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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Thanks nina Hehe they had about 8 giants when i went a few solidish reds and blues and some mixes Mr wiggums was definetly the best XD Yea id love to get a longfinned one as well it would make them even bigger !
  2. very pretty im not sure on the colour but he seems more of a Delta then a viel tail to me i could be mistaken i named my pet frog Frodo as well XD
  3. Hi chloe! He is a viel tail see this thread for some pictures http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtop...664&hl=tail Its hard to tell but it looks like towards the end of his tail it is clear so i would guess he has a little bit of a butterfly pattern as well ! but im a newb and thats just a guess ! *edit hehe someone beat me !
  4. Did another photo shoot this weeked, its so much fun XD
  5. haha i forgot about police chief wiggum ! Thanks everyone *lol*
  6. Hehe giants are really awesome! i want a long finned one as well XD the name comes from a game i play one of the characters had a cat called Mr wiggums ! Here are some more nicer photos of Mr wiggums
  7. Ive always wanted a giant betta and the other weekend i got one he was from Coburg aquarium His name is Mr wiggums ! here he is next to one of my other bettas ! He is very sweet, for a long time he didnt want to play with the other male. Mr wiggums has a spot on him it looks not good its above his little flappy fins behind his gill in the 3rd pic but its hard to see, i hope it is nothing to worry about.
  8. Some more recent snaps bigger images avaliable here http://www.redbubble.com/people/nefiko/art
  9. Adorable ! really pretty colours XD
  10. very lovely fish thankyou for the photos! cant wait to see the rest of them
  11. Lovely range of colours in the 2nd one :D
  12. very pretty tank and rocks ! i think real plants would look nicer hehe but they are harder and pricey sometimes
  13. ohhh i love how long his big flappy side steering fins are <-- technical term for sure he looks to have an adorable personality too :lol:
  14. Thanks paul ! They where not cooperating untill i placed my finger at the top of the tank and they instantly looked to it expecting food XD
  15. Thanks Joan Thats really nice to hear, ive just started photography and editing my fish are very easy to access subjects !! Here are some more photos ! All of them are avaliable on Redbubble + some more you can buy posters and things ! http://www.redbubble.com/people/nefiko/art
  16. *edited* to contain all my photos from now on Lavender spawn Guppies I start off with a pretty boring ugly photo, then adjust the colour balance and sometimes also fiddle with the curves Whatcha think ?
  17. I have a HM male with pretty long fins but hes chewed them to rags and they havent healed or improved at all, would trimming them help ?
  18. i had a female in with some guppies and they nibbled at the ends of her fins :lol:
  19. Neffy

    Baby Guppies

    =O I thought theyd get eaten XD I have some other foods i can crush now i know, for a varied diet !
  20. Neffy

    Baby Guppies

    Hi there I picked up my first ever guppies at the melb betta gathering they where labled as GREEN .. LOL and the girl was already preggers she dropped 8 babbies but 2 where dead when i actually realised so the bubs are in there own tank now and they only seem to be eating crushed to a powder flakes (brand is Bettamin LOL) i tried bbs and microworm as well but they didnt take any interest in them (at least i never saw them eat them but those foods are tiny as). What other foods can i feed them should i try bbs again ?
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