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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. haha Maybe Ian is a savant at ticks... Thanks Les IAL might be helpfull ill put some in! It looks like an irritation thats caused excess slime coat to build up i cant find anything that looks like it so i will be uploading some pics tonight for advice.
  2. you mean i should train him to PLAY SPORTS !! oscar was looking very down in the dumps he was covered in a milky white filmy slime and was very inactive, we took out all his sticks and scrubbed/cleaned them changed 50% of the water and added aquarium salt which saved him. 10hrs later he was completely clear and back to normal very happy and begging at the glass again phew was a shock!
  3. I think the gravel in this case is more beneficial the added surface area for the bacteria would help, Like an undergravel filter works. Im still a huge supporter for the trickle/drip bar in pauls picture tho !!
  4. with just the holes in the wall you might not get the cell water circulating as well like pauls picture u need it to be forced into the area so it pushes the old water out the exit the holes in the wall would be a good exit but i dont think that water would flow in and out of them without aditional help. to connect 2 you could have something like an overflow weir or a drainage pipe drilled into the wall in the top barraks, set at a higher height when the water reaches that height it goes into the pipe and down into the 2nd barraks sump the upside down U part sits on the edge of the tank and the pipe conects to a pump it needs to have the water pulled down
  5. the main thing i cant see yet is how are you getting the water into each cell from the sump at the back and i think this will be the trickiest part your filter will be removing and adding water into the back section but then how does it make its way to the fish cells, is the water going into the first cell and then thru each cell and back out to the sump in the last cell ?? you will need to be carefull that you are forcing the water to replace in the cells the fish are in and not just filtering the back section only because the water isnt flowing in and out of the cells. the picture in the link is actually a pretty good way but it would require you to pump the water into each cell with a drip like system then it exits from the back wall which is 2 planes close together one with a gap at the top and one with a gap at the bottom.
  6. 5!!! haha Ill see what i can do for a vid.
  7. Can blind bettas still find food?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neffy


      that is good to hear hopefully i can get her to eat, otherwise i will put her down (lost one in a fight and the other has fungused) so sad.

    3. Sarah


      I had a completely blind Betta once, he was 5 and a half years old.

      He could find food for a little bit, with vibrations and smell - but then just couldn't.

      I ended up putting food on the surface when he was about to come up for air, then he would blindly gulp for food all around the water surface.

      Sadly, he died shortly after this.

    4. les


      some of the waters that they originaly come from are prity muky they should pick up live food by vibration and such

  8. haha im told im not alloud any new tanks i asked if i was alloud to replace current tanks with larger versions since now he will have to replace the 3ft with a 6ft when oscar grows up I got told no, but im going to do it anyway :P
  9. This is my partners first fish ! I converted him to the fish keeping hobby, now its a constant battle against over feeding and panic attacks ... no he isnt dead hes just sulking.... today is the first day he has sorta greeted us, getting used to us being in the house now and wont hide at the slightest glimpse of something moving out side his tank. I have to admit i was reaching for the food bag when he greeted us today, very cute fish! just a wee bub
  10. its taller i dont fill it all the way (lazy) i cropped it so ppl wouldnt whinge about the water lvl again -_^
  11. Thanks umm im not completely sure, its 150-90 liters, came with a stand was pricey
  12. ooooh ill wait and see how it goes :D
  13. You are putting them on the inside of the tank too, in the water? they wont cause any problems ? what about rust?
  14. D= magnets its perfect !!! I cant wait to see how the magnet & netting dividers work its brilliant ! my tank is similar its one long tank that i add dividers in as i need, but they are very unstable so magnatising them would be great!
  15. Ahh i wasnt aware the bark also came of the tree, I bet itd be in the same way the leaf does and sap free!
  16. beeecauuuseeee they arent rainbow they are silver mostly :(
  17. Ive read that the sap that is withdrawn from the leaf is noxious in an aquarium environment, thats why you have to wait for the tree to withdraw it rather then picking leaves, i would guess the bark would contain this sap as well ??
  18. Done!! well untill next time i decieded to change it all haha
  19. Hi Welcome! You would get all the tailtypes except PK as longfin is dominate over shortfin but instead of crowntail you will get a combtail effect which is a small ammout of gap at the end of the tail. I would pick the dragon female HMPK as she has the best finnage tho depending on the males you will get Delta, superdelta, and maybe HM. She wont produce any dragon offspring only metalics with wash depending on the colour of your crowntail male.
  20. ahh sorry pics !! fine ill recycle some old ones my koi in happier times the ugly rainbows this one shows most of the inhabitants + silver and black strip angel shes a girl made the boys fight for her.
  21. ohhh crazy! I couldnt tell from the photo !
  22. Was the body size any bigger then normal or just the tail? Ive seen jodi stock guppies with tails that big! very pretty :D
  23. I dont know if i can name my filter, it came with the tank and is in the hood, up the inlet into the sponge/floss/noodles and back out. So your fish only eat worms ? how often do u top up the worm net
  24. Ill do pics later as well haha! 3x angels (2 are always fighting will have to move one on soon) 5x rainbowfish (they are scarlet spotted somethingorother mostly silver and blue with orange in fins and some red dots) 1x pepermint bristlenose 8ish betta females swarm of guppies & stupid ugly black snails
  25. You did go with it! cool ! I think it looks nicer then a jar as well :D
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