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Posts posted by Neffy

  1. Hi! we have a few yabbie keepers that might be able to help you, i dont know anything about yabbies or how they shed but if your tank has ammonia these symptoms are similar to the symptoms shown by fish when they are experiancing high levels of ammonia in their tanks. I would stop adding food because uneaten food will only cause your ammonia levels to get higher and higher.

  2. my guess is you would connect the plastic tube on the right to your pump, and it would push the filtered water back up to the tank. You should put alot of filter media in the left side like floss and noodles to do the actuall filtering, your pump is only for moving the water. Dont turn the pump on untill its completely submersed. Nice little setup :D

    There is alot of guides on the internet and this forum on how to start a cycle! just dont put all your angel fish in untill its established!

  3. :veiltail: : veiltail :


    also Michael requested a new favicon that wasnt a delta tail, its the little icon that sits next to the address bar or on the browser tab

    So we have


    which do we like better, you can preview it by opening pic in new tab it should display on the tab (it does for firefox anyway)

  4. Theres not much else we can suggest untill you answer the questions asked, they may seem irrellevent but figuring out how your keeping the bettas will help us establish why they deteriorated. The results of your tests on the tank water and the tap water will help as well.

    It doesnt make sense that it was caused by chlorine from the tap because then your girls would be dead too, its more likely something to do with the setup & the lack of a heater for two weeks.

  5. Are you able to test for ammonia?

    How many liters is their tanks?

    What type of filtration?

    plants &/or substrate?

    If you only just added the heater when you changed their rooms they would be stressed from not having it previously and that could only be starting to accumulate now, heat is a vital part of their requirements and not having it over time will be detrimental and bring on other conditions.

    I know its upsetting to watch them like this.

  6. It would be the cold increasing the tempreture will help but it could also be unrevesable, it could also be water quality. Your best bet is to keep him warm and add a dose of aquarium salt (not table salt) to his water.

    You should try and prepare possibly for whitespot, dropsy or death. I have had fish go lethargic for no determinable reason at all unfortunetly.

    If he has a long distance to travel for air, get a shallow container and let him rest in that, keep lights off, remove any other fish, and cover the tank so things dont spook him and just let him rest.

    Unless he starts to shows any other signs dont throw a random bunch of meds at him.

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