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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Yeah if the filter doesn't have water moving through it then the good bacteria doesn't survive very long. Especially those top filter types. I think at this point I'd cut the hoods off, pop a little sponge filter in each and suspend a fluro above them all. Only issue then is the lack of lids. I find cling wrap works pretty well lol poke a hole through it for feeding!
  2. They sound too big for what you want.
  3. Sell ya my breeding pair of channoides, Razzi. LOL Love the tank. We need a wild bettas tank photo thread! It would be interesting/helpful. I'm considering bringing home a pair of Simplex from work, the male is currently brooding!
  4. We sell the Laguna ones at work, seem pretty good. I'd be taking a peak at bunnings though, probably find something a lot cheaper.
  5. Yeah, welcome to fish keeping. IMO 3 is not enough, 5 minimum for a sorority. That still doesn't fix the ones with a stick up their butt though.
  6. ^^ RE Paul; The male yes, female.. not so much. I'd rather the female from the yellow pair, lol. I mix and match. Nicely chosen pairs, Shadoh. :)
  7. Hi Ness, I was just speaking to someone who had their Big W tank's light transformer blow out because there was a HEAP of condensation and water built up in the hood around the electricals. Apparently very poorly sealed. He cut two holes in the back and installed a pc fan in one of them to prevent the issue happening again. Then I remembered you had the same tanks! Just a word of warning. :)
  8. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rhysmachine101


      Seriously, though- look out for yourself, its sad that you have to, but perhaps a self-defence course?

      If you don't already practise a martial art, that is. Please be careful. My only parting advice would be to go for the groin-and dont be afraid to follow up with a few knees or kicks to the head- better him than you :)

    3. Yanagi


      Actually martial arts is something I've wanted to get into for a LONG time.. But yeah at the moment the guy isn't dangerous.. just seriously can't take no for an answer. Persistent doesn't even cover it.

    4. Fletch


      Yan. Please be careful. Look into a Chinese Kung Fu. Wing Chung, Tong Long ect. These are true self defense, not a sport. I believe that within 3 mths, anyone can learn enough to get out of most situations. These arts are very full on and Wing Chun is designed by a woman and doesn't rely on strength. Was given a hiding by a kid that was 10. I was twenty and an learning instructor.

  9. Finally figured out who the agressor is in my community/sorority. Off she goes to the barracks!

  10. I've got you both beat with 9 tanks in my room. Welcome Harry. Sounds like quite the variety! I'm sure you'll find a pair of Halfmoons that will catch your fancy through someone Lea. :)
  11. I may be way off, not too good with the rainbows but possibly Lake Kutubu rainbow?
  12. Angelfish spawned, got new coral and a hair cut. Awesome day.

    1. RocRus01


      Wicked, two thumbs up

    2. shadoh


      Congrats on the angels spawning! What kind do you have?

    3. Yanagi


      Female is a koi and the male I guess is a marble. :P

  13. It is aquarium substrate. People use buffering substrates for cichlid, goldfish and sometimes marine tanks. Same with rocks. It's not suitable for most tropical tanks. River sand is good. Fine and natural coloured (darker than most but still no where near black). The more expensive ones you were looking at are probably for planted tanks, full of iron and other goodies for plants. Good plant substrates are Red Sea's flora base.. I mix this up with river sand to get a nice blend of nutrient rich substrate, the much cheaper gravel and a bit of sand for the plants. Otherwise there's Aqua soil, eco complete, etc. Can't vouch for any of those, I just like my flora base. :)
  14. Common sense, it's really not common.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      uncommon, under-valued and under-used!

    2. GoldenGirl13


      uncommon, under-valued and under-used!

    3. Yanagi


      And often abused!

  15. I just remembered I have the PERFECT tank to use for a seahorse tank + somewhere to put my fire fish so that I can get an eel.. Now I just need to convince my parents it would be a great idea to set up a salt water seahorse + fish tank in the lounge room/hallway somewhere. Hum.

  16. Perhaps someone else can start the thread seeings as I have no cash to spare for fish (rego and insurance coming up. ouch. ).
  17. Yanagi

    New guy

    Welcome to the forum. Sounds like that girl settled in nicely for you.
  18. Licorice gouramis are fine with Bettas from my experience. I keep some in my planted community and we also have put Halfmoon females in with the Licorice gouramis at work.
  19. I think the Aqua One barracks too small. As a grow out, fine. However no one could pay me enough to keep my nice (adult) fish in them. (My opinion. Others are free to disagree) I think it's less than a litre per chamber and extra height might give you more water volume but it's useless water volume, they want to swim side to side/back to front not up and down. That said my barracks chambers are large enough to still comfortably split again down the middle. I think when full each chamber is something like 5.5 liters each.
  20. Finally cleaned the secondary filter in my community tank, now everybody is playing in the current.

  21. Found the channoides fry I thought had been eaten. Now he's safe, sound and fat from baby brine!

  22. A crappy ending to a crappy week. Just had our 14 year old dog put down.

    1. Bettarazzi


      That's very sad. Sorry to hear that.

  23. Whats that?? A tiny fishy in my channoides tank? OMG..

  24. I second the request for pics of Bettas and Apistos. Welcome.
  25. I'll take your percheron and the lavender female to go, thanks! LOL Nice set up.
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