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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Argh! Broke the impeller shaft of my sorority filter! Parts of this model are REALLY hard to get. :(

    1. shadoh


      I did the same thing a couple of months ago. I feel your pain...

  2. Got a new moonlight LED bar for my marine tank. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Looks great. :) I want one for all my displays now.. lol

    1. shadoh


      They do look amazing! Is it going too far to want them for my spawn tanks? LOL

    2. Yanagi


      LOL perhaps.. I did limit myself to just displays. ;P

  3. I have a great talent for dropping/breaking cameras. Mine which was left at my sisters is already having issues with turning it on. Sigh.
  4. Camera batteries are dead. I'm not even supposed to touch this camera as I have 'my own'.
  5. Thanks. I thought it would be useful to someone to get a pic of it. The camera doesn't like taking photos of black fish, so I couldn't show how bad it was around the gills of my copper HM boy. That female keeps spreading velvet throughout my barracks.. Luckily it's only effecting the two beside her and not my PK boy, or my new Delta boy 'Spunky'. I know I said no more dragons but he was too awesome to let him sit in a jar and rot until somebody bought him and stuck him in a bowl...
  6. So yeah, a camera was left unattended... My dad's nice one, that is. Not that I have any idea how to use it. I 'borrowed' it anyway. Three copper boys from Kermadum. Sorority tank with the rest of the juvies is too tannin rich to take pictures. I wish I was joking. My Cellophane/white Trad Plakat. He wasn't sure what to make of the camera. I couldn't get a clear pic of his other side, but that's the black patches that are developing.. Thanks, marble gene. The other side is worse. Really bad pic of Miss I-Can't-Stop-Moving, the lemonpeel angelfish. Weird marks on it is actually the glass. Badly needs an algae clean. And this is what velvet looks like on a cellophane, sibling to the above male. This one particular fish is extremely prone to it. Have 2 more pics.. Hit the photo limit though. :P
  7. How does filtration work, does the water share between/under the dividers?
  8. Really happy to have youngster Bettas again. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yanagi


      Doing great, I've already jarred 2 of the juvies who decided to have a disagreement, no damage done though. Eating fine. :)

    3. kermadum


      Naughty children having a disagreement. Guess you got a couple of males in that lot then!! Glad they're doing well.

    4. Yanagi


      I'd dare say more than a couple, haha. I jarred another nice boy who has lovely long fins that I didn't want to see get ruined. Everyone else is living quite happily. :)

  9. Glad he turned out to be a HM, he wouldn't flare up fully on friday. Also glad he went to a good home! :P
  10. I've been cameraless for two weeks. It was just sad, before. Now it's torturous. Today (along with some coppers) I picked up a bubble tip anemone from Kermadum, and from my LFS a Lemonpeel angel and two pajama cardinals. I'm also testing out my coral keeping abilities with a very small clutch (group...?) of star polyps and a couple of very small corallimorphs. It looks like I can (amazingly!) keep these things alive! Oh and I've also had a larger bubble tip anemone for a little while. I did get a pic of that before my camera got left at my sisters where it's no doubt met it's doom in the hands of her three gremlins. I'll tell you what though, I'm well and truly over water testing. I thought testing FW tanks were bad. Try testing reef tanks. Ugh. On my wish list of tank improvements is... The Vortech MP10 pump which comes with an 'ecosmart driver'... Basically, it has I think 9 different wave modes and you can set the speed/strength of them. I love this thing. I want it. Now. Probably going to end up being a birthday present to myself though. MP10 Demo I'd like to get a custom made media rack and a better protein skimmer. Stock skimmer has issues with microbubbles and appears to be generally inadequite, so I only run it at night. Fans in the side of the hood need replacing, they're half dead and sound like someone sitting on a cat. Over and over again. I bought PC fans for this, but they're actually too narrow, I think. May try them anyway. I am considering modding the hood to insert LED lights. I've toyed with the thought of pulling out the T5s (tank runs extremely hot with these on) and replacing the entire panel with LEDs, it would be rather expensive but the heat that comes off the T5s is just incredible, LEDs would solve this problem. They would also be MUCH cheaper to run. Much to consider, I couldn't afford to do anything about this in the near future anyway. In the mean time, I'm going to get this light to make the tank look more blue. I like blue. More coral. Need not say anything more. PS. I need a camera. Stupid car drying up all my spending money...
  11. Oh dear. Could smell something smouldering. Found scorch marks around one of the plugs for a tank light. Thank god that didn't start up last night...

    1. Sarah


      That is so scary!

      My heater did that once when I was doing a water change with fry.

  12. Didn't mind the early morning wake up call, it was for fish. Opal Borelli's floating in my tank.. :)

  13. What cute little snips they have, I'll bet those noses get lots of kisses lol Also riding helmetless? Tsk tsk. I learnt my lesson when I gave myself a massive concussion and landed myself in hospital even while wearing a helmet. Will not go without when I eventually get my own horse.:P
  14. I know this is a fish forum.. But I demand horse pics. Oh and welcome, haha.
  15. Sounds easy enough, however time consuming.. I may just have to try this if I ever get around to setting up a new tank.. Thanks!
  16. Looks great, can't wait to see it in action. Can you elaborate on how you've stuck the quartz sand onto the foam and yet managed to get natural looking rocks?
  17. So. HOT. Chiller keeping marine tank cool. Tanks on either side of it are HOT though..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Awww.. I want a chiller!

      My axies are at 30*, I like their tank to half that. : Put them in the fridge. ;) Funny watching peoples faces when they see what is inside. :D At least it is cooler now.

    3. Yanagi


      Freeze some of their tank water when you know hot days are ahead. :)

    4. Sarah


      I already do that. Thanks for the tip though. :))

  18. I tend to snip the bottom of the stems before planting them. If they're already got roots, rip about 3/4 of it off before planting. Encourages new growth. I'll also pluck off any damaged or browning leaves. "I find the price of driftwood to be rather disgusting at any lfs i vist especially when they have so much of it in stock its like well no ones paying that so why are you keeping the price so high." Because it does go, eventually. Mind you I haven't been to many LFS so I don't know how much the average price is, just what we sell it at. You probably already know this but keep the substrate up the back deeper. Better for your stem plants and gives off an increased sense of depth to the tank (supposedly.. I just use the deeper gravel for better root systems).
  19. Yeah that's not very thick. I like 1.5 inch to 2 for plants. Bacopa is very 'light' and will float away if it hasn't got a good base on it. Mayaca barely grows any roots at all either so it hasn't got much to anchor it if disturbed.
  20. Change at least one bulb to a pink/red plant growth one. How deep is that substrate? I've tried to grow Mayaca, it just kept turning to slop in my tanks even though it always had super growth. I don't think you have enough light for Cardamine nor HM but it can't hurt to try. It will look a lot better once it's filled in. :)
  21. I told myself no more dragons but.. WANT!
  22. I hate Danios. I mean I loathe the bloody things. They're nothing short of parasites. At work, you can barely catch anything else that might be in their tank because you have Danios swarming in and around the nets. They're only slightly worse than Guppys. Okay, rant over. Sorry to hear about your loaches, that sucks. At least you're smart enough to QT first!
  23. Pakistani loaches are great characters. :)
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