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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. oooh i want your fish room ! so much space :D
  2. I saw this idea in a shop a little while back so today when a leaf broke off some crappy plastic plant i got i went about figuring out the easiest way to turn it into a little bed
  3. yea everything is tied to wood or rocks currently i suppose i could always pot them, or get a bigger tank and just relocate everything from this one and getting a good substrate i was thinking of Eco-Complete or the one u mentioned in your low light thread it just depends what they have at the few stores ill be visiting.
  4. hehe i think ive seen a few pics of it like that but the tank is pretty small it might not work to the same effect. It would match the java fern tho hmm ill ponder this thanks for the tips !
  5. hmm yea some hygros will probably work best i can trim and replant it compared to Val which would just grow too tall and i dont know if u can trim it as well ?, ill probably get a new light later down the track. Thanks sarah ! yea i do collect pink fish hehe these girls where all breed by me however :D
  6. This tank got filthy beyond belif after getting 2 bristlenoses so i pulled it apart and got most of the poops out bristlenoses sure do make a mess D= also added 4 runts that arnt so runty anymore that im keeping untill my BFs mum is back from holiday stock: 10 female betta 2 albino shortfin bristlenose so here it is now + some golden vine wood u cant really see anymore I feel like i need something at the very back behind the javafern any suggestions ? i copied down the text on the lights (case) voltage: 230-240v / 50hz, watt: 20w (bulb) 1500k, tri powerd light its all mumbojumbo to me i got the light with my barraks haha + some of the girls one two three
  7. duckweed anyone - free!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishish


      lol that keen to get rid of it huh? ;) welll would be great! I'll PM you :)

    3. Neffy


      Yay ! anyone else theres plenty

    4. fishish


      I'll be contacting you in no time with need to replace dead duckweed so don't worry ;) lol

  8. oh its lovely the gravel is really pretty is it a special type or generic find?!
  9. Inspirational!! very awesome setup
  10. oooh definetly unique very pretty
  11. I thought it grew by a little leaf that then breaks away to make its own bundle of little leaves that break away to make more ect but no i was being silly and saying its the easiest thing to grow full stop I have had good sucess with watersprite break off a branch leave it floating and itll grow roots. most of the time the breaks i make are acidental and its always growing new plantlets that are attached via a stem to the main body, i just snap that stem and move the new bunch to a different tank wont die at all.
  12. congrats hope they hatch well for you
  13. Very lovely ! i like the 2 red marbles and pink panther is awesome :D
  14. what about 2 sprey bars one that has little tubes into the tanks but sucks the water out and the other to put it back in after filtration. are you sure you couldnt get a drill to the back long peice put a little drain hole in each compartment ?
  15. I am a lost cause :( i found yet some more fish i just HAD to have!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sarah


      I brought the BF VT pair. Good for my first time eh? I'm super happy! :D

    3. Neffy


      They are lovely :D best of luck !

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy!

      Best of luck for you too! I'm assuming you haven't received them yet?

  16. Lovely pairs my fav is the blue butterfly as well ! does he have a white splotch on top of his head as well ?
  17. hopefully this will show you the details of how it works so you can better design the way you want your system. 1. This is where the dirty tank water ends up in a thin gap between the back wall and the sump 2. exiting the catchment it travels into the filtration 3. Goes under this glass block 4. is pulled by the pump over this glass block - this is where trouble happens the water lvl drops and doesnt go over the barrier quick enough and the pump pulls the remaining sump water out faster then it can trickle into the area it might work better if i had all the tanks running but my main sump is constantly running dry which is super bad for the heater. 5. Top shelf has a small lip at the front to prevent overflow 6. and a small gap at the back of the shelf that runs the full length, all the water from the tanks goes down this gap and flows down the back wall (you wouldnt be able to use wood) 7. the water stream leaving the tank. 8. running all the way back down to the bottom. so in answer to the question how do you keep the water flowing well ? It doesnt i have t top it up every 2nd day.
  18. im not sure how you would go about setting it up so they dont use the same water thats the essence of a barraks system, you could just get shelving for multipule beanie boxes otherwise. hopefully sarah's links help :D
  19. I can take pics of any part of it you need let me know i have one ! My biggest problem with it is the water evaporation.
  20. Welcome Its not really the temperment of the betta that matters, its the tetras anoying him that will be the issue they by nature will nip his fins and you cant change that. You can read about a one group of tetras that where living in harmony with one betta http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10456 and then see how the betta fared from the experiance http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10484 that was a 215L tank and you only plan for a 20L sounds like fin suicide to me. but yes fish can be different per owner i just dont think you can really change their behaviour that much
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