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Status Replies posted by Neffy

  1. SadNess is a beautiful Giant Marble Copper Dragon Female... who just dropped her bundle in the chimney after 2 weeks of courtship in the spawn tank.... boo hiss.

  2. got some absolutely adorable clown kilis today such vibrant eye colours very cute!

  3. got some absolutely adorable clown kilis today such vibrant eye colours very cute!

    1. Neffy


      waiting for the "are they going to cark it?!?!!" period to pass. These are so tiny atm under a cm

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can blind bettas still find food?

    1. Neffy


      that is good to hear hopefully i can get her to eat, otherwise i will put her down (lost one in a fight and the other has fungused) so sad.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

    1. Neffy


      I do mean that XD the one we got is 10cm long from a tank with about 20 others that size

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

    1. Neffy


      There was a big group of them! as you enter the fish room turn left on the left wall at the bottom about 3 tanks in, then about 3 more tanks is the huge one! I cant wait to see his personality develop and see how he rearanges the tank!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

    1. Neffy


      yea ill photo him tonight if he is settled, Got him from coburg they had a huge one for $60 but we opted for one of the baby ones about 10cm.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

    1. Neffy


      He has been adorable, watching his new fish and fretting about the tank! When I asked what are you going to name him "he already has a name (oscar) who am i to change his name"

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter

  10. Last night i had a nightmare about buying fish and having no room for them, my partner told me it was actually a truthmare OTL

  11. Last night i had a nightmare about buying fish and having no room for them, my partner told me it was actually a truthmare OTL

    1. Neffy


      I unfortunetly had no cake :(

      Exactly I have always had or should i say .. "made" room for all fish I purchase/get -_^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

  13. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

  14. What to do ? I left the 1lt coke bottle i used as a chimney in the spawn tank on its side, now the male has built a HUGE nest in it but my girl keeps bumping into the side (let me in) like she cant find the entrance T_T should i destroy his massive nest and remove it?

    1. Neffy


      HAHA she was too dumb trying another female since they lost interest in each other.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Salamanders on my mind, and in the tank.

  16. If i dont have eggs when i get home im going to be very upset !! pair are doing everything right this time!

    1. Neffy


      Today i spotted about 5 eggs sort of hidden and randomly scatterd like the male didnt know they where there. =( was hoping for more left female in.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. If i dont have eggs when i get home im going to be very upset !! pair are doing everything right this time!

    1. Neffy


      Yep! still looking keen but not getting there yet :( was hoping for eggs this morning but nope. This is the most dedicated the male has ever acted ! He has a nest this time haha

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. The Salamander pair have been rested- she was. not. interested. and he's showing stress with some potential rot (straight into a salt bath young man) So the Copper / Turquoise are in the tank sparring as we speak.

  19. If i dont have eggs when i get home im going to be very upset !! pair are doing everything right this time!

  20. newly hatched shrimp are the tiniest things i have ever seen smaller then betta fry.

  21. Do cherry shrimp go completely clear sometimes ?

    1. Neffy


      seems like i have some ghost shrimp then ... aparently they can eat the cherry shirmp D=

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Just spent an hour manually picking out planaria from my shrimp tank... I don't understand! I haven't overfed, I've kept up with water changes. But I've picked out at least 50 and more that I can't see. There's got to be a easier way....

  23. Won a fluval u3 internal filter at Aquarium Society of Victoria meetup best $2 spent ever

    1. Neffy


      it was a raffle :) nah itll filter my barraks which is unfiltered atm haha poor fishies :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

    1. Neffy


      awww what little brats haha ! im sad u jarred them seperately id convinced my self that they where BFF and wouldnt fight as adult males. hehe oh well

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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