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Posts posted by Neffy

  1. Looking lovely! very keen to see the spray bar in action! thats my big dream for a barraks !

    Joan: ive had barracks where the water flows from one cell to the next and the last one back into the sump, im not a fan of it the last fish gets all the dirty water and the flow wasnt very good :( i much prefer each cell filtering to the sump, no pass on the muck to the next fish business - straight too filtration! Just a preferance ive developed XD

  2. Why dont you try once more and as soon as they are done remove the eggs from the nest and hatch them artificially, all you need is a small container and an airline bubbling softly to stop them fungusing. Its the only way to continue chronic egg eaters =/ you know they are fertile because you got a fry from them previously.

  3. They are very cute!

    Sylvester is what id call wild colouration as well, how they originally looked in the wild :D

    you can get blue and yellow rather easily ! green is a bit elusive, it only works in a metalic way and changes as the fish swims and depending on light tho some are getting a really darker metalic green that seems more visable!

  4. nice setup the test photo is reallly nice! I can definitely see an improvement in photo quality sometimes your other ones seemed a little over bloomed, have you tried without the mirror it might improve the photo even more if your hands and camera didn't reflect in it as much. Just some ideas!

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