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Posts posted by Neffy

  1. Hello!

    I have been drawing aquarium specific emoticons for everyone to use as I thought an aquarium forum should have some just for fun! There is more to come as i create them, suggestions are welcome!

    You can access these emoticons via the emoticons menu by selecting "show all" they will be at the very end!

    Or by typing the tag (no spaces)

    :halfmoon: : halfmoon :

    :plakat: : plakat :
    :HMplakat: : hmplakat :

    You may alter them for your own signature or avatar (say you wanted a red halfmoon)
    Please do not redistribute these emoticons or derivatives elsewhere.

    <3 Nef

  2. Haha oscar the jetsetting grouch! the arch also has a curtain of bubbles come out of the top which he enjoys

    No tricks but he knows to follow our fingers on the glass which is handy for missed food we tap and he investigates and finds the missed bit. Hes developed a like of jumping which is quite anoying at feeding time, if he jumps i have to stop feeding him to try and deassociate it with food because he hit the cover and cut his side once which was really sad to see. It healed up ok and He hasnt been doing it too much lately thankfully!

  3. Hehe hopefully 2 of my 3 black angels make a pair and now i know a few things about how to raise them i can give them their own tank to lay eggs and raise all 100 of them =D it would be so cute to have so many of them!!

    They should be about breeding age now, maybe they need a tank to them selves as they are with the koi and silver pair and thats turning them off??

  4. These babies got upgraded to my community tank the other week as they where finally big enough to not be eaten, most of the time my baby angelfish are :(. I had one batch floating in a breeder net in the tank and a fish jumped in and ate them all, then i had a heater malfunction cook another batch!

    I have 3 little cuties make it! survival of the fitest! one without ventrals D= its a cute little odd ball

    parents in the middle here, just a random pairing XD

  5. loss of colour can be stress related

    she is like this in all different tanks!

    when moving her do you acclimitise her to the new water, is the different tanks water have different parametors to her old water?

    Is she in with any other fish?

    bright strong lights?

  6. Surely sussddgghjndiggidydogbghjjfwaterbuffalowsdrffdghntang is not illegal?

    quote of the year omg haha XD

    I brought some water lettuce from bunnings in VIC last year, it didnt do very well in my bucket outside. Im pretty sure its the same stuff from google image search. I wouldnt use it for bettas because its mostly floating on top of the water surface nothing for them to rest in and is quite large, the root system would be good for fry to hide in tho it was quite thick. I do prefer the other plants suggested tho.

  7. Aww i care im commenting see :D

    I like the racks of tanks very space efficient :D does it get noisy or hard to sleep ??

    Also pictures might work a little better if you wherent hosting them on another forums server 0.0 why not try photobucket.. they just took alot longer then average to load and i was like where is this taking me .. trident gaming ?? :P

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