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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. ohh so many cool things =D i love the tables of plants and tanks and bits and peices the corals are very pretty!
  2. Neffy


    It seems standard to keep 1 male with 2 females, which helps the females not get overly harrased. Getting just males is fine as well there was a thread about it here http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11911 I have 5 guppy boys together with no females but other fish and they seem happy!
  3. Ohh wow you have so many they are beautifull, ive been looking at all the different colours they come in recently very pretty fish id love to see a full tank shot as well :D
  4. The boy in your avatar looks like he'd make a nice match too, similar co our and looks to have slight marble patterns as well She has good spread so you should get good form from them as well
  5. Haha he is a full half-moon now tail fully grew out if wasn't for the horrible top line he'd be a very sexy fish
  6. If her fins are growing longer I'm going to say boy it's always been the case for me females fins don't grow at a rate we can notice only over time On that picture f her currently I would also say a boy, just my opinion :)
  7. She is stunning ! Very attractive colours and patterning!
  8. That is really spiffy now my partner isnt too great with my fish problems but his dad is!! he loves the projects since he is retierd and gets bored hehe
  9. Can't wait to see how you develop the tank pics along the way is a must I think you are after a wabi kusa style tank?
  10. Nah The koi only fight each other, the silver one doesnt get in or start any fights at all. I think one of the koi might have paired with the silver one. I hope your right that they are just trying to establish the hirachy again! they where all peacefull together for awhile tho only recently its started.
  11. Just a quick question, I got 2 koi angel fish awhile ago and they got on with each other very peacefully untill i got a 3rd angel fish a silver & black strip one. Now the 2 koi have started fighting with each other and i was wondering if this is because they are male and the new silver angel is female? the silver one is still VERY shy but does tend to hang out with the koi that starts the fights over the other one. Is the less dominate koi in danger of getting killed? or will they just butt heads occasionally? he seems a little stressed out the tank is probably not large enough for them to have their own territories this is the tank i dont know its measurements hehe
  12. The lotus is doing very well, at fist it dropped a small leaf and i got worried but no other leaves have fallen off, its spread out a fair bit trying to get the most light i guess ! i dont think its gotten much height on it yet but i will take a photo tonight to compare ! Its still in the pot !
  13. Nice i like it !! id get a less fake looking plant tho XD
  14. What a cute surprise and just cause im a geek i have to gush about the fact that moving this topic was my fist use of admin power ehehehe XD
  15. oh very pretty fish! my fav is the bucket with the different L in it shows off their variety well :D
  16. Hehe thanks everyone now to read the rules !
  17. Last night i had a nightmare about buying fish and having no room for them, my partner told me it was actually a truthmare OTL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. girlz0r


      hahahahahahaha!!! ALWAYS room for fish. at the acutions i bought more fish than i could. the auction before that I bought tanks for the fish that I knew i'd eventually buy haha

    3. Neffy


      HAHA yes i have backup tanks as well XD

    4. fishbites


      Did that today but it wasn't a dream - ordered fish and now wondering where I'm going to put them! Just accept it - fish addiction is a medical condition and there's no cure! :)

  18. Lovely ! the moss is growing well on top =D
  19. They are so amazing !! thankyou for sharing the photos :D
  20. They havent stated these are for sale 0.o The first guy is lovely! but i cant really get a good look at the others :P
  21. Cool you got it ? lots of edits and questions No i dont have a barraks setup in this way but i know enough about them to know the components needed for one but yes same space and more tanks!
  22. here i made some pics hehe incase that was confusing there are 2 configerations you could use in the same space. the center tank was originally rotated length ways but then you couldnt get any plumbing from the back of the side tanks to the center plumbing section. This way i prefer or you can only use 1 row of 4 tanks, but then we are back to 45 tanks but no spinning/hard to build/strange configurations :D
  23. That is only if you stack each of the 9 containers next to each other length ways, keeping them in a 3x3 tank square 69cm by 51cm fills the same space as your design! but then like i said it could be hard to reach the center tank and the center back tank, you would only have easy access to the outer facing tanks 7 of them a U shapped configuration you could approach from each side. So keeping only the outer facing tanks on the 12 shelves = 84 tanks in the same space as the 45. The shelving would have to be the frame type not blocking any sides, you could then use the center space created by the U of tanks as the pillar for your plumbing, custom cutting the shelfs or drilling a hole in the shelf for plumbing tubes. My question is why do you want to beat regular shelves ?
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