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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. Very cute cant say i was a fan of the fluro/inverted betta was a bit hard on the eyes but this is very soft and sweet :D
  2. They make him even cuter XD
  3. but the ventrals are so tiny!
  4. Jodi your service has always been off the highest professional calibur in every transaction ive had with you. Its very sad and dissapointing to see these things said about you. Wishing you all the best !!
  5. definetly a boy ! a very cute one too :D
  6. newly hatched shrimp are the tiniest things i have ever seen smaller then betta fry.

    1. Sarah


      Yeah, I've done a test run and thought I failed.. I was like "where are they?" As I hatched hardly any eggs at all, they weren't very orange. :)

    2. Neffy


      Oh i mean baby Cherry shrimp not brine shrimp haha :D

    3. Sarah


      Haha. :D

      Never seen those, but I bet they are tinsy. :))

  7. Thanks Joan i have been trying to google for information on the gum tree wood with no luck so ive been a little unsure. Its a tough call i might keep treating them (in a bucket and boiling) and see if i do find anything else do you know if they striped the bark off when the people said it did cause problems ? I have seen dried up gumtrees in lakes before, that are teeming with fish however it could be the large body of water they dont have as much effect as in a tank. I also heard of all the bark running into river systems here from all the rain and floods and mass ammounts of fish dying in rivers and creeks :(
  8. i really like the blue butterfly crowntail very pretty !
  9. Thanks Ness! this tank is def working for me better then the other one haha on the right i have a few plants they are mostly things that have not done well elsewhere and these are the scraps haha Right up the back is Cardamine then some small pink baby tears and pennywort all over the sand there are a few tall branches of pennywort sticking about tho oh and a few small strands of thin Val I also have 3 other plants i cant remember but they where all melting away and almost dead they seem to have stopped dying but they are all very small i hope they perk up and grow. I also have a lucky bamboo planted in the tank it doesnt show in the photo tho but ive had it about 4years now its pretty big
  10. well dont hold me to it just yet but im testing it out, i think as long as you do strip all the bark it should be like any other wood??
  11. Thanks for tip re soil i didnt know, hopefully ill only need to rescape once more then let it be. I went foraging on the weekend in my Bf parents backyard and at bunnings i got lots of cool looking Gum tree branches they are currently soaking in water im trying to pull all the bark off as well i dont want that in my tank its pretty easy to do if the bark is really damp. All this rain made some peices heaps easy to strip others are still soaking to get the rest off. I also got a heap of rocks so its looking promising Because i cant do much with the main tank i re scapped my little shrimp tank it has cherry shrimp and 2 rasbora brigatte in it i used to have 10 but i went on holiday and they didnt like that
  12. Can anyone confirm this statement for me im shopping for new lights all 24W T5 will be 2ft, all 39W T5 will be 3ft, all 54W T5 will be 4ft and all 80W T5 will be 5ft I think my fitting is 2ft they are pretty small, but i will have to check so that means i can only get 2x 24w lights and should get one thats red is this a good example of that kind link (not necesarily to get from there but as a guide)
  13. haha love it! "design opportunities" XD I do love that tree but i don't have enough moss maybe in time my Bfs parents generally have huge stacks of cut up branches and sticks (not so much the pretty driftwood look) ive raided before (they have a fireplace) but ive always ignored the larger trunk like pieces im going to go and raid it this weekend to see if i can find anything =D They arnt oak trees tho. I remember getting a branch once that had lots of smaller sticks branching off it looked really nice i gave it to my partner to hold while I looked for more only to turn around to find him breaking off the "stabby bits" he was banished to the house. I think i will end up with something like the last photo hopefully! but with less awesome, less rocks and more sword plants i really love the Marble Queen Sword i ended up recieving 2 of them lovely thick leaves Thanks so much im glad i made this thread so many good ideas !
  14. Thanks yan ! i used the rest of the substrate up last night filling in the back a bit more theres not much of a slope but its something hehe Yea i guess it would sell "eventually" .. Major setback, i thought it would be nice to attach some xmas moss to the stump! as i was removing it i heard swishing from some water traped inside and stupidly i turned it upside down to see where the holes where, leaking the most foul smelling filth all into my tank it was so FOUL. I retired the stump to proping up one of my cherry tomatoe plantlings outside in the garden > the filter is pretty strong and cleared the water up in a little while.. my poor babies tho i also found one girl severly beaten up but i suspect she got traped in the stump and the intake was too strong for her she died later in the night. Theres plenty of ways for them to get out so i dont know why that happened but i think ill be better safe then sorry and not use it anymore. Now the tank lacks its one focus point i was gonna base my whole scheme arround it since i saw lots of really nice stump looking designs on that website, I dug arround looking for driftwood i have nothing of a size big enough but i found some jagged looking rocks i brought for the purpose of aquascaping and completely forgot about haha i got them for like 2 dollars but only have 3. I attached the xmas moss to them and tried arranging them at the front which was working well. I also got my order of plants yesterday everything was really healthy except the HM which was 3/4 brown up the whole stems hopefully the tops have enough for me to salvage i might just keep it in my little shrimp tank untill i get a healthy ammount then put some into this main tank. I started planting everything but it got so late and i really wanted to go to bed so by the end i was just shoving plants in anywhere It looks stupid wont be a photo untill i replant everything again I found this http://www.blueaquarium.org/2010/01/aga-aquascaping-contest-2009extra-large-tank/ the third picture down is amazing !!! as a fantasy fanatic i love depictions of floating islands and its so beautifully done in that tank!
  15. oh my gosh that website is crack for my eyes! its so hard to tell how they started or what mine will look like grown in T_T I really like this one the top one you posted is also really really pretty. I think ive got some serious studying to do feeling alot more inspired now I havent even considered design elements like youve highlighted! lots of thinking to do i will keep you posted for sure I find the price of driftwood to be rather disgusting at any lfs i vist especially when they have so much of it in stock its like well no ones paying that so why are you keeping the price so high. yan i can def increase the depth of my substrate a bit ive still got half a bag of the amazonia 2 but i think ill wait a little bit and plan out my tank better! i found some stem plants i bury them and they just rot from the burried section up not growing roots any solution/suggestions for that?
  16. haha thanks fishbites ! ive already seen a few leaves fall off the rush plant how is it supposed to be grown, roots in water and leaves above ? I might set up some little pond thing then and grow it and the Alternanthera there instead where they wont die ! Thankyou for pointing that out for me yea when i saw the tree root in the shop i thought it was brilliant as well, the girls like to swim arround it too! Thanks Yan ! Ill look into a new bulbs I def want the HM to do well it looked nice in the pictures and ill watch the mayaca >.> the substrate is about 2-3 cm thick because of having to layer more on top to keep the soil down i shouldn't of bothered and just gotten 2 bags of substrate to begin with instead of trying to save money only getting one. I hope soooooooo
  17. So here it is ive had it for ages but only recently got a decent ammount of plants in it still looks very bare and has algae on the front glass T_T but other ppls tanks recently uploaded have inspired me to upload this and get some feedback I really need some advice to make it look better i think it looks so fail maybe im just impatient grow dammit !!! Substrate i have is Topsoil which was topped with eco complete but that was really fine and it just went to **** and sifted thru the soil so i got Aqua soil Amazonia 2 which is alot bigger chunks and put that on top and it sits there fine phew plants (some may have died) Bareroot Crypts Osiris Sword Vari - Lime Rush Bunch Thin Val normal Val Pink Baby Tears (the only stem plant i have that doesnt just melt away i have some nice growth on the tips of these now !) Pennywort 1 banana lilly this has 3 lilly pads up on the surface now and some grass bunch that hasnt died yet (only one) and some random lfs plant thats leaves all melted but has regroth at the top oh and anubias nana on the orange pot which is just there cause they love sitting in that pot. lighting it came in the hood its 2 lights, on them it says T5 13W 14000k Stocked with bout 9 betta girls the tree covers the filter intake which is inside it hehe also on the way from some nice ebay packs i have Ludwigia repens "It is the easiest red plants to grow in the aquarium, being able to grow in even lower light conditions." Is that true ? will it do ok with my tanks specs? Bacopa Rotala sp Colorata Mayaca fluviatilis Marble Queen Sword Alternanthera Cardamine lyrata & Hemianthus micranthemum
  18. looks really nice joan ! i like the bunches of anubias they look really healthy :D
  19. wow its so pretty ! whats that big bushy plant in the middle (left a little) i need something like that in my tank which is so sparse looking :(
  20. hmm maybe in the older tank they where getting nutients from the fish waste and things while now there is no fish contributing.
  21. aww ugly little grumpy crabs need love too !! i would be grumpy too if ppl called me ugly :C
  22. haha cant say im a fan i dont think it looks much like a betta either lol and its from the grouper family boo the naysaying neffy It is very interesting tho :D
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