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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. That's a fake anubias on a flat base. We sell them by the container full... :P
  2. FINALLY, somebody took my suggestion of Brichardis! I've always wanted some but can't find it in myself to set up yet another tank. I shall live vicariously through you.
  3. I think I've once used dechlorinator on my worms. Once. I also once had the same batch going for about 6 months just topping up the evap (there was only an inch of water left most times) with untreated tap water every few weeks. The only batch of worms I've ever lost was stressed or overheated in shipping and the entire batch was a dud. No amount of washing, cooling, treating would save them. Putrid blackworms STINK.
  4. I keep my blackworm in a 1lt ice cream tub, never change the water and top up with tap water when the water has almost all evaporated. If anything ever dies from it, I'll let ya know.
  5. From memory at least 8 females. Male never had a mark on him, and very little to none on most of the fish. He was a plakat though. I wouldn't put a longfin boy in with any number of girls.
  6. Debating tearing down the Discus tank and converting to FOWLR.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 6ftaquaman


      Not a fan of discus myself. They remind me of balloons just hovering around.

    3. Yanagi


      I lost the only Discus I owned which had a real personality. Used to be able to pat him on the head.

    4. melbournebetta
  7. Smallest, less than 5lt. This was supposed to be a spawn attempt. They've been living together in there for, oh I have no clue. Months and months. Less than 6, probably more than 4. Heaps of plants but they're usually sitting side by side begging for food anyway. Female gets so excited she bounces out of the water, irritating the boy until I drop the food in. Largest is 4 x 2 x 18, single pair. Did far more damage to each other (no it wasn't the other fish) than the ones living in the 5lt. My best success was a single male in a 2ft sorority/community. He picked the alpha female and they would breed multiple times a week. I still have no idea how I pulled that off.
  8. I've done it successfully multiple times. Usually after lengthy exposure ie; desensitization. I've also done it unsuccessfully multiple times. Absolutely possible with the right fish/personalities... But be prepared to accept they may wake up on the wrong side of the tank, flip a switch and decide they don't like this chick anymore and rip her up. Don't expect perfect fins, either. Works best with two plakats.
  9. Personal opinion: Silver Sharks are the worst fish I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with (my father owned several) and I work in a fish shop dealing with hundreds of fish every day. You couldn't pay me enough to have one in my community tank. Extremely easily spooked, notorious for jumping out (through lids or without), grow extremely large, prey on small fish such as tetras, rasboras, etc. I never, ever have recommended them to anyone and consistently talk people out of buying them. Dwarf gouramis can be prone to issues with bacterial infections/iridovirus so try to get ones sourced from Australia only, not imported. If the shop can't tell you where they came from, don't buy them. If you see any with a bacterial infection (google for pics), sitting in one spot looking sad, hanging on the bottom or the surface then don't buy ANY from that batch. They will all turn out exactly the same. This does not apply to Honey Gouramis and 'Red Honey' Gouramis or whatever they're called. They're a fairly new hybrid between honey and one of the other dwarves so the naming varies a bit. They seem to be very hardy too. And of course doesn't apply to ones sourced from Australia as I've never had an issue with any of those. Either go for 1 (better choice for your tank) or 3+ when it comes to Gouramis due to territorial issues. Cories need a group to be happy, 4+ is ok, 6+ is heaps better. There are plenty of much nicer ones out there than the Bronze that will be more suited to your tank size. Panda, Pygmaeus, Habrosus, Hastatus are all good choices. Julii is probably the biggest I would go with and then only in a smaller group of 4. Rasbora are fairly hardy and do well in groups of 6+. I wouldn't have a problem putting smaller Rasbora in your size tank. Harlequins are probably the absolute largest I would go for. Similar, better suited size wise options would be Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae), Rasbora Maculata (Boraras maculatus), Rasbora Espei (Trigonostigma espei - IME stay smaller than Harlequins despite what many books/websites say) and Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma Hengeli, same thing as the Espei).
  10. Always do trios+ of Gouramis if you aren't getting a breeding pair or aren't sure of gender. A heavily planted tank with heaps of floating plants will always help disperse aggression too.
  11. Hi Basejump, I work in Auburn Aquarium and we've got quite a few plain plakats who came mixed in with the assorted girls and definitely have no room for them. So far I've pulled 5 out, everything from blue with red to turquoises, a blue with yellow wash, and I'm sure there will be more that haven't made themselves known yet. Some are a bit torn up but will regrow those fins quick smart. Welcome to the forum. :)
  12. I put a 15ml serving or two into a small ice cream container and totally forget about them for weeks on end. When I find them in an inconvenient spot and with almost no water left, I top up with chlorinated tap water and repeat the process.... Oh that isn't what you meant, was it? :giggle:
  13. My experience and from what people who have used Aqua Soil is that it clouds water very easily when it is disturbed and breaks down very easily. I've heard more bad than good (some people were very happy with it), but don't make the mistake of washing/rinsing it before putting it in the tank. One persons tank didn't clear up (6+ months later) until they removed the aquasoil, as it was just too broken down, and yes he tried everything under the sun to clear the tank before getting rid of it. I much prefer Red Sea Flora Base, I've been using it for over two years, it's in several of our display tanks at work and has been for years, it doesn't seem to break down much, it looks more natural in comparison, it doesn't leach ammonia at all, very soft and easy to work with but we blend it with river gravel for a 'natural' appearance.
  14. To join everybody elses deaths, I was just informed three of my HMs drowned in their jars which my birds submersed when they knocked the foam lid into the box. I was in a rush and didn't check the jars were still floating.. :( They were going to be donated to the SBG. Ugh.

    1. myboynme


      Thats so sad:( sorry to hear it Yan.

  15. The chance of plants carrying any disease is absolutely minimal, I have never, ever done anything to my plants, they go straight into the tank. Even if I'm moving them from a tank with velvet to a tank that's healthy. You know what happened? Absolutely nothing. The white film over the driftwood occurs naturally, doesn't appear to have any side effects and most catfish will eat it or you could just scrub it off under the tap. I had several new pieces do that to me, it stopped when I increased the circulation near the bottom of the tank.
  16. Welcome to the forum. If you start a new thread with all the info such as tank size, maybe a budget, fish you like but aren't sure if they're compatible, etc, then you will get heaps of advice. :)
  17. Anyone in Sydney looking for Betta Albimarginata? 4 tank raised (bred there) fish up for grabs. Believed to be 2 males, 1 female and a runt. forgot the price though.. :)

    1. Yanagi


      ^ at auburn aquarium

    2. paul


      Saw them today... cute litle things - a couple of them are still quite small, but look healthy. I also noticed the new betta dispaly is up... much better!!!!!!

    3. Yanagi


      Glad you like it Paul :) I put a lot of effort into that, haha. No one else is allowed to touch it.

  18. He does look much better in person, although I've never seen one with such a short body before. Dwarf bettas? Might be possible with this guy, haha.
  19. Welcome. Auburn Aquarium currently has a delta Dumbo.
  20. I might have to go have a go at this... :)
  21. Oh bugger, ok thanks guys. :)
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