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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. I was only going with the 5 rows pictured so really if you had 12 rows of these tanks you can fit 108 - space for shelf and a gap to get to the tanks so lets just say 10 shelfs thats still 90 tanks double what you have, not enough room still? 8 shelfs = 72 thats still more, cant reach the center & back tank remove 2 thats 56 tanks more managable less work If maxium tanks in your space was the aim i think there are better easier ways to go about it im just not sure the spinning will work without getting something tangled up
  2. The pipe seems a bit large, im worried about the tanks being secure, and that you might need something to support the ends not attached to the pipe or the weight of the water will prob just pull them off. any plans for lids ? For the space your using you could fit 9 of these boxes on a shelf with a drip system = 45 tanks instead of 20.
  3. phew thats good poor grumpy crab i bet he gets the blame for everything XD
  4. YES ! So pretty i had no idea they where so glowy under the blue LED WOW !!!
  5. Awwww thats so sweet, Congratulations you two!! A wedding at melb aquarium will be beautifull ! dont know about sourcing but you could definetly breed your own in that time frame -_^
  6. phew ok here we go so pretty love it! the tank in all its messy glory, ive got stuff going crazy everywhere ! major rehaul needed!
  7. Neffy

    price check!

    If your water is flowing too fast it will be uncomfortable for the fish as well bettas are still water fish, just something to keep note about.
  8. Hehe i was flat out last night ! no time for pictures but the lotus is AMAZING !! i really do love it ive placed it in the brightest part of the tank and its so beautifull, thanks heaps ! I wont get home till 7 tonight so we will have to wait till then for a photo :(
  9. he is lovely! my fav colour type :D
  10. Hey kirty looking good, love the rock formations! Id suggest maybe bringing the rocks forward a little so bigger/ taller plants can be planted behind them ! I think that would look nice with the smaller plants already infront of them.
  11. Hi Ray! I will be at the fish fair so id love to get a small plant to try, or if your interested the vic betta meet is this sunday (5th june) I have some Flourish water ferts atm but im keen to get more some leaves on the crypts are starting to look a little sick so im sure im missing something. ill get some photos of it!
  12. Thats incredible! Amazing tank and plants how do you plan your tank out? I have such a hard time knowing what itll look like while im planting!
  13. its always worrying when your fry are the tiny dot stage i can never find them :(

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    2. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    3. les


      There in the tank Neffy see I found them

  14. Love it the tree looks very bonsai styled :D
  15. Hi ray ! it was sold to me as Blyxia has been doign well except some of the tiny ones dont have many roots and keep being knocked loose always floating at the surface. I will look into red lotus ive seen them arround quite a bit recently at the auction and meets, and i definetly agree more colour is needed i got some stem plants that where red but all the new growth grows in green so i dont know if the lotus would keep its red either :(
  16. omg cow fish so awesome XD
  17. what about a mimic octopus they are really cool XD and he would prettend to be an eel or just a normal octopus :P
  18. Thanks everyone it was very hard to visualise how things would look grown in when planting a few have grown really tall i would of placed them differently lol!
  19. Since ive posted the photo for the aqua comp i thought i would put it here for comparison to the old photos!! So much growth !! No ill effects from the gumtree wood at all :)
  20. Nope it looks like widelov java fern to me :P
  21. Fair bit of difference in the butterfly pattern! think it could be marble or a different fish?
  22. yes they murder then canabalise T_T ive seen it as well.
  23. Hi Jess from Sydney ! Im Jess from Melbourne look forward to seeing your pics!
  24. Yep heaters and a light for each tank ! My partner is always grumbling about electricity bills hehe
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