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About Yanagi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Currently Breeding
  • Interests
    Horses, Betta, Digital Art, The Sims 3

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  1. Three cheers for LFS fish! Not a single Thai fish would blow a bubblenest. Put in a boy I got at my LFS and what does he do? Big bubble nest, bars on the female.. Female has been released!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Yanagi


      I'm not sad, just annoyed.. Don't think I'll waste money on importing males again, not when I can order nice fish from my LFS who seem to be much healthier. Females are another story though..

    3. Sarah


      Would be very annoying.

      Yeah, I'm sure the LFS will be able to help you get some nice Bettas. Good luck with the rest, I hope they heal well for you.

    4. Yanagi


      Female was being pretty violently chased so I put her back in the trap this morning. Come home from work to find a biiig nest and a very, very eager male. I think I'll let her back out again before lights out.

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