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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. They don't appear to be the same pair as the ones on AB to me, either. They are still rather nice, though. I like the white PKs but is it just me or are they SUPER long in the body? Love love love the males tail shape though. Shame about the orange boy. Damn tail biters.
  2. Getting stabbed under the finger nail by a dried up and gone hard suction cap.. not cool. Bleeding like crazy, also not cool.

    1. les


      if you put pepper on it it will stop bleeding as it is an astringent

    2. Yanagi


      Oh really? I'll have to try that next time!

  3. Just stating that imported ones we get are always unhealthy. I bought pair after pair after pair and couldn't fix a single one of them. I think we'll be switching over to australian bred only when we can because we've never had an issue. Imported one with the start of a bacterial infection and skinny. Sorry for thread hijack, lol.
  4. I didn't say which one because I can't remember!! lol.. I think maybe Pisces? I don't think AI's are Australian bred ones..
  5. I'm again feeling the need for a change in aquascape. Get the rocks away from the walls of the tank. I'm not too sure what exactly I want to do through because the fish LOVE it as it is. Nice big cave up the RLH corner for the ugly tang, another beside it for the clowns and I think the cardinals sometimes get in it too, etc.I do have a very large amount of rock in there for the size tank it is, anyway... Hmmm. That tang really needs to go. Or I just need another marine tank to play with... I do have another tank sitting around with excess live rock, and now a bit of macro algae that I have been letting pods and other crittbers breed in freely. This tank is aimed towards bringing home a Mandarin, fattening it up and training it to eat frozen foods.. But there isn't any reason it can't look nice.. right? ... Perhaps another project in the works. I just looked at some older photos of the tank and the leathers have grown SO much. I'm pretty happy with that! So has the random plate coral up in the rear right hand corner, the one the coral goby is sitting on. I got it half dead. It's got a lot of new growth on it now.
  6. Yay, praise for my photos! I'm really slowly working out the kinks in this camera.. my 2 favourite pieces don't have their own individual shots because 1. the goni isn't out and 2. i can't get it to focus properly on the monti. I'm really still disappointed with the fact this camera does NOT like the blue light. It washes everything out and I have to go back and photoshop in the right colour, or as close to it as possible. The last one pictured looks INCREDIBLE under the blue only LEDs but I just couldn't capture it. He is definitely SUPER SAIYAN. I have to keep him now, don't I? I am again considering the snowflake eel.. We got 2 new ones in at work and hOH my god. One is an absolute NUTTER. He's so aggressive he actually bit one of the triggerfish and shook him around like crazy. I didn't know whether to beat him off or laugh at the trigger getting his own back (he steals the eels food and tried to bite me once). It was over before I could do anything so I was just left standing there dumb struck.. NOT that I want that eel. No thanks. I'll stick to a more placid one. Where was I going with this story? I'm not sure. Eels are cool. Lemon? Oh.. So vodka doesn't work for sore throats? Been working so far!! LOL And honey in my tea.. FTS.
  7. Alrighty, first of all.. I think I have come to a conclusion. Therefore his name should be Super Saiyan. AM I RITE?!?!?!
  8. That hurts, Busman. lol Ok seriously, pictures are coming very soon.. Had to go watch the recorded episode of the block with mum. Now to edit a bit... You're probably all in bed by now but oh well. I HAS NEW STUFFS.
  9. Some wholesalers are now stocking Australian bred dwarf gouramis, which means we're getting both females and males. Time to poke and prod your LFS?
  10. Don't make me take a vote!!! George is conflicted and distressed by his constantly changing name! In other news.. Pics of tank to come. Paul don't say a word!
  11. GORGEOUS CABINET Omg I LOVE it.. too bad my tank is too wide. I am not sure how to bring it up to my parents that I want to upgrade. Already. LOL Fact is, the tank I bought has some seriously bad scratches in a couple of places, the cabinet needs work that I don't want to do and my dad doesn't either. I just want something that I can unload from the van, put it in my room and fill it up. By the way, Joe/Ralph says he despises the name Rufus.. Sorry, Shadoh. A fish wants what a fish wants and it isn't to be named Rufus! :no:
  12. I do want to keep him lol Only issue is they are notorious beasts for marine ich. They also need big big biiiiig tanks, at least 250lt or so. This is so wrong. I'm already considering upgrading and my 4ft isn't even wet yet. I want a 5 x 18 x 26 or so, then I would keep the Tang. Who by the way is named JOE! Maybe. I kind of like Ralph now. What have you people done? I don't normally name my fish... Someone come water change all my tanks for me. I'm siiick and my throat is on fire and I don't want to do anythinggg
  13. I have ended up with a big Powder Blue Tang who a customer brought in with white spot. I don't know what he thought we were going to do with it.. but regardless, he's mine (for) now. lol In the hospital tank... He's pretty shy. I don't know if I will keep him, I just want to fix him up right now. A 4ft tank is pretty freaking small housing for a PBT. Maybe I need to go tank shopping again...
  14. Gone through my 2nd box of tissues in 3 days. Yan doesn't do 'sick' well.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      Sending mental hugs and chicken noodle soup xxxx

    2. Sarah


      Nawww, get well soon Yan! x

    3. Abby


      AWWW hope your getting better Yah

  15. They're fine. We keep males only tanks at work and one separate tank for the girls.
  16. I'd probably just leave them to sort it out. I added two very small (between 10c coin and 20c coin sized) koi angels in with my breeding pair with no dramas. Female chases the little kois if they come too close but nothing serious. If it gets to the point of physical damage I'd either add more or send the bullied angel back to the shop.
  17. Congrats! lol Happens pretty often. Every time my dad cleans his canister he has me hold a net to drain the water through. It's usually just guppy fry.
  18. Talking about the Shellies, Busman? I can't speak for other shops but the Ocellatus and Neo. Multifasciatus should be regularly avaliable and reasonably priced. I think we have them both at around $20 a pair but I am a bit fuzzy on the details as I don't sell many and I'm sick. I can't even remember the actual size of our cichlid display.. Just that it's 10ft long.. and big. We had Fronnys, peacocks, brichardi, electric yellows, mainganos, ornatus.. We had a bit of everything, really. We sold off the old fish and started again recently though and again there's just a big mixture. A bit o this and a bit o that. Also, Ness...
  19. Certainly not trying to step on anybody's toes since I can admit I am far from a cichlid expert (second least favourite fish type.. right behind freako deformed goldfish lmao) but we do not even come close to following the gender ratio rules in our cichlid display at work and never have.. It is a massive tank though so perhaps that overrules the gender ratio dealio? Again, backing out of the convo now, lol.
  20. Grrr. Well. I haven't gotten a reply from the company, I didn't expect one on a weekend but I sent my emails before the weekend with no reply. If this is their regular customer service, WELL! I can tell you I am not buying anything from that brand again, and I'll let anyone who asks know. How flipping hard is it to say 'Yes this is one of our older models.' or 'No, that product is not one of our own, yadda yadda'. Contacting the ebay seller now... Oh and I appear to be.. growing an acro?? Not the one I added recently but one that came on a bit of live rock. It had appeared to be bleached but the part that was encrusting it to the rock was still fluro green and healthy looking. I'll have to refer to some older pictures of the tank but it looks like it's coming back to life. Very cool. In other news, coral goby is going to starve it's self. I haven't seen it eat ANYTHING. It's getting very skinny very fast. Stupid thing. Oh and my cat/elegance coral fell off the rock and onto my frogspawn the other day. I think the frogspawn has like killed it. Ugh. Pretty little elegance coral refuses to open up and has lost some colour. Some random plate coral (no one was sure what it was.. they just gave it to me because it was dying) is growing and doing very well, I'm quite surprised and pleased. Tank is an algae pit and I'm sick with a sinus infection or the flu or something so I barely have the strength to stand so no pics tonight... Awesome. I also have work tomorrow. (
  21. Oh come on Sarah, don't be afraid of a little salt! It's not expensive if you do fish only with live rock (FOWLR). ;)
  22. Shesh you people post a lot. Half of that wasn't even up there when I started my reply. *backing out of thread slowly*
  23. I believe you're referring to top filter. I would definitely switch to a canister and maybe keep the top filter as supplemental filtration. Love some of the colours of the cichlids but I wouldn't have them. Not my cuppa tea. Plus they tend to destroy plants. Some of my favourites... Cynotilapia Afra 'Cobue' Labidochromis sp. 'Hongi' Pseudotropheus Saulosi Pdeudotropheus elongatus Mpanga Metriaclima pulpican / Kingsizei Good old Labidochromis Caeruleus, the Electric Yellow Melanochromis sp. Maingano OR you could go with salty!
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