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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Do cherry shrimp go completely clear sometimes ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neffy


      seems like i have some ghost shrimp then ... aparently they can eat the cherry shirmp D=

    3. Yanagi


      Got a picture? I've seen Cherries go almost clear but they still keep little dull red lines/marks.. Usually stress. Ghost shrimp get larger, they can have a blueish tint.. Some also appear to have brown marks on them.

    4. zhong89


      yes.... the males some times go clear

  2. Thats a cool plan ! Id love to see how it goes, i find some of my problems come from uprooting plants cause i dont like their location Grats on the job :D
  3. Awww what a co operative little guy ! i bet he really apreciated it Well done Sarah !! how is his side going where he got injured
  4. Yay pictures when u start it ! ive been trying to get my big tank looking good T_T but it doesnt have enough plants yet but im getting some more soon yay any idea what you will do for substrate? i tried a layer of soil and then a layet of Eco complete but IT FAILLED HORRIBLY !! i get huge pockets of air that escape from the soil and all the eco complete got sifted underneath it i wouldnt recommend doing that. Now it just looks like poo soil intead of nice gravel.
  5. Hehehe the videos are sooooo cool !! the eating one is really cute ^_^
  6. Its so beautifull ! i have considered having a marine tank since i went to the great barrier reef but it sounds so complex D=
  7. Nice have they spawned yet, Id recommend a little more plant cover/hidey holes if not !
  8. have you heard of glutaraldehyde, i saw a presentation at the vic fish meeting about it, supposed to kill any algae with no harm to fish because like joan said the plants simply out compete any algae http://www.aquagreen.com.au/plant_data/Dinosaur_Spit.html has it & more information It could be a starting point
  9. Ive had it rot, not very pleasent you would be able to tell from smell and leaves falling off and mushy yuck. Yan asked it before but what is your PH at? as the driftwood will lower it and that can cause death.
  10. ohh very pretty i really love that big clump of anubias are the males related ? how old? are you sure they are not just longer finned females XD
  11. oooh the scarlet badis is very cute :D
  12. yea i found my aqua one would evaporate really quickly so thats a great solution !!
  13. oohh very nice !! hows the water drain out of the boxes ? into a big pipe is it ?
  14. loving the ideas here, filter wall ... it might work perfectly in my tanks !!
  15. haha omg he has the 8D face in that first pic !! very cute
  16. My parents have a similar fish she is called the minny min
  17. dawwww thats the best fish ever that harvey fish !!
  18. screenshot the page paste it into paint or somethign select & copy your signature area and then paste it into a new document that is 468 x 60 pixels in size (properties). yours would be fine its probably a bit High for the standards but imo that size is a bit outdated now.
  19. very lovely the plants and driftwood work really well! what kind of substrate is it and do u use any fertilisers?
  20. nice ! i bet they where a bargin girls are normally cheaper too :D
  21. thats a shame about the wonky rays, not sure what causes it i would of thought dorsals... dorsal fin would of grown back =O they really did a number on him! Are you considering carding them (or are they already) ? it might help his tail heal up if hes not flaring all day all looking stunning :D
  22. just wait for someone to repond is the only option hehe then you can post again with more photos.
  23. Lovely display ! did you build it your self? Hope the mahachais breed for you soon :D
  24. Grats Shadoh !!! Migs is such a super star ! re the tree, i just made a cone out of mesh and tied the moss on in clumps it wasnt anything special
  25. :( i wouldnt recommend bristlenose's they make so many poops it will make the water quality low, snails do clean up and dont make as much mess
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