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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Oops, forgot about this thread. I'd be cleaning EVERYTHING on that barracks, especially pumps, hoses, anything where something can get stuck and rot. I'd be tossing out the bioballs and getting a better media such as one I mentioned above. The more you have of that, the more surface area you will have for good bacteria to grow and eventually eat that ammonia. I'd toss out the rest of the sponges as well and replace at least 1 of them with 1 from the healthy barracks.
  2. My Imbellis look like hybrids to my eyes... :(

    1. Rhysmachine101


      Oh! this is disheartening! Perhaps they are not? Possibly?

    2. Yanagi


      They've got a lot of red on them for 'Imbellis'. :(

  3. What filter media are you using aside from the bioballs? BTW, bioballs are next to useless and if they are fully submerged then they are indeed completely useless. Get some seachem matrix or eheim biomech/substrat pro. Have you opened up the pump and checked it's all pristine in there? When it's turning cloudy (without the fish) is there actually ammonia present? Are you feeding the tank at all?
  4. Very little bacteria lives in the water so not much use using old tank water.
  5. Oh man.. The Wild Bettas from the preorder are due in tomorrow. Long before my tank is going to get here... Will have to set back up another tank!

  6. Having trouble getting our furniture shipped from QLD so have to wait even longer for my tank! :(

  7. Stay tuned for an update of stock @ Auburn Aquarium.. Some niiice fish!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      LOL I thought that was you but didn't want to be a creeper.

    3. Sarah


      Haha, I wouldn't have minded!

      Last time I was there one of the staff asked if I was friend's with a Rebecca somebody, as I 'looked like a friend of hers'! Haha. Poor girl, she was so embarrassed.

      I love going there, just looking at everything. Dad doesn't even come in now. Pulls up in the car-park, and reclines the chair.

    4. Yanagi


      lol Whenever I am there on the weekend picking up stuff my mum comes in anyway to play with the bird. :P

  8. Stay tuned for an update of stock @ Auburn Aquarium.. Some niiice fish!

    1. Backshabz1


      do you get any wild bettas at your shop?

  9. Purple firefish I got last friday has come out for the first time today!! So pretty!

    1. Sarah



      Think it's time to bring out the camera. :)

  10. Hop on google and have a better look at them, you'll see what a mean about being coppery. They're pretty awesome. Google searching in Australia turns up basically nothing though. They can't really not exist here.. Surely.. That would be cruel.
  11. He is one of my favourites. He has gotten a bit feral at the moment with the new additions and tank rearranging. I hope he settles back down. He's what the breeder called a smokey leopard, but he does seem to have quite a bit of iridescence to him. I need to study up more on Angel genetics and proper terminology. I think you're thinking of a strain that already exists? It's called Pinoy Smokey, which I don't think I've seen in Australia. They are much more 'copper' and very, very lovely.
  12. Angels have become my Betta replacements, lol. Gorgeous, colourful and intelligent. They're also community suitable and able to be kept in social groups.. LOL I'd kill for a copper dragon Angel. This boy is as close as I can get to a copper it seems.
  13. I am looking into getting some black angels, a pearlscale and some veiltails for my new tank. I want at least 1 Angel of every main colour and/or type, lol. They'll only be little ones though. :P
  14. This little black girl is going to be a stunner when she's bigger. Breeding pair of pearl gouramis, girl in front male in back. Their first breeding attempt.. Eggs didn't last the night. New tank will have moonlights installed under the hood! Nasty little Platinum who was bossing around two other small Kois so I added them all into the community tank today as well. My big girl set him straight and this hiding away was the result. Was nice to see him get his own back!! LOL Awkward pic though, makes him look misshapen. He's a normal little boy, honest. lol
  15. Quite some time ago I bought my first 'big' tank. A second hand 90lt Aqua One Euroview 90. It was to be my planted tank, but still on a learning curve and due to my endless laziness I made plenty of mistakes and killed a lot of plants. Then I switched over to low light low maintenance plants and never looked back. April 6th August 2nd Now a days the fish are running out of swimming space as I keep packing more and more fish and plants into the tight quarters. The time has come again to upgrade. Due to be delivered in about 3 weeks I have a 48 x 18 x 24 approx 330lt tank. Until then I had to remove my beloved fern as it was hitting the front, the back and the side of the tank. It's now squished up in a 2ft tank taking up 2/3 of it. Today, August 20. I think it's pretty safe to say the fish are going to love their new digs. I'll update this thread when I get my new tank.. Until then, here's some pics of the residents...
  16. 3 Weeks until my new tank and furniture gets here.. OMG. Busting with excitement.

    1. kermadum


      Can't wait to see it!!

    2. Yanagi


      Me too, haha!!

  17. I want an Oscar so I can train it. I trained a crowntail Betta I had.. But on oscar would be much more fun. I bet instead of pushing the ping pong ball he could pick it up and spit it across the room. It's human fetch!!
  18. I had my barracks running as the picture displayed, minus the back section. I had a heater down each end and an internal filter that sucked in water on the left hand end chamber and I popped a hose on the outlet and had it pumping water into the right hand end chamber. My barracks had a gap at the front rather than on the bottom. Worked well enough but wasn't very pretty. The current was was also pretty bad in the right end chamber so I could only keep a female in it.
  19. Pearl Gouramis just bred.. AWESOME. I forgot how cool bubblenests were.

    1. les


      Will you post some pics please Yan would love to see them and the nest

  20. Oscars One day I shall have one.. Or 5...
  21. :o Really? You don't like even the Pearl Gouramis? I absolutely love mine. They look fantastic. I don't like Bristlenose much, but the albino long fins and peppermints are certainly different and a bit flashy.
  22. I haven't found anything yet that won't live with them just fine, LOL. Mind you my biggest one is at about 4 inch in body length now. Rams or Apistogrammas are a good choice but only one or the other, do not mix. I love love love me Pearl Gouramis in planted tanks with Angels, mine practically glow orange. Other gouramis work well too, dwarf or normal sized. Corydoras are an excellent choice. I love me some Pandas and Peppered. Bristlenose work well, too. I'll be getting some Peppermints for my big tank. Larger tetra are a good fish for schooling. Sissortail, Diamond, Widow, Emperor, Bleeding Heart, etc. Female Bettas or short finned males do fine as well but take caution mixing Bettas with Apistogrammas, some may also not get along with Gouramis but I've never had an issue.
  23. Just been reading some of those sites you have linked to.. Wow some of them are fanatical about what you can keep with Angels.. LOL I'd like to see their faces if they found out what I keep with mine!
  24. They can be sexually mature within 6-8 months or so, but to get to adult size you're looking at probably around 1-2 years. It really does vary a lot.
  25. For that size tank I'd say you can have one pair and that's that, especially if you're going for straight out adults. God only knows how long it takes to get to adult size. Everyone will have a different experience based on feeding habits, temperature, tank size, etc. I think you misread that site. It's saying 10 gallons per mature breeding fish, that's just under 40lt. :P
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