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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. i have a mystery snail that cleans up some/most algae but yea not all off it :(
  2. its the gluteraldehyde you need to kill algae and is harmless to fish it is very toxic to us tho if u get it by its self so thats why dino spit is only 10%. I think it was Seachem who also have it in their fertiliser products but at 5%
  3. They are all lovely ! migs & snowman are very cute heres an outake where she was on top of the tree but the quality was poor in the end.
  4. Lovely! The blues are very pretty when they catch the light and shine
  5. oh my gosh migalooooooo the other are looking very pretty as well !
  6. no its not fish related its my portfolio that i used to send off job applications, there are alot of free places but they will list adds on your website and you dont get an exact name you want to it might be something like www.Neffyfish/freewebs.com instead of what you want www.neffyfish.com
  7. I use godaddy i have to pay for the name of my domain then i have to pay again for the storage space i think its cheap tho i didnt really know what to compare too haha. So let me know what you find it could be a better option.
  8. Yep ! its my dads old camera hes getting him self a better one so i get the old :D
  9. I have some photos taken the quality is a bit low from my little compact, so im going to wait till the last date to submit them because theres possibility my better camera will arrive by then in which case ill retake the photos!
  10. you could make a compartment to float in the tank and siphon the fry or collect the eggs into it (not sure how these fish breed)
  11. yep not as much as i hoped either will be doing it this weekend
  12. Won a fluval u3 internal filter at Aquarium Society of Victoria meetup best $2 spent ever

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Now those Barrack fish (Bettas, I'm assuming) will have nice filtered water.

    3. fishbites


      congrats Neffy... nice prize to win!

    4. somchai2500
  13. ooh wow such a pretty glitter dusting !
  14. hahaha i love the little jumpie ones they are cute i always had a few that would go party with their neighbours by jumping into their bottles untill i found more secure lids :P
  15. and then they will have blue babies just to really throw you !
  16. yep thats the gist of it hopefully .. depends how the moss arrives too what i can do with it
  17. woooooow love him whod think ud get such a pretty pinky purple from blue parents !
  18. Thanks sarah its a daring/risky idea hopefully i can get the moss in time and then tie together nicely. if not its perfect for my new shrimp tank anyway so no biggie hehe.
  19. He is really pretty Jo ! i love the different colours he can be in diff lights the dark blue and that really pretty green shimmer as well !
  20. In the spirit of friendly competition here is an australian ebay listing for christmas moss http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Aquarium-Liveplant-Christmas-moss-FishTank-Shrimp-/250725718066?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item3a606ad832 im going to try and make a tree =D
  21. Not necessarily the winner should it not be me would of course be willing to share the cake with me. or else ....
  22. i was like why isnt this being annouced dammit i want my chocolate cake but then i realised i have to wait till tonight.
  23. dawwwwwwww i love the baby bubble nests made up of tiny little bubbles XD
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