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About paulyeo

  • Birthday 06/03/1983

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas & Other Species

paulyeo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi afr3178, Cloudy eye is caused by bacterial infection. I have treated it in the past using methylene blue. I also added some rock salt and epsom salt to help it along. Malachite green works well too but be careful when dosing and do not use if you have scaleless fish. The downside of using these medication is that it stains your gravel and equipment. I recommend treating the fish in a separate tank away from your aquarium decor. Hope this helps :)
  2. Happy birthday!

  3. This quote could really open up a can of jokes... but i'll leave it too your imagination :D
  4. Looks like a pygmaeus baby. From memory, they do have different markings at this stage. Grow it and we'll find out soon enough :)
  5. Welcome Ricepaddy, Joan and I had a table just opposite the Vic Cichlid society. I like how some members refer to small fish as fish food :)
  6. Happy Birthday Paul!

    Have a great day. :)

  7. Hi queenbrooke, I hear silver dollars eat plants... so for a start i would not add them in :welcome:
  8. Hey Neffy, I like the second photo with all the fish looking at one direction... and the colour gives it a certain feel about the picture Can't really explain what the "feel" is though...
  9. Hi there, I too love Dwarf Gouramis... But the last time I kept them was in 1997. Back then I was in Malaysia and found that they are very easy to keep but very difficult to raise their fry. When I kept them, the conditions were similar to Bettas and Tetras. So really there should not be a problem. Right? However when I attempted to breed them, there was an issue with their immunity. They bred in the thousands but most fry did not survive. This is despite having the best setup at the time (I was living with my Grandfather who was a Discus breeder) and had access to most things needed to be successful with raising fish. Tracing back to that time, I have read articles about the decline in fish immunity due to some farming practices such as inbreeding and raising fish with constant medication and antibiotics. One article in particular was about Dwarf Gouramis. The author reported what I have also experienced with raising the young. Therefore I suspect the imports we get here in Australia may already have weaken immunity, which makes our job as aquarist more difficult. More recently I have also had problems with some guppies I have bought from the stores going belly up within a week or two. I think it comes down to luck and proper quarantine before you introduce your new fish into the community tank.
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