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About Yanagi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Currently Breeding
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    Horses, Betta, Digital Art, The Sims 3

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  1. At no point in time were any of my 3 pairs from someone ever in together and yet all 3 males have come up with issues.. What the hell is wrong in my tanks?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      About 3 weeks ago they came, doubt stress would cause them to pop up with tumors or bacterial infections.. Velvet and things like that I can see happening but not what's going on with the dragons.

    3. volvodriver


      I agree with the tumor not being stess for sure and so sorry to hear he didn't make it. How is the red dragon boy doing? Good to hear that the lavender boy is over it.

    4. Yanagi


      Must be confused?? All are still alive. Red dragon boy is sulking 'cause I've been taking him out and painting the wound with multicure.. No improvement yet, but not any worse either.

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