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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Lovely shots, they really where so amazing :D
  2. Your betta is in for a tasty treat shrimp cant hide, shrimp too stupid!
  3. That could be one way to catch them, put a net in the tank put the cucumber in the net, lift =D Really like the shot of the bristlenose generations :D
  4. make sure you have one of them bubble counters thats got an overflow area i had the yeast mixture pollute a tank = all kinds of messy but the fish survived !
  5. Id test your setup on cherries first make sure you can keep them with no problem then get the more expensive CRS later. With such a small tank you will have to make sure you keep the population low as shrimp have a reputation for multiplying.
  6. I got them! I got them! I've set them up on a 3ft tank with dying clumps of java fern which had a very dull yellow light, under this light the java stopped dying and has little plantlets but I hope they will make a much better recovery now I have put all the LEDs on it and kept the original light too! The tank looks a lot nicer now much more natural and less manky low lighting hehe! I have taken some before shots so am keen to compare with more shots in the future to show how much growth I might Get. I setup the lights With the 3 strip one down the middle and then the one strip one in the centre next to the darker blue strip with my low yellow light up the back, the I put aluminium foil over the top to reflect any bouncing light back down, this made much more of a difference then I thought it would. I'm keen to see how other ppl setup there's I'm not sure if there's any correct way to do it? I just guessed! I hope that makes sense lol
  7. Aww they are lovely, i really like the solid contrast of black and white on einstein really nice!
  8. number 7 shes a winnah! my tactic place $2.50 on number 7 every single time without variation.
  9. awww thanks Everyone Nothing special went to work, went to the casino got some cash yay ! :bighug:
  10. About 100 snails shaked off my java fern clump this morning, so gross.

    1. Bettarazzi
    2. EmmaJT


      I got a ramshorn snail for my tank a week ago & already located 3 egg sacks that I "dealt with" I'm sure that's just the beginning..

  11. Gleefully released 3 yoyo loaches into the tank last night and then watched them swim up to and look at every snail... soon... soon they will learn to eat them!

  12. Ive used it been in the same tank for over a year now! Plants grow they seem happy, seems to do the job well, wasnt cloudy, easy to plant into dunno what else do you want to know?
  13. ahh didnt know which one you had, have you tried switching to the other (maybe give it a test run) then back again to the one you want, sorta like a reset.
  14. a tempory work arround to try might be to go into your settings - general settings - Search Settings and change "show me all new content since my last visit" -> "Show me all content i have not read". I started using it when i would visit but not check everything and then itd wipe all the threads because id "seen" them since i last visited.
  15. Hi, i wouldnt recommend tetras with bettas as they can be kinda hasseling little fish and will anoy them. To help your inactive betta out i would try getting some Indian almond leaves and adding the correct dose of aquarium salt to the tank! If your able to make it to the Aquarium society of vic meeting tonight they are having a plant night and you will most likely be able to get some plants and other goodies at great prices!
  16. Very nice fish! Lachie its required that we dont use aquabid photos without permission! Linking to the auction instead like lilly has (thanks!) is the best way to show a fish you have spotted Ta!
  17. this has always happened for me, sometimes itll post it sometimes it wont and ill have to go via my profile its never really bothered me tho. I use firefox
  18. if you click the little arrow next to your name up the top of the page its in that list as well.
  19. Your control panel> Profile> Manage Ignored Users Hey! I just meet you but you drive me crazy just wanna block you so let me maybe? :bighug:
  20. Got feeder fish for Oscar - want to keep them all T_T

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neffy


      but oscar really needs them as he went off eating :( he is alot better now tho!

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. What's 'spookish'?

    4. Neffy


      frightened, they freak out any time im nearby.

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