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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. I didnt tell them, but i had an inspection at 6months and made sure there was only 2 tanks that could be seen the guy just walked right past them but im still paranoid
  2. I keep some tanks in the cupboard so i can close the doors when i have an inspection and it doesnt look like i have so many tanks.
  3. Im in love with tally, i get my dragons today so excited I hope mine are as stunning as she is!
  4. Ohh could be the tempreture maybe the ph might be high hehe I'll have to check XD
  5. I think my problem is i have sand and its gone all green and ugly looking otherwise i have no idea i have a sponge filter going & they are the only things in the tank except for some small snails which ive been slowly removing.
  6. Its most likely java moss i got something similar they dont really stay as balls just become stringy comming out of the top (like hair) and can die off underneath where there is no light. for $15 you can get so much more java moss and do it your self moss ropes are also really sweet http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/diy/40170-moss-rope-ladder.html i particuarly like the Subwassertang one XD
  7. I have them in my spawn tank, great for the females to hide in. No ill effects for my fish havent had any fry in there yet but they dont worry me at all !
  8. Oh they are very cute !! i really want some CRS but my cherry shrimp keep dying so im not game to keep the fancy type. What kind of filtration, Substrate & food do you use? the SS "no entry sign" grade is my fav just cause its funny XD
  9. Love Tally! her ventrals are so tiny as well XD
  10. Neffy

    water heater

    haha i havent even read mine :P
  11. Its a really great setup! I saw it at the first melb betta meet I went too XD and ever since wanted something like it. Next comp Fishroom showdown hey?
  12. What to do ? I left the 1lt coke bottle i used as a chimney in the spawn tank on its side, now the male has built a HUGE nest in it but my girl keeps bumping into the side (let me in) like she cant find the entrance T_T should i destroy his massive nest and remove it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bettarazzi


      Yeah leave it. If she's too dumb to figure it out you don't want her to pass on her stupid genes. LOL

    3. Neffy


      HAHA she was too dumb trying another female since they lost interest in each other.

    4. melbournebetta


      I very rarely "LOL" but I just had a rather inappropriate laughter outburst at work after Razzi's comment.

  13. I think sometimes it can be better to remove the weak/picked on ones if the bully gets along with the rest ok, because removing her can sometimes cause more fighting as the rest then try for top spot.
  14. Im not sure why she would suddenly turn, but ive found the more females you have the less damage is done because its spread evenly ! Once you removed the larger ones and only had 2 left they needed to re establish the pecking order and perhaps since there is only 2 it doesnt become a ranking system anymore but a GTFO of my territory. Personally i wont keep females in groups less then 5, if you do get more girls introduce them back to the main tank all at once so no one has a chance to place claims they need to defend, they will start the fighting again to establish the order however. Some just wont get on ever, some will always be weaker when i spot these i know to get them out ASAP because they will be killed.
  15. ): omg oh noes ur so lucky you got back in time
  16. Amazing !! Looks really good now there are more fish and more plants :D
  17. Nice very organized! Like the little boys tanks up the top all matching!
  18. Hehe I hate when they do that, I wouldn't worry about sd fins because you can work on that have an aim to accomplish!
  19. Got some new fish from jodi today =D I got salamander boy and the Clownie pants plakat pair only photos of the salamander to start with, clownie pants needed some rest time.
  20. Hairnets work really well for making moss stones, it holds it down and grows thru nicely. Wouldnt a Styrofoam cup just float?
  21. Verrry nice Ness, your armadillo boy is awesome!! worth the wait His anal fin looks really tidy and the right length!!
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