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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

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    2. Neffy


      There was a big group of them! as you enter the fish room turn left on the left wall at the bottom about 3 tanks in, then about 3 more tanks is the huge one! I cant wait to see his personality develop and see how he rearanges the tank!

    3. DenningA.Rajit


      ahh I remember now. I did see them. But, when you mention baby oscars I thought you meant by like 10 or 15 cm in size. The one I saw was much bigger. I like the look of the albinos. and one of the tiger oscars. wanted to give them a hug cos they look so cute and gorgeous. If only I had a bigger tank and permission to renovate the living room into a fish room :D

    4. Neffy


      I do mean that XD the one we got is 10cm long from a tank with about 20 others that size

  2. lol matt if you dont know where the stops are ect, go to the translink website and plot out your route it will give you all the maps and directions you need.
  3. This is fantastic but i cant wait to see the gumball machine tank what an awesome idea!!
  4. Maybe a new thread will get some attention of other members who are ibc registerd? "ibc members needed to continue betta australis" or something people selectivly read threads sometimes.
  5. This is exciting ! I would definetly make the trip for an IBC show hehe I know thats probably far away.. but still :D
  6. haha phew ! Its attached to a small bit of wood, not the huge bit so i can move it about as need be. Its like java fern yea? not going to have any progress on the tank for awhile, ive got another project i need to spend my nights finishing up *sigh*
  7. I am an ibc member how do i become part of betta australis?
  8. hehe 1. buckets are heavy, 2. less water i have to reach into and 3. A trickle from the filter breaking up the surface helps air circulation ? yea its the bolbitus from the auction, its the only tank big enough for it. the tank i had it in before wasnt tall enough and i pushed the tops under the water but they did eventually stick back out and have blackened off a bit the whole things a bit desperate looking atm. Ill give it a try at an angle!
  9. Oh it sounds epic I hope you do find one !
  10. Hahahaha I'm the best guesserah
  11. Very lovely ! They look like gentlemen guppies in a black suit
  12. I love the pic my brain works in picture s I have Lot of unplanted stem plants I can use to fill up the areas I definitely like planting densely on the right there to block the ends of the wood up and push it back to the center more
  13. hehehe wow they have really big eyes ! are you going to spawn them?
  14. I cant recommend live plants highly enough, im sure the forum could help you learn about them You can look into Jodi channel first http://www.youtube.com/user/Fishchick65#g/u for good fish that she gets from thai breeders, there is always the risk you will select this beatifull halfmoon from aquabid and on the trip over he will chew his tail or isnt the same fish on Jodi channel they have been thru that already so you know they have made the trip fine!
  15. ahh fair enough, i dont think plants would kill fish unless they died and rotted or something They really help with water quality when they are healthy tho! fake plants can damage a bettas fins so the silk varieties are better if you do use them!
  16. hmmmmmmmm i think im going to rearrange some of the wood plants and weigh them down with small rocks lot of floating plants this morning haha
  17. Ok i see now, that does sound like a solid plan! Are you going to use real plants they will help by using the waste as a fertiliser and removing nitrates from the tank too!
  18. Yea he is getting pushed about terribly constantly swimming against the current he goes too the surface at the end and gets dunked about a bit I can't see an airline to adjust but if you could reduce it then it could be possible
  19. i couldnt stand trying to plant glosso hehe ive tried it a few times with no luck, i dont think i have good enough lights for it either oh also im not too fussed about covering my wood like the other guy did it only cost me $20 for the huge peice it has much more interesting angles then what i ended with but i couldnt balance it right or stand it up vertically :(
  20. haha no ive grown to dislike sub it blocks my gravel cleaner hose all the time. Normal java fern would fill in quicker with the larger leaves thats true, i also have some of it i also have windelov as well which is quite attractive maybe ill use bits of all of them! do you have any E. Tennulus ? it looks exactly like blyxa to me maybe thinner XD
  21. I love the look of the bio orbs but when ever i see them they have huge coloum of bubbles in the center from the filtration, and to me it seems like itd create too much water movement for the betta trying to breathe at the surface it might wear them out especially the more heavily finned ones, they are built for water that has little to no movement.
  22. for all my scribbling last night i didnt get anything done, my little pepermint decided to escape his net and hid underneath the wood teasing me with his little tail poking out underneath, well come night time i turned all the lights off and waited sure enough he came out and i led him on a merry chase about the tank and recaptured him. Now i can shift it without squishing him so tonight should have a bit more progress. I like the idea of spliting up the wood with some needle leaf !
  23. Thanks pritch! I do own some needle leaf i got at the auction awhile back ill nick some from my bettas tank hehe poor boys, i definetly agree on moving the anubias but ive never had much luck with moss =( would dino dung be suitable for the lotus? Ness if i moved the drifwood all the way to the left would that help with asyemetry a bit more ? the wood is cut off in a straight edge that could go quite snug against the glass then have the rocks more on the right of the tank. all the swords would then go from left to right behind/arround the driftwood with the lotus also too the right in front of them. you would have two diagonal lines going from top left to bottom/mid right the wood and green plants, or should the lines be oposite each other ending in the centers? argh negative space e_e I dunno if that makes sense design is my weakest point =/ maybe i will draw it first on my ipad to see. Yep same tank sarah =D thanks!
  24. Just got to read through and look at all the pictures, what an amazing trip !! the giants where stunners and its a shame to hear about the longfin giants not being very achievable. I cant wait to see your salamander dragon they have to be my most fav colour !!
  25. ok so i sold 2 giant plants and this crap silverleaf thing plant a the fair as well as get some huge driftwood .. its too huge i had to take everything out, catch all the fish and then put it all back in T_T my back is killing me this is all i got done so far opinions?
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