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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Are you.. suggesting.. WAITING?! *dramatic faint*
  2. Ok, my bad! Found the fire fish *huge sigh of relief* I had been shining a torch in her cave yesterday and the day before trying to spot her, she hadn't been coming out to eat.. I shone the torch in there just now while looking for the crab and OMG! FIRE FISH TAIL! AND IT'S WIGGLING! Yay. :)
  3. Of course. Nothing good comes easy, LOL. Or you could just not worry about it until the time comes. Badge is a badge, right? :D
  4. Absolutely it will work! They sometimes get bothered by their neighbours but if anything it seems to encourage spawning. Unless you somehow find mostly solid dividers fry will eventually swim through and some will be lost through getting eaten, etc. You can always cull if it gets a bit much. Or just do 2-3 pairs.
  5. I've now had another fish disappear, my lovely fire fish/goby. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!? The hood has been down, they CANNOT physically jump out. I know where the crab lives and I've been checking it's spots, there's no corpses. It cannot possibly be devouring these fish entirely that fast. It's just not possible... is it?? And why now if that is the case?!
  6. Me? A bad influence? I have NO idea what you're talking about. :whistling:
  7. We frequently have Apistos breeding in 10-20lt 'community' tanks.. They can get very aggressive and chase the other fish but I don't see it being much of a problem in a 2ft. In any case, you could just use those temporary plastic dividers and keep 4 different livebearers and 4 different types of apisto in a 2ft tank.
  8. Nano, Shadoh! lol Neffy, I just wish I could show it off better. It really has to be seen with the naked eye to really capture the beauty of it.
  9. ^ With both blue and white LEDs on.. This camera makes it look REALLY blue, it's not that blue. Honest. ^ With blue LED on only! Still not this blue IRL. Or not this dark blue, anyway. lol Not all the coral is open because of me moving some easier and the big clump of star polyps on the LHS bottom refuses to open more but a few polyps lately.
  10. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I figured out more of the camera functions! Hold onto your seats while I upload the rest...
  11. Super reactive to the salt water today. Very weird. I need some motivation to stick my arm in that tank and scrub the bloody algae off so I can take pics.. edit- ok I sucked it up and went to work on the tank righting a few corals that disgruntled crab has knocked over, scrubbed off some algae and fed the coral for the first time in over a week.. Haven't gotten our order of coral food yet GRR. It was ordered last week!!! It'll take a while for the tank to clear up BUT.. pics will come later tonight!! :)
  12. Bought 5 $1.50 something digital thermometers.. They're all relatively accurate! WOW! Suction caps are FAIL though.

    1. forever_and_a_day


      lol. almost all of the suction caps in my fish area are fail >_> the heaters just dangle there and thermometers sink/float

    2. Yanagi


      I expect old suction caps to die but these are new, I have 5 hanging out of my marine tank and 3 just keep falling off and hitting the cabinet lol.. What do you expect for under $2ea though. I'm happy enough. And apparently my heater isn't doing much, again!!

  13. My theory is they come in on plants as teeny tiny larve. One nearly wiped out an entire betta spawn of mine. *shudder* KILL IT WITH FIIIIIIIIIRRRREEEEEEEE
  14. I've bred Cories in a 40lt tank, bronze seem to be the absolute dead easy ones but albinos aren't far behind. Peppered are my favourite larger cories though. A 2ft is fine for a breeding pair of angels as long as they're good parents and don't need to separate the fry. It can be hard to tell the Rams apart unless you know what you're actually looking at. There's so many hybrids (ballons x normal, blue ram x gold ram, long fin x short fin) so unless they're true germans it's not easy. Size/maturity has to do with it, too. Females should have a prominent vent/ovi spot similar to female bettas but much further back. Also a pinker belly. Males should be displaying to each other. Or just get a trio and leave them to their own devices. You can get gold rams, neon blue rams, blue rams, long fins (rare), short fins and balloon rams as far as I know. There may be more varieties out there. Blue/Neon Blue/Gold rams, Bolvian rams, African Butterfly cichlids (often dull) and Apistos are most commonly avaliable dwarf cichlids aside from kribensis (nigerian reds are amazing!).
  15. Another vote for cories, very easy. We have a breeding pair of convicts at work, I just collected about 50-100 fry earlier today lol.. Occies (Dwarf) Gouramis Apistogrammas Neo. Brichardi Do different species of bettas count? Super bonus points for Clownfish or Bangaii Cardinals LOL
  16. you haven't been keeping up with the updates have you ness? tsk tsk. No more eel. Forces me to rule out too many fish and too much risk to my poor hands lolmt, I would totally ignore that sign after seeing it for too long, lmao. I am like that.. Please excuse any typos, poor grammar or auto correct, I am on my phone lol
  17. Glad you guys are enjoying this, lol. Barracks is sold I just can't get rid of it until the fish are gone.. But I have resorted to throwing the left over fish in guppy traps to float in my community tank so I can get rid of the bloody thing. I still need these fish gone though. Lunch time at work, got two adorable little GC conures sitting on the chair behind/beside me!
  18. I've just realized the tank may not even fit in here.. We'll probably have to take the door off the hinges and even then I'm not sure it's going to fit... It will be a tight squeeze (between a tank and a dresser with a tank on it!) if it does. And I wanted a bigger tank, originally.. lol! Luckily (sort of?) the parents said no to a 4 x 2 x 2 on the poor floor. I brought home a pretty acan coral on friday, I'll take a pic if I can be bothered to clean off the algae after work. Fluro green and purple! Actually I think it's time for another FTS since the 'scape has changed again. Considering getting a starfish to eat the algae but I'm worried disgruntled crab might take a liking to this rare delicacy. Can only try, though.
  19. Well tank seems to be ok but I am minus 1 fish who is no where to be found going on day 3 now. He must of gone carpet surfing then one of my cats or dog ate him... No corpse to be found. RIP Slim Shady the skinny fang blenny. I was proven wrong, he didn't last 10 days after all. Flame angel is doing very well. Eating like she's only ever had frozen food and doesn't seem to touch any of the corals. Yet. So. The 4ft. Decided I will go with just T5 lighting. I can upgrade to LEDs should the need arise but I'm seeing a lot of people suddenly dropping these units very, very quickly. Dodgy much?! Shesh. Well, that will save me more than a pretty penny at $119.. But tubes need to be replaced. LEDs don't. The dollars will all add up eventually, sigh. Quarantine... I've come up with what I see as the perfect solution to QTing marine fish. As it stands I don't have a QT tank which makes me a hypocrite to everyone I scold for not quarantining new fish, especially tangs.. lol I am going to put a 2ft tank in the cabinet and connect it to the sump via pumps with taps. Any time a new fish comes in, taps go off, pumps go off and there we have it, a fully cycled quarantine tank with the exact same parameters as the display (sponge filter running at all times, of course!). Qt over, just open the taps, plug the pumps back in and away I go. The only flaw I see in this so far is I am likely to forget there's a fish in the cabinet that I need to feed.. LOL This is moving too slowly for my liking. I got the 4ft about 3 weeks ago and all that's been done is the background was scraped off and repainted black. Boo. List of stuff to do for the 4ft; Cabinet needs to be roughed up, painted black. Handles replaced. Tank and sump cleaned up. GET RID OF THE BARRACKS OMG I FEEL LIKE THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. TAKE MY FIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH PLEEEEEEEASE! Buy a lot of stuff. Cry over the cost of stuff. Enjoy tank. I think that's about it... Cookies and Halfmoons to whoever bothers to read my blabbering. I'm mostly just using this thread as a journal now *lol*
  20. Not just that but exactly how much water you need to move. Without more details all anyone can do is spout off numbers.
  21. Got 3 of my last bettas at work hoping a customer will take them - then just one left that i'm waiting for a lady to pick up! I haven't had this few bettas since i started

    1. Yanagi


      customer didn't show up.. nice.

  22. I could cry.. anemone went through the powerhead while I was at work. I've come home to cloudy tentacle soup and don't have enough salt water on hand to do a water change. Fish are ok, a lot of the coral is closed up, one seems to be in distress. This could very well nuke my tank. And about very ready to smash the tank over my dad's head. He's been keeping beginner freshwater fish for 30 years so he clearly knows everything. Water changes fix nothing and what good are powerheads anyway?? Gee whizz. Thanks for your knowledge. This coming from the same moron who will cover the entire surface of a tank with flake food at feeding time. Then throw in the chicken pellets by the handful.
  23. !@#$%^&^$%^@#$!@#$!@# Anenome went through the power head.. arrrrgggghhhhhhh nooooo!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yanagi


      Thankfully with a dose of amguard and over-skimming the tank has cleared up over night. I think I caught it soon enough but probably won't know the full extent for a couple of days.

    3. Matt_95


      I hate that, never happened to me but a mate went away and it happened to him. Lost pretty much everything. I hope you don't loose anything and nothing gets sick.

    4. Yanagi


      Actually looks like everyone is ok. I had to move/rearrange everything to pick out all the tentacles so no one ate them.. Much happier with how it looks but still not satisfied.

  24. Looking good. I've just move that rock in the middle over to the left further and angle it, it looks too central there. Have you decided on your fish?
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