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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. haha ! its ok the video does its job well Thankyou =D I have to spend it at work (really just browsing the net) then im going to see the movie Easy A with dinner at TGIF "thank god its friday" on a tuesday muhahaha. My boyfriend will be getting me a 3-4 ft big display tank for our living room !!! I cant wait to plant and stock it ! Ill either put all my betta girls + some compatible fish, or my 2 bluegrass guppies (girls huge with babies) with other compatable fish. but i dont want to put both the girls and the guppies together cause i dont think they will get along. :(
  2. they will also be the only one's left able to afford importing so would dominate the market, maybe thats why they arnt doing much :(
  3. what about just removing fin to his own tank so he doesnt have to hide if no one else in the larger tank is being affected.
  4. Got them setup girls in a chimney and he has built a big nest. She doesnt seem ready yet so ill watch them thru the week and see how she behaves. They are both really timid tho really dont like me lookin at them =/
  5. Are our tweets in vain if Tony burke really cant do anything?

    1. fishish


      I've been having the exact same thought.... not sure :/ maybe we should twitter directly to the media a bit and try to get their interest?

    2. Bettarazzi


      If we badger him enough maybe he'll pick up the phone and get some answers from the Dir of Quarantine

  6. hahaha XD I am a collector of pink bettas thats for sure ! I have 10 that are pink/purple rofl ! + my orange dragon who has a little peachy pink colour to him. I think my collection is complete for now, i wasnt going to buy anymore untill i saw this pair but now i think i definetly shldnt get anymore or ill never get round to spawning all the ones i have !
  7. Yea mine have very yellow faces but WOW shes amazing !!!!!! <3 if i breed my girl to the half giant i hope the fry end up with a more red face and the marble butterfly pattern of the girl :D just like that photo!
  8. Thanks everyone yea he is huge i dunno how they got them that big selective breeding ? mutant gene hehe who knows XD Yes i will be setting him up this weekend to start conditioning for a spawn I also want to breed the girl to my coburg half giant afterwards.
  9. Oh yes i did most perfect fish ever !! Im amazed every time i see him the sheer body mass on this guy he is HUGE !! and i only have terrible photos to show ! Next to my coburg "giant" put in the close up for less blurey shot cause hes a pretty nice fish as well so here he is next to a normal sized halfmoon XD
  10. ooh lovely ! its hard to tell in the vid but it looks like his anal fin fits within the "circle" which is a real plus :D
  11. elastic band tied to a suction cup would be my suggestion, tho the stems might break so u wouldnt want to wrap the band arround the plants just pull a few stems into the loop and it should hold them in place without damaging the plant.
  12. New giant pk is GINOURMOUS !

    1. Sarah


      Hoping for pictures soon. :)

  13. haha i would be too paranoid about getting in trouble! HM & Giants $25 didnt pay attention to the others but they also had a sign for imbellis 9.95 but I didnt see any. the rest where under 20 standard was also $9ish
  14. Female just beat the tail off my poor poor formally halfmoon male :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      That's annoying... were you trying to spawn them?

    3. Neffy


      My pink orange butterfly from my current spawn! and yea I was triyng to get another spawn from them.

    4. Sarah


      That's so sad! :(

  15. A torch wouldnt spook them ? the staff dont mind ? Owww really 0.0 ?
  16. You can get IAL from Jodi Or from Jeff They lower the PH i think so other fish wont mind them if they dont mind low ph. Corydora's and bristlenose's are both good with bettas in my experiance, guppies i find dont work at all. plants Java fern, watersprite (my girls LOVE sitting among this) Anubia's and Subwassertang (best plant ever lol) They are all low light so as long as there is Some sort of light they will be ok, unlike other plants that require heaps of fancy stuff. i feed my adults Frezedried blackworm, Pellets, Flakes & very rarely frozen bloodworm
  17. HAHA I am bad at mornings as well -_-
  18. That would be nice to get the pick of the bunch but not too achievable for working me i bet itd be a weekday, but going early the following weekend might be possible. I look for even scales, no lumps or discoloured scales but as ive found out its really hard to tell in the shop sometimes. My guy seems a bit better in the larger tank :D
  19. Well there was one dead and quite a few with chewed/finrot tails, but they do have a better range then most places stocking giants and halfmoons. My Red blue boy as u can see has a few bites, and that was the only flare he did before going back to sulking, he still hasnt perked up he seems depressed a bit so i might move him to a bigger tank. Just notice he has a sore lump near his face, hard to see in the lights but i did inspect really carefully haha That would look nice ! but the bleeding would be hard to manage id imagine, i dont have any suitable females to achieve anything like that atm hehe
  20. Hmm im not sure if metalic, he is shiny so maybe? He does have good shape, anal a small bit out of the circle but hes being quite shy so its hard to tell atm. Yes from coburg hehehe ! Im glad u didnt get him XD I saw a really cute black white marble pk as well i regret not getting him They did have lots of the blue reds XD took me a little while to pick from them hehe!
  21. I went shopping today I was really happy to find this "giant" in body size he is massive but overal same size as other fish due to the short fins. He is a cambodian like but he has the shiny irid blue/purple over him like a lavender with the purple in his fins so im excited to see if i can get a spawn from him ! I also got this blue red halfmoon he looked more lavender in the shop but is actually a blue he will still be a pretty pet but i dont think i will breed with him.
  22. love the lavender pair, they are so beautifull really love the girlie !
  23. Dont forget to vote today !

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