort of issue with salt water, it burns/irritates my skin. Not much I can do about it but look for tank-safe shoulder length gloves and put them on any time I want to do anything in the tank, or hope I grow immune to it.
  22. The rock it's self isn't alive, but it contains heaps of micro and macrosopic critters living in/on it.. It's basically the main biological filter in a marine system. It also houses things like that nasty looking crab the previous owner didn't even know he had. We didn't know it was in there until we put the largest piece of rock in the foam box and out plopped a very disgruntled crab.. hah. Also has plenty of hidey holes for the Blenny. Going to look a lot nicer in a few weeks.. Have a few pieces of coral being held until the tank is ready.. :)
  23. Yup, pretty plain right now but it's going through a mini-cycle so no corals just yet. I'll update it as I go. Came with; Pair of black and white clowns. Brown tang. Bi-colour Blenny. Some un-ID'd nasty looking crab who I haven't seen since he went in the tank. Feel free to critique my live rock structure. First time I've ever used rocks in ANY tank...
  24. Nah, it's just the fact it's going to run your electricity bill up by running the heater constantly. No ill effect to your fish unless the heater malfunctions. :P
  25. Flakes.. I have 12 Betta and only one will eat flakes. I have no idea how other people manage to get them to eat it lol! Best food I've found is Hikari betta bio-gold pellets, everybody loves it. Best live food (IMO) is adult brine shrimp, your LFS may sell bags of it. I always grab a bag when I get a new Betta. Freeze dried anything should only be fed as a treat. Once a week, maximum. Remember though, they're only small and their stomach is only about the size of their eye. They don't eat all that much. My biggest boy still only eats about 3 hikari pellets morning and night.
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