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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Two new mystery fry yay the fun continues!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zhong89


      colour shape infor?

    3. Neffy


      Im betting guppies this time long and thin, there was a 3rd but one of the other community fish snatched it before i could.

    4. Neffy


      THEY GOT EATEN youd think id learn ! damn jumping fish!

  2. awww poor yabbie hehe, id suggest putting his food in the back of the pot :P
  3. Id grab any bit you can find thats already in the creek as itd be weathered and leached so most the job done for you :D
  4. Ohh i think they are really cute !! do they try to nip your fingers at all ? how do you catch them i tried taking photos of some once and theyd dart away as fast as they could =(
  5. Yay photobucket is unblocked! It was so depressing without pics !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SiameseFightingFist


      How did you convince work to unblock it?

    3. Neffy


      yea at work, and i didnt do anything they just unblocked lol

    4. SiameseFightingFist


      Common sense prevailed on its own then!

  6. ohh wow !! amazing photos lovely
  7. Ausaqua why you no show pictures *rage face*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kermadum


      What a beautiful rage face you have Neffy

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      'All the more to rage with, my dear'

    4. Neffy


      turms out work is blocking photobucket now D=

  8. ohh wow so many eggs! and the little shrimp is super cute !! well done!
  9. Very lovely! Is this the tank buffy is in ? (or am i being special) where is she cant see D=
  10. Angelfish fry almost free swimming now !

  11. Aww love them!! such amazing creatures! What a sneaky ninja octopus busman haha !!! Im also a huge fan of Paul the psychic octopus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Octopus
  12. Angel fish eggs Round 2! This pair is on fire! still on leaf in community tank tho, might remove tonight.. get whole new tanke where no tetra can jump in the net and eat them!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neffy


      They are but the angel fish are very good defenders ! Eggs where still there and wiggling i removed them to a new tank, they looked very put out :P lol i felt so bad

    3. Neffy


      I also found a mystery fry !! which i syphoned into a bottle to float in the tank, i think its a white cloud but not sure yet !! yay for fry now the mudeye is gone

    4. les


      hey lucky you thats a bonus LOL

  13. Lovely shots Glad they are all settling in nicely!!
  14. Hehe aww they are very cute lovely little tank setup as well ! Is the ivy the non aquatic one? its really pretty! Haha are you a south canberra person? my family lives in gordon and I went to school at tuggeranong :P
  15. Pulled my self away from my latest video game to notice the angels defending a section of tank and pecking at a leaf, went over to see and they had a clutch of eggs they where guarding and doing a great job!! now in breeder net tho as the fry would be snapped up quick smart.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neffy


      Skyrim WHAT ELSE IS THERE ! The fry are still at the "attached" stage they take a week to be free swimming which is freaking me out "why arnt they swimming yet are they dead"

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      wow that's a serious game and you're a serious gamer chick. It ain't no angry birds.

    4. Neffy


      haaha its true!

      SO FUNNY THING HAPPENED one of my tetras magically teleported its self into the breeder net .. and ATE all the wiggly angel fry :(

  16. You could look into automatic feeders that release food at specified times they have been said to get clogged or release all food at once but you could get them a week ahead to make sure its working properly
  17. hi syd welcome! can you add a little more info about the types of fish you want to keep in the future if there are any you like over others! Or what type of tank are you aiming to have?
  18. my angels chase the bettas away who are happy to leave the scene and do something else :P
  19. Hello http://register.photobucket.com/ is where you go to sign up
  20. They are very cute! Sylvester is what id call wild colouration as well, how they originally looked in the wild you can get blue and yellow rather easily ! green is a bit elusive, it only works in a metalic way and changes as the fish swims and depending on light tho some are getting a really darker metalic green that seems more visable!
  21. Oh duh of course !! Haha tricky fish The hands arnt too bad and the bokeh effect makes sure they stay in the background and hairless :P
  22. nice setup the test photo is reallly nice! I can definitely see an improvement in photo quality sometimes your other ones seemed a little over bloomed, have you tried without the mirror it might improve the photo even more if your hands and camera didn't reflect in it as much. Just some ideas!
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