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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. I've am working on rehoming my bettas, then I can 'rehome' my barracks to Roc.. And then I can get my 4FT MARINE TANK in!!!! Wooooooo! I still haven't decided whether or not I am keeping the RSM 130D. I guess if someone offered enough I'd part with it and get an actual tank and I can buy the pieces I want. This tank has been great to learn in on a hands on manner but it just doesn't have the flexibility I want. So! I already bought the 4ft. Just a standard 4ft. $172.50 For the tank, cabinet, hood, sump, ehiem ecco canister, lots of good filter media accessories, etc. Looking at getting 2 Vortech MP40w ES at $499 each from guppies. Triple T5 4F lighting is $99 from guppies. Undecided on LED lighting but giving myself a budget of $500 max. I will need a chiller if I keep my RSM. That's another few hundred down the drain. So far I've just spent the money on the tank, so $172.50 Everything else adds up to just about $1600. Not including the potential cost for a chiller. *dies* And I haven't even priced coral sand and live rock yet. I'm also looking at upgrading the sump... Oh boy. I need a second job. (
  2. Probably more than likely they had a snack once she had already died.. I see it all the time. Fish are opportunistic feeders. Also very few Bettas will go for the stomach when trying to kill another Betta.
  3. All of those are entirely useless for doing anything other than illuminating your tank. They will not sustain plant life, they're just moonlights basically. The only even semi-useful one there would be this one 11W 27.5CM Length Aquarium Free Angle White Light Lam 11 watts over 20 litres isn't a whole lot but java moss and java fern should be fine in that. I'm almost literally growing it in the dark.. Just a few hours of light a day from the minimal winter sun that gets in my window. Yay for 'java' plants. :dance:
  4. Looks like a fish fight with some regrowth. Not sure if you ever saw my 'Cullen' boy. He was in much the same state but with white spot as well. Wonder how he's going these days.. I rehomed him once his fins were 80% regrown.
  5. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neffy


      did you refuse sale D=

    3. Yanagi


      Couldn't. Guy who was buying them was, well, more sober than his buddy. He seemed to know what he was talking about though, he could at least ID the tropical fish which is more than I can say for a lot of our customers...

    4. Neffy


      haha poor fish

  6. Sounds like you aren't using it right. Or it could just be dodgy aqua nova stuff. Never used the battery powered ones but why would anyone?? normal ones work fine and at a significantly cheaper price.
  7. Sounds like you got sold some pogostemon stellatus.. Which requires strong lighting and really does best with CO2. What sort of moss are you talking about? It's all fairly easy. I've got it growing in a tank which gets nothing but a few hours of sunlight. I haven't water changed it.. ever? Maybe once in the several months it's been set up. No fertilizer. No light except for that sunlight. It does have plant base substrate though. Green or variagated hygro, wisteria, Java/Indo/Windolov fern, chainsword, crypts and anubias are all easy, low maintenance plants that still look great. You shouldn't have any issues with any of those. Once you get a hang of things though, then you can move onto slightly more difficult plants. What sort of gravel have you got?
  8. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      For sure, I am definitely getting one. They are way too much fun.

    3. GoldenGirl13


      Just watch your fingers!!

    4. GoldenGirl13


      Just watch your fingers!!

  9. If it's a cheapy brand then you can't fully submerse it. Hydor is fine though, ignore the instructions and put it on a 45 degree angle so the heat doesn't rise directly onto the thermostat and turn it off prematurely. Beside a filter is the perfect spot as well so the warm water gets sucked or pushed away.
  10. Depends if you have a proper one or a cheapy from big w. What brand is it?
  11. Angelfish eggs, round 2. We have wriggling eggs with tails!

    1. Yanagi


      Wriggling eggs still here in the morning!

    2. shadoh


      !YAY! I love baby angels...

    3. Yanagi


      No survivors. I'll remove the eggs next time.

  12. What a bunch of conflicting emotions. Barracks up for sale, found (what appears to be) a perfect marine tank in the exact size I was after, awaiting a reply!

    1. Yanagi


      Argh! Tank fell through, someone put in a deposit.. :(

  13. Got too busy.. Came home with a mostly bleached acro freebie and nothing else. Will frag it and hopefully it will make a recovery. Same colour as the top right (the parts that are still alive, anyway). I did save a cleaner wrasse who mysteriously ended up into a dead FRESH WATER sump below all the other marine tanks. How he jumped and managed to end up there is anyones guess. Hope he survives the ordeal. Who knows how long he was swimming around in that nasty old (fresh) water though.. So bizzare! It's directly under all the other marine tanks..! I might have to bring him home if he's still alive when I get my salt water on the weekend. A fish like that you know is surely hard to kill, lmao.
  14. Thank you all. (Flame, feel free to come and do water changes, gravel vac and algae razoring for me.. It may improve my eyesight!) I am honestly really surprised the coral is doing this well for me. I stopped testing everything but the basics a few weeks ago.. I never thought I'd be able to keep coral alive, ever. lol Haven't killed anything yet. (But my angel has.. little so-and-so killed my zoa rocks. At least I am 99% sure it's her). At least she doesn't touch anything else. We got some FREAKING GORGEOUS Acros and other lovely bits of coral in at work yesterday.. I am going to try really hard to control myself but I think I will end up going on a spree just before closing. Seriously I cannot believe the colour of some of it. Just WOW. I have no idea how long I was staring at it for but the boss had to come and nudge me back into this world LOL Acro is one of the hardest things to keep... probably THE hardest. I so don't feel ready for it so I don't want to buy it in case I kill it but.. It's incredible! And I'll never know unless I try! What to do, what to dooo..
  15. lol Ness, now you've got me thinking they look like shoes. What an aggressive one in that video, yikes. Would not be hand feeding that one, lol!
  16. I did that for a while Razzi (before I banished all the air pumps but the ones running my sponge filters). I had to give it up though as the dog is a blanket hog and kicks in her sleep!
  17. Love the snowflake eel at work. If I could bring him home I would. He usually curls himself up in my hand and will take bites out of a defrosted block of marine dinner or will politely take pieces off you and swim off to eat them before coming back for more. Don't know why he's been so nasty the last couple of days but I poked him in the nose for it.. Hopefully he'll have a better attitude next time, lol. I had the hardest time choosing a dwarf for my current tank, but a lemonpeel angel popped up at just the right time, healthy, ate well and is far from shy so I took him. I wish I had a second tank so I could try adding in another angel and move one of they don't get along. One is just not enough! Have you seen the flameback angels? They're drop dead gorgeous (IMO).
  18. I've got my entire floor space (aside from what I need to actually move around) covered. The only direction I have left to go is UP and that isn't going to work. Only have 9 tanks in here, the largest being the almost 2ft cube marine tank at 130lt, smallest at 8lt. I have room for more little tanks but no more power points to overload. I'd be happy to have a fish room your size! Unfortunately my fishroom is also my bedroom so unless I want to start sleeping with the fishes or on the lounge, this is what I'm stuck with.
  19. We have a lion fish in at work.. he doesn't like me much. Either do the eels lately. They keep biting me instead of taking the food. They do it intentionally, ungrateful turds. Snowflake eel is among one of my dream fish. Maybe when I get that 4ft reef tank.. lol. Means no fire gobies or other little guys either though. Dream tank consists of a heap of dwarf angelfish. Flame, lemonpeel, coral beauty, flameback, multibar, half black.. could go on and on.. lol Would love a splendid dottyback but they're nasty, nasty horrible tempered fish. Gorgeous to look at though. *dreamy sigh*
  20. Catalaphyllia with star polyps on the side. Mix of Euphyllias. More unopened star polyps. This one has taken over a week to open, then it started to. I had to move it to scrub the algae off and it's started sulking again. Hope it opens back up fully. Today was the first day I'd ever seen it open. Full tank shot. Most of the fish are in the back hiding, they didn't like the algae being scraped off any more than the coral did, lol.
  21. Timer was due to go off so I took what I could of the corals. Most aren't fully open, but pretty anyways. Excuse the varying colours and what not in the pics, was playing with settings and did a bit of 'shopping to try and get the colours as close to natural as possible. I'll say it again for like the millionth time, I need a new/proper camera. What is this scary thing you're pointing at me? A camera, what's that? Camera seems harmless. Fire goby says hello. Mrs and Mr Clownfish are the first ones out after the algae razoring. Forever the brave ones. A leather. Fire goby says 'Stop taking pictures of the leathers, me! me! Camera on me!' more to come...
  22. Finally razored all the algae off the sides (that I could reach without moving rocks). Thought I had done the back pretty well too until I put the hood back down and the LEDs lit it up like a kids face on christmas. . Can't see what I'm doing without the lights on it but can't get to it with the hood down! Pics to come once the coral opens back up.. Got quite a few new pieces, with hopefully with even more on the weekend! Considering trying my first acro, lol. At this point I'm seriously considering selling my boys, the betta barracks and this current tank and get a 4ft reef tank. What have I started...?!
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