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Status Updates posted by Neffy

  1. fish droping dead for no reason is SO ANOYING !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Neffy


      No other ones have died, it could be age but she was absolutly fine b4 and spawned with male.

    3. Bec


      How long ago since the spawn??? maybe she sustained an internal injury?

    4. Neffy


      yea it was the next day so that is very probable !

  2. Rasbora brigittae are so cute i cant get over the size of them now got a tank especially for them :D

    1. Sarah


      Great. They are cuties. :)

      Do you plan to breed them?

    2. Neffy


      yea ill give it a shot i only have about 10-12 since they are so small it doesnt make a large school so more would be soo adorable :D ! I think all i have to worry about is them eating eggs they dont care for them.

    3. Sarah


      Good luck Neffy.. I'm sure you will do great!

  3. Giant pair are almost spawning, not quite getting the wrap happening they have been trying all day *fingers crossed*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Oh no! :o

      Maybe you just can't see them? Hopefully another spawn will happen soooooooonnnn!!!!

    3. Neffy


      Haha nah they are very much gone, i set them back up because she looks full of eggs still and shes already jumped out to play chasey.

    4. Sarah


      Oh I'm so sorry. At least you have a pair that will spawn. Sometimes males can be egg-eaters for the first time, hopefully the male will look after them this time. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. duckweed anyone - free!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishish


      lol that keen to get rid of it huh? ;) welll would be great! I'll PM you :)

    3. Neffy


      Yay ! anyone else theres plenty

    4. fishish


      I'll be contacting you in no time with need to replace dead duckweed so don't worry ;) lol

  5. I am a lost cause :( i found yet some more fish i just HAD to have!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sarah


      I brought the BF VT pair. Good for my first time eh? I'm super happy! :D

    3. Neffy


      They are lovely :D best of luck !

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy!

      Best of luck for you too! I'm assuming you haven't received them yet?

  6. Are our tweets in vain if Tony burke really cant do anything?

    1. fishish


      I've been having the exact same thought.... not sure :/ maybe we should twitter directly to the media a bit and try to get their interest?

    2. Bettarazzi


      If we badger him enough maybe he'll pick up the phone and get some answers from the Dir of Quarantine

  7. New giant pk is GINOURMOUS !

    1. Sarah


      Hoping for pictures soon. :)

  8. Female just beat the tail off my poor poor formally halfmoon male :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      That's annoying... were you trying to spawn them?

    3. Neffy


      My pink orange butterfly from my current spawn! and yea I was triyng to get another spawn from them.

    4. Sarah


      That's so sad! :(

  9. Dont forget to vote today !

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