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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. By a 'small school' how small do you actually mean? Like a Betta sorority, they will get along better in larger numbers, or you are best off with just a breeding pair. More on that later... I have 7 now in my 90lt tank and am upgrading to a 48 x 18 x 24, that's 300lt or so and should hold the number the fish I've got even at full adult size. I went for 18 wide because it will be a fully decked out planted tank. Depending on the tank size you go with, I'd get a group of 6-8 and let them grow up together, some will eventually pair off and if someone is getting picked on you can just take them back and get more. I've added ones the size of 20c coins in with my breeding pair when they were about 3.5in in body length (fins not included) and while the female was unhappy and chased them away, things settled down and they are now fine. Sexing them can be difficult even as adults and sexing them at the sizes you see them in an LFS is impossible. I wouldn't even worry about it. Buy a group and remove the 1-2 trouble makers you'll likely get. If you want a breeding pair, buy 4 and let them grow up. You'll get two pair off (it's obvious when they do) and you can sell the others if they are getting picked on or disturbing the breeding pair. Temperament varies as much as Bettas do. You get the ones who don't get along with anybody, you get ones who is every bodies best friend and the odd loner. They are all pretty intelligent fish and will recognize their owner/feeder, lol. I can't really say they school, but that's likely my tank size. They do hang out in groups, though. By the time they get to adult size they will easily fit tetra and rasbora in their mouths. That said my pair are big enough to eat the rasbora in there at the moment but they don't. That may change though and if it does I'll just switch to a larger tetra like widow or diamond. I don't worry about it, everything is kept well fed. I did lose a few Espei and my Maculata to a feisty shark though. Standard tropical fish temperature of 26 is fine. Mine are kept in soft acidic water because that's what most of the fish in there prefer, and so do the plants. They are fine in neutral though. Hmm, I think that's everything? I have no connections to breeders. I just buy whatever pretty fish happen to land in the shop. :)
  2. FS: Single channoides male. ARGH. No sign of a female corpse.

  3. Hi Amanda, I'm the one who referred you here, Krystal. Glad to see you joined!
  4. Apisto fry.. Come on folks, this is disappointing.
  5. Gosh I think the forum broke. No one elses pictures are showing!!! :notsure:
  6. No they get Tetra Colour flake and Tetra granules as well. I've also got some small sinking Spectrum pellets for my Apistos and what not but all the smaller Angels will munch on those too. They only get a small amount of one of the above once or twice a day, if they beg. Before I used to be throwing food in every time I walked past the tank because they would always sit there begging which is when I came up with this out of pure laziness, lol. The net varies. If I get a small bag of worms (15ml) then that usually lasts 2-3 days, but on the bigger bags of worm (30ml) that will last a week as long as the worm stays good. Sometimes it's a bad batch that doesn't last as long and I've got to quickly feed it off to all my fish before it all dies. FTR I also grab out small amounts for the channoides and simplex.
  7. Probably a bit overstocked Busman, and geez. Couldn't really settle for a schooler, could you? hahaha. I despise the mixed batches of tetra/rasbora look sorry. Also, to everyone, I am sorely disappointed at the lack of photos! And I'm still winning in the overstocked category, haha. I should of made you share your filtration too! Go back and add that, everyone.. I'm running an Aqua One Aquis 700 and and no-name brand internal filter rated for 1000l/ph, nothing but sponge in it.
  8. ^ AND APISTO FRY! Just noticed them and mum swimming around the back of the tank!
  9. I thought it was time to have another thread about something other than Bettas (gasp!). 90Lt I'm running an Aqua One Aquis 700 and and no-name brand internal filter rated for 1000l/ph, nothing but sponge in it. 6 x Angelfish 2 x Pearl Gourami 1 x Ghost knife fish 1 x Bristlenose 12 (?) x Rasbora Espei 1 x Otto 3 x Siamese Algae Eater 1 x Panda Guppy 5 x Apistogramma Hongsloi Fab Form II 1 x Male Betta who needs to come out when I can find a spot for him My tank is overstocked to the max, haha. Please note as I do work in an LFS once fish get too big I can and do take them back. It's nearing that time with some of the Angels but I would rather upgrade and keep my school. Looking for a much bigger tank now. Mr Big, the male from my breeding pair. A little koi who I believe is a male and may end up being sent back to work for being an aggressive little snot. Drop dead gorgeous Smokey Leopard angel. And the absolute best way I've found of keeping everybody happy.. A never ending supply of food. They would gorge themselves at first, and new fish will do it too.. Then they realize, oh, it's always there and eat when they are hungry and often partake in group feeding sessions. Not a skinny fish in sight! So what's in your community tank? Pictures required ;)
  10. *cries* We have a tank full of TEENY TINY Koi angels at work and I want to take them ALL home!!

  11. It's times like these I miss my betta barracks

    1. shadoh


      It's times like this that I wish mine wasn't full... There are some beauties up for sale right now :)

    2. melbournebetta
  12. PVO is now in place, stalker comes near me he gets arrested on the spot.

  13. Ah sorry, didn't want to try and correct you. I was referring to Neffy saying they look like they're in suits, lol.
  14. That pattern is called Tuxedo. :P
  15. Hahaha I want to answer them all but I rather have an unfair advantage, don't I?
  16. If you have an aggressive Platy, get rid of it. Shop should take it back. There's way too many nice Platies to waste your time with one little snot headed fish. :P
  17. Looking GOOD! The fish look very happy. Ness all the filter media is in the tank on the bottom shelf, aka the sump. There's also a heater in the end compartment of said sump so water is heated before being pumped back up into the tanks.
  18. The 'one above' is a pajama cardinal!
  19. Very nice! (I liked your purple bucket with random tools thrown in it.. I just have a box. I want a purple bucket too)
  20. Ahh my god my brain hurts so much. Got home an hour ago from a staff meeting/presentation at work all about the new Red Sea range. I've seen improvement in just DAYS so I was already sold on it. Then he showed us images of growth rates over 42 days. OMG. Did NOT look like the same coral. Wow. Based on what he's shared, my system is more in the 'colour' range of the spectrum rather than one focused on growth and that's ok with me. I have a lot of LARGE pieces of coral in there and fast running out of room for more acan pieces. Going to take a while to all sink in. I brought home a cleaner wrasse ( am I the only one who sees this as something other than what it's meant to be..? lol) already eating frozen food and friendly as all get out. Ought to make my dad happy since I lost the blennywho was his favourite a while ago. This is the first 'new' fish the Tang has accepted without a fuss. Swam right up to the wrasse, raised his gill and got on his side for a nice cleaning.. Wrasse swam right past, lol.
  21. Check our reef/marine forums, gumtree, ebay, etc. I got mine off ebay and I think I may have seen a few on MASA recently. Basically, yeah. You can mix an orange and a black one. Stick to one pair only, or maybe one other single one but 2 pairs won't work.. And yeah, never mix clown types... as you've obviously experienced, it doesn't work lol Clowns can be super aggressive and territorial. I have no idea. I've only seen a glimpse of it once as it scuttled back under a rock. I have no idea why one type would hitchhike and the other not, that just does not sound right. More than likely just eating pods. Maybe a few snails here and there as I've had a bunch of snails pop up as hitchhikers.
  22. Tell him to check out second hand ones, they often go VERY reasonably, and well under retail. ;P ^ ocellaris, lol. Mine are pretty cool but they refuse to host in ANYTHING. I've got plenty of choices for them but nope. The ones in the display at work will host in mushrooms.... Mantis hasn't touched anything I don't think, but I have noticed ripped fins on some of my fish occasionally.. It's really odd because there is very little aggression and when there is, it's a little chasing between the cardinals and that's that. Both cardinals have turned up every now and then with ripped fins on their lower halves and the flame angel as well. Kind of odd, I don't know who or what to blame for it. The coral goby would be the first thing to go if the Mantis really wanted to, though.
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