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About Yanagi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Currently Breeding
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    Horses, Betta, Digital Art, The Sims 3

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  1. I have a diagnosis! Patello-Femoral Syndrome! My knee caps don't track properly, gotta see a physio

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. les


      Im feeling your pain I had crondo milatia patela basicly my knees wor out and had to have bilateral tibial transfers to extend time befor an op to have booth knees replaced now metal scaners dont like me and i should be up for a hip next year and and that was all at the age of 45

    3. Yanagi


      Ouch, Les.. I'm not even 20 yet and already feel like an old lady...

    4. les


      get somthing done now mine started of with not tracking proply and ended up like this even if its how to strap proply and good runners like brooks even betta proper orthodic molded for your feet

      CHEERS Les

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