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About Yanagi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Currently Breeding
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    Horses, Betta, Digital Art, The Sims 3

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  1. Red Dragons in the spawn tank, female keeps jumping out of her floating tank, regardless of whether or not there is a bubblenest, and gets a bit more beaten up each time. I think she's a bit dumb, but gorgeous!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sarah


      Maybe she should just stay in there. I had a Betta pair in together before a nest was even built, and I got about 300 fry - minimum damage to both parents. Then they were VT, not PK.

    3. Yanagi


      She's been out with him all day now, still no nest. Might have to have another boy become his neighbour for a little while! Doesn't look like much more damage. It's just a bunch of tears anyway, thankfully no fins ripped out.

    4. Sarah


      Hmmm... too bad. At least no ripped out fins!

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