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Posts posted by Neffy

  1. Ohh it looks like your silver striped angel fish is the dominate male and is isolating the other one to the back of the tank away from his territory, i had two males who fought like that all the time i had to sell one.

    What is the white fish ? i like it :D

  2. I had that happen to me on a diff forum as well i got beserkafied at, it was the oposite situation someone said a tiny cup in a fishshop was the same as a bettas natural enviroment, i wasnt very pushy and tried to be friendly in pointing out that it wasnt but they didnt take it well, i tried discussing it based on my own research but to no avail i got labled a peta activist and told i shouldnt keep fish if that was my viewpoint =/ I never went back lol

  3. Ive used Age of aquariums i really like it because they are priced reasonably AND you only ever pay $7.50 on freight so i got some 2-5kg bags of substrate for A STEAL (well compared to what shops where quoting me) it was well packaged and quick!

    I have also used http://www.livefish.com.au/ with good results

  4. This is how i did it when i needed to feed 2-3 crickets to my frog

    Step 1. Get box of crickets

    Step 2. give box of crickets to bradley

    Step 3. direct bradley to release some crickets

    Hed just peel one corner open and shake the crickets out and yell at them to stop crawling on the outside lid and fall into the tank.

  5. Eee not sure! but shouldnt it dilute to a point it wont be harmfull? and maybe adding charcoal to your filter if it doesnt have some might help filter it out? im not very sure about that tho hopefully matt will help!

    Im so happy your yabby got over its claustrophobia hehe XD food the solution to all problems! Its very cute seeing it in the pot :D

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