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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Up to you. For me it depends on which plant it is. If it is for example... milfoil or elodea I'll let it grow a bit wild before trimming it. Wisteria I keep much more on top of. Others will snip it off the second there's enough length to trim and replant, or trim and toss.
  2. Same here, haha. I just pick up a few bits and pieces about guppies every now and then. Apparently tuxedo is a very dominant trait, 75% of fry get it.. :P
  3. Back half (or there abouts) of the fish is black. Not the fins, just the body.
  4. Huh? You can hear the music?! I can't.. I'm just getting the static fuzz and clicking and what not from the camera...
  5. Okay video here.. I tried to do audioswap twice! It says it's done so I check the video and nope.. No audio. Stupid youtube. Wow, bizarre. I was going through the editing options and the audio only shows up in the annotations category. This is so annoying.
  6. It would be a month tomorrow since the last update, but I'm making it now... I've made a MAJOR upgrade to this tank... LEDS!!!!!!!!!!! (AquaBeam 600 Ultra LED 2 strip lights - one solid blue one solid white) The heat difference is AMAZING. I used to burn my hand if I touched the plastic cover over the old lights. Now there's NO HEAT AT ALL. It's just amazing. I'm sure my chiller is thanking me. I also had a quick look through the live rock yesterday and found some with coral that survived the trip! So I snapped some of those pieces up. The tank is looking better and better. Now without further ado, here's some (really bad) pics while the video uploads I played with the zoas pic (the one with just the blue LED strip on) in photoshop to try and get it closer to what it looks like IRL.. I just couldn't do it. These things are amazing, they look like they are glowing under blue LEDs.
  7. I have a diagnosis! Patello-Femoral Syndrome! My knee caps don't track properly, gotta see a physio

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. les


      Im feeling your pain I had crondo milatia patela basicly my knees wor out and had to have bilateral tibial transfers to extend time befor an op to have booth knees replaced now metal scaners dont like me and i should be up for a hip next year and and that was all at the age of 45

    3. Yanagi


      Ouch, Les.. I'm not even 20 yet and already feel like an old lady...

    4. les


      get somthing done now mine started of with not tracking proply and ended up like this even if its how to strap proply and good runners like brooks even betta proper orthodic molded for your feet

      CHEERS Les

  8. My pakistani loaches used to click/tap while eating and as an aggression thing.
  9. Told you so, told you so!! No doubt that's a long fin~ They were all meant to be deltas anyway so surely they'd be from LF spawns. You for sure got the best ones. I decided to pass. My computer is not cooperating so can't see much but a few stills between massive bouts of lag. The blue bf x blue and blue boy x copper sound good though.
  10. LOL Somehow I don't think that excuse would hold up in court. Not going to get any sleep tonight, can't wait to see my first ever DT, lol. I dare say we're stocking up because our Betta Barracks is under way. I think the final decision came down to 50 tanks. Heated and filtered 12cm cubes I think it was. Can't wait, especially since I will never have to squish my hand trying to scrub jars again!! Oh and I think my computer is stuffing up, I can't see the photos that you've surely posted.
  11. Perhaps I should start a new thread for a Sydney LFS crawl discussion.. lol
  12. Did you see a double tail HM red boy there? No problem Paul, just wish you waited so I could check them ALL out first! LOL Can't wait for work tomorrow.. :P
  13. Trying to get a spawn out of my Trad. Plakat incase he doesn't make it.. I think he's TSTB.

    1. Sarah


      Good luck! Let's hope he will make a great daddy.. and does make it. :)

  14. $@#$... Looks like my trad plakat has 'red pest'.

  15. Hey everyone, I *coughcough* just came up with a brilliant idea, we should do a LFS crawl. just kidding But good idea, anyone up for it? I did go to Aquaristic and B & C yesterday, didn't get much though. Aquaristic said they'd have more fighters in.. a week or two? I forget now.
  16. The new guy came from bayfish in a group of assorted 'delta' females.. We called 'em up and ordered the last 15, LOL.
  17. Had a look, his body seems very Plakat to me, but his fins look awkward, like they haven't fully sprouted. Maybe I'm just caffeine deprived. He was (gently) chasing around a lovelyyy blue HM girl who would bar up at the sight of him, I am seriously kicking myself for not bagging up the blue and the copper girls and tossing them in the backroom for myself.. bloody customers! LOL I'll ask around tomorrow and see if I can find out where these guys came from, we don't usually order in ones like this. Maybe I am having an influence on the other staff, hah! There are no ifs or buts about this, regardless of fin type you have to breed him. He is the body type I love! Hate the long slender body type... They look like worms with fins glued on LOL
  18. Are you sure he's a plakat? I would of sworn he is an unsprouted LF.
  19. 1 New coral, 1 new Firefish (plus the barnicle ornament she refused to get out of even when held out of water... LOL) and 6 of Paul's girls.. Everyone still settling in. Missing my camera. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldenGirl13


      Whoops, at least the LFS side went well :-)

    3. paul


      I guess it's kinda pushing it when you call them local, seeing as you had about 45mins each way without the wrong turns, and depending on someone to drive you, then getting rear ended in the process! I feel sorry for you and your mum! Your next trip to the camera shop perhaps???

    4. Yanagi


      Naah, I've got some huge purchases coming up.. *whispers* LEDs!!!!

  20. Aww, you're my favourite admin Lisa. LOL Already on the list was Aquaristic, St George and B & C Aquariums.. I'm just not sure I can convince her to drive that far. Maybe I she will let me drive, what is it, 150 hours for the learners log and all that, this may help put me up a few hours, haha. I've heard of Majestic Aquariums, but that one probably is too far of a detour from the others. :(
  21. A sad, sad fact of my life is my driver *cough* mother *cough* is not a fish fan and so I don't get a chance to visit many LFS at all. At least, my ceaseless harassment has garnered some results. 'Well which ones?!' I take this to mean 'Gather a list as large as you can of all fish shops in sydney.' So... What are you favourite LFS in Sydney? I am mainly interested in ones that either have A) nice and/or wild Bettas and Apistos or B) Marine section, bonus points for decent coral selection. I certainly don't mind ones that also have other pet stuff! (I'm on a bit of a sugar rush at the moment.. please excuse me. )
  22. Baby cockatiels running around the desk during lunch at work. I love baby animals. XD

    1. Sarah


      How cute! xx

      Hope they all find their perfect home. ♥

    2. Yanagi


      If I didn't already take one from the last lot we hand raised, I'd take this little yellow boy.

  23. I'll give you some frogbit when I can get those girls off you if you want. I declare it a noxious weed in my tanks. I end up throwing handfuls of it to the goldfish.
  24. It does indeed look similar to frogbit, but I don't think it is. The leaves aren't patterned. If you don't have an answer tomorrow I'll show the pics to our plant guy at work.
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