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About Yanagi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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    Horses, Betta, Digital Art, The Sims 3

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  1. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rhysmachine101


      Seriously, though- look out for yourself, its sad that you have to, but perhaps a self-defence course?

      If you don't already practise a martial art, that is. Please be careful. My only parting advice would be to go for the groin-and dont be afraid to follow up with a few knees or kicks to the head- better him than you :)

    3. Yanagi


      Actually martial arts is something I've wanted to get into for a LONG time.. But yeah at the moment the guy isn't dangerous.. just seriously can't take no for an answer. Persistent doesn't even cover it.

    4. Fletch


      Yan. Please be careful. Look into a Chinese Kung Fu. Wing Chung, Tong Long ect. These are true self defense, not a sport. I believe that within 3 mths, anyone can learn enough to get out of most situations. These arts are very full on and Wing Chun is designed by a woman and doesn't rely on strength. Was given a hiding by a kid that was 10. I was twenty and an learning instructor.

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