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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Thanks everyone I have some great females that will match with him nicely!
  2. So when my favourite and best fish ever, the father of my only sucessfull spawn passed recently i decided to make a new aquabid purchase to help with the grieving images are from the breeder and i have permission to use them <3
  3. Are you sure it was Lice and not Ich / Whitespot ?? Fish lice are not grainy like salt they are circular transparent dots with a black center that you can pull off the fish with tweezers i had a goldfish with it once and sucessfully removed it. compared to whitespot
  4. Love the lavenders !!! absolutely gorgeous
  5. ....... 0.0 .......... peeing in tanks
  6. its possible they are from a butterfly parent and butterfly is closely related to marble, but they would be the non changing marble type as the dot has never gone away or changed XD
  7. haha not my toes ! Nah I only have the two girls :)
  8. 2 of my fish have dots !!!!! I call them dot and dotty They have always had them since they where born lol ive always found it to be rather strange at first i thought they where marble but aside from gaining some red the dots are still there ! It only effects a few scales in the same spot on 2 diff fish who have been seperated for quite awhile.......... what do you make of it 0.o
  9. hehe thankyou everyone <3
  10. Neffy

    DIY CO2

    i see thankyou ! i will have to adjust my filter so it agitates the surface more. I added co2 because my plants where looking a little sick and my PH was really really high and i read adding co2 would lower it naturally?
  11. Neffy

    DIY CO2

    when you say too much co2 might cause an imbalance would it matter if the fish are only bettas since they take their oxygen from the surface not the water ?? or woudl it hurt their skin or something ?
  12. My Lilac dragon from jodi !
  13. lovely tank CRS are my fav shrimpies
  14. haha the shrimp get a piggy back ride XD id love to see photos of that, the stare off is fantastic !
  15. omg the shrimps they are so cute ! he doesnt try to eat them ? i love how they match each other XD the tank is sooo beautiful as well !
  16. hehe how cute hopefully the little guy stays hidden you coudl always try a breeder net on the side of the tank to protect it if u can catch it XD
  17. subwassertang is a hilariously funny name and great little seaweed like plant that bettas love to rest on it just clumps up like a little bush sitting at the bottom of your tank no roots or stems to worry about, ive also read its really hard to kill Jodi sells it from her shop for $12 for a golfball size clump i just got some and the stuff is fantastic !
  18. thankyou everyone <3 im going to get one of his photos printed for my wall :(
  19. they are very beautifull i love the orange guy as well !
  20. RIP Mr wiggums He went from being happy to slightly mopey, then all a sudden covered in white spots and despite treating him he passed yesterday :P
  21. Hi ! http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtop...3&hl=marimo was selling them a few months ago worth a pm to see if they have any left http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtop...3&hl=marimo and these interesting fake ones might be worth looking into XD
  22. I wanted to get one of those giants jodi had they where really pretty, but i was unemployed at the time The other boy was from nina so props to her on the great fish, he is pretty awesome as well Thankyou ! i love taking photos its very challenging as well i have too spend hours waiting for the right shot and i have 100s of photos that didnt make the cut cause the fish suddenly darted away XD Definetly check out coburg delyall they have the best quality of bettas good halfmoons as well just ring em up and findout when they have a shipment in so u get lots to pick from :D
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