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Status Updates posted by Yanagi

  1. Discus on their way out... Look what will soon be moving in.

    1. Yanagi



  2. Seriously wishing I had of converted the Discus tank to marine before I moved out of home. Now I don't have the money for the initial costs. :(

  3. Debating tearing down the Discus tank and converting to FOWLR.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 6ftaquaman


      Not a fan of discus myself. They remind me of balloons just hovering around.

    3. Yanagi


      I lost the only Discus I owned which had a real personality. Used to be able to pat him on the head.

    4. melbournebetta
  4. To join everybody elses deaths, I was just informed three of my HMs drowned in their jars which my birds submersed when they knocked the foam lid into the box. I was in a rush and didn't check the jars were still floating.. :( They were going to be donated to the SBG. Ugh.

    1. myboynme


      Thats so sad:( sorry to hear it Yan.

  5. Anyone in Sydney looking for Betta Albimarginata? 4 tank raised (bred there) fish up for grabs. Believed to be 2 males, 1 female and a runt. forgot the price though.. :)

    1. Yanagi


      ^ at auburn aquarium

    2. paul


      Saw them today... cute litle things - a couple of them are still quite small, but look healthy. I also noticed the new betta dispaly is up... much better!!!!!!

    3. Yanagi


      Glad you like it Paul :) I put a lot of effort into that, haha. No one else is allowed to touch it.

  6. Wishes I had room for a 6 x 2 for my Discus

  7. My croaking gouramis are awesome, been croaking for ages! I can't believe people say they've never heard it!

  8. Regetting not getting bigger shoals of barbs. They're totally scattered all over the tank. :(

    1. gulp


      How many do you have?

    2. gulp


      How many do you have?

    3. Yanagi


      10 Cherry Barbs and oh geez I can't remember now.. 6 or 8 Odessa Barbs.

  9. AUBURN AQUARIUM now stocking Indian Almond Leaf!

    1. Veantire


      The same packaged stuff that I bought that little while ago, or are we talking bigger quantities of it now? At any rate, I might come in tomorrow and have a stickybeak =P

    2. Yanagi


      They're the same as the ones I gave you but smaller sizes (aka more suited for betta tanks). Quantities up to 200 leaf packs.

  10. My blue/white plakaty boy actually has yellow-wash.

  11. One of my breeding pairs of Discus has eggs.. on the piece of driftwood I want to remove.. Argh!

    1. zhong89


      hahaha... lol they always do that don't they? I always seems to get spawns when I'm about to move house

    2. zhong89


      hahaha... lol they always do that don't they? I always seems to get spawns when I'm about to move house

    3. little_troppo


      I always get spawns when I am about to buy a pair of angels.

  12. Found one of my grooming comp fry sticking out the mouth of another grooming comp fry... uhhhh... oops.

    1. Zui
    2. paul


      Well that's one way to ensure a protein rich diet for some of the fry. Good job Yan!

      And if he makes a habit of it... he can just eat the competitors on the day you guys have to judge a winner.

    3. Yanagi


      lmao Paul, if only I could train him to do it on command

  13. Feel like getting a job with the wholesalers so I can tell them what their bettas ACTUALLY are...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Is this the guy that made you carry the bag of gravel? You could have been all like "oops, dropped it..." on his feet or something. Weellll maybbeee you could have carried it? Geez!

    3. Yanagi


      Nope, a different guy... It was one of those days.

    4. Sarah


      Well tomorrow is a new day!

  15. Yep no worries, I planned on bringing along some spare floating plants for everyone and some IAL for you as well. :)

  16. Anyone here speak Thai? What does 'Hon' mean??

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. somchai2500


      Hom..means sweet, like sweet smell or like Al Pacino..whooowaa

    3. Yanagi


      Hmm, interesting. Especially since he only says it to us girls.

    4. somchai2500


      Sabai dee mai ka... you just said " how are you?"

  17. Warning; certain products where they state that 5ml = 1 capful is INCORRECT. Closer to 10ml! Make sure if you're using a capful as a dose rate that it actually equals 5ml. Don't trust the manufacturer!

  18. Auburn Aquarium has some really nice, well balanced female CTs right now

    1. Sarah


      Aww really? What colours?

    2. Yanagi


      One really nice blue, a few yellows.. that's all I remember lol

    3. Yanagi


      The yellows had blue through them

  19. My angels are spawning as I'm typing this... :P

  20. Looks like I'll be getting a Dusky Lory soon. :D

    1. little_troppo


      Did they find your bird at work?

    2. Yanagi
    3. Yanagi


      Ok, no dusky lory but definitely a cinnamon green cheek conure and possibly a scaly breasted lory. :P

  21. Burnie by big boss discus looks SO confused when I'm not near the tank and yet food is dropped in. It's adorable!

    1. Masquerade


      Lol! Do you have an automatic feeder going?

    2. Yanagi
  22. Argh. The way the light reflects off my pearl gourami it looks like she's covered in bacterial lesions.. I get up and check and she's NEVER got a mark. Stupid light.

  23. WOAH... Just saw my clownfish tail-smack my lionfish in the face... And get away with it!

    1. Sarah


      Tough Nemo!

      ...sorry had to say it... Lucky clownfish.

    2. Yanagi


      Lucky Pew is a lazy bugger. I think he's learning to recognize me. He raises his spine whenever I come near the tank (he doesn't do this to other people....). Not sure whether to take that as a good sign or a sign he's plotting my death. Hmmmm.

    3. Masquerade


      I doubt a he would be plotting your death. If he killed you no one would provide him with room service.

  24. After a 3ft tank with a black cabinet and hood, let me know if you see any for sale. Preferably with an overflow.

  25. Got to set up a proper tank for our tadpoles very soon, some are starting to morph. Getting sick of looking down at them in a bucket!

    1. paul


      At work or home?

      Stumbled across a puddle in Penrith today (after all the rain) that had some taddies in it. Managed to catch a tiny one and brought it home. Hope it becomes a bright green frog!!

    2. Yanagi


      Home :D No frogs allowed in NSW shops

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