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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Haha it's got so many fish in it
  2. oh no im sorry about the pogo lovely plant
  3. They are quite cute, the marbles are lovely and the orange girl very pretty! ive never had a betta latch on before!
  4. Target stocks em I got mine there it prob varies from locations.
  5. tough, id just count how many buckets id put into it, goodluck! or id work it out as if it was retangular and then knock off an estimated % of whats missing and go with that.
  6. Although! might be the zebra oscar shadoh mentioned (sorry didnt see his post when i made mine)
  7. How big is he, ive been reading up and baby oscars start as black/white so your fella might change >.< sorry lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oscaroscar.JPG
  8. we got our little guy for $15 Was there others in that colour?? omg im tempted to drive there ! haha
  9. Ohhh wow hes so pretty i didnt know they came in that colour type! i have a little bub who is the standard type lovely happy "little" fish!
  10. This cracked me up today, theyve been on and off fighting as long as they stay to either end they seem to get along
  11. Yes they will be fine with guppies the bigger tailed bettas can get nipped fins but these small girls will be ok !
  12. Ohhhhhh thats worth a try! Thankyou :)
  13. wikipedia tells me! Litoria moorei: Motorbike Frog, Moore's Frog, the Western Bell Frog, the Western Green and Golden Bell Frog, and the Western Green Tree Frog. The male's mating call sounds like a motorbike changing gear.
  14. they are great!! ive thought of making a similar design my self since i have trouble keeping my dividers standing and suction cup clips leave a gap :(
    1. Sarah


      Oh my gosh! So cute!

      I want one haha... or do they make them a little bigger?

    2. Melbourne_betta_HM
    3. Neffy


      they are based in the US but do create bigger ones. How to get AU jellies that wont kill :(

  15. Neffy


    A few members do originate from thailand where it is a cultural and traditional practice, so it is polite to respect a different perspective even if that is not your own and illegal in australia where the perceptive is different. Welcome! there is definetly alot of hobby breeding information on this forum!
  16. Yea a cover would be good, they might take to spawning in them otherwise as well and the tadpoles would def eat shrimp. Do you have a pond for the frogs? even the other half of the barrel with lots of rocks and sticks in and out? a place to encourage them to spawn would be wonderfull for helping the population!
  17. Yes definetly Frogs will eat anything that moves It just depends on if they can actually get to them, if the shrimp tank is deep enough i dont think they would be able to get to them. great at swimming but i dont think they dive much they would launch into the tank at a speed tho and go through the water for a bit but there is a naturall boyancy that would bring them back up. I think they wouldnt be bothered and the shrimp too fast, a very unlucky shrimp near the surface might get eaten. Also id be carefull of the frogs drowning in the tank if they even got to the top, they might not be able get back out since motorbike frogs are ground dwelling they climb a little but not really good climbers like a tree frog. A lid would solve all this easily.
  18. I support this idea too! maybe with a shrimp section i wont kill the little cuites :(
  19. Thanks!! its been very handy to have all the feedback along the way Yea its been a big improvement hehe Ness it looks like one of Hai's dwarf betta girls i got at the last meet
  20. He is in heated water about 24-26 so im not sure it would be the 2nd one, however ill research a little more on that topic to see if i can find anything else he isnt flashing or rubbing against things he did display some gasping when it was alot worse but that has gone now too. It seems to be almost gone so i might not do anything and wait and see.
  21. I dunno what happened to mine but they rotted and fungused maybe it was too wet =/
  22. I'd give her a go but watch her If her personality is good then none the others will dare hehe all the giants or half giants I've had have been sweethearts in with the other gals
  23. Interesting thanks for the tip! We feed him Hikari Cichlid Gold i think, so ill look into its ingredients!
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