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Everything posted by Neffy

  1. HAHAHA I was right there was a single brand new aqua one 34l tank for $60 I got it !
  2. Incredible photos !! the parrot fish are my fav hilarious face looks like an amazing place
  3. boiling/hot water can help the wood vein to open up and absorb more as well
  4. not the best photo hehe cant really see the length of anal fin and ventrals but im going to say female with a light bodied betta you can try shining a torch behind "her" to try spot ovaries
  5. Ohhh this is interesting, i kinda want to try it as well haha here is a DIY type article http://www.quisqualis.com/tv03tc01p1.html still alto of technical stuff
  6. Thats good ! It sounds like she is on the mend !! a small pinch of aquarium salt wouldnt hurt either
  7. harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sarah


      Naww Matt! Um, to be honest... I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, and I think I've only seen half of one of the movies.


    3. Neffy



    4. little_troppo


      Get out Sarah!!! I kid :P

      And Neffy I know it was awesome

  8. Hi they are very pretty bettas! how do you heat all there tanks? especially with this melbourne weather they need warm water !! This girl looks like she has a cloudy eye which commonly is brought on by very low ph and bad water quality do you have a test kit you could see what the ph is for her tank, improving the water conditions and feeding a good quality food will help cure it. I would say she is a female yes ! not sure about female vieltails she could be a spade tail or delta type as well.
  9. no progress yet, im waiting untill the fish fair this weekend, if i dont find any tanks at a good price i can ship my self ill buy from livefish.com last fair i think there was like 4x the model im after for $60ea not that it means there will be this time but i can hope :P
  10. Try watching this video to get a basic understanding of it, then you can ask specifically which parts are confusing to you. Its basically a loop, water is pumped up into each little tank, flows out a hole in each tank into the sump and the sump drains back down into the section where the pump is via filter media, repeat. this is Bettarazzi's system
  11. Neffy


    ohh very nice! cross it to your big ears =D
  12. Neffy

    Hey hey!

    Oh they are stunning !! your cat is so cute XD
  13. are the aqua one models glass or acrylic ? im thinking of buying a bargin locally far more sold here in melb and shipping it to her XD i have heaps of boxes and foam shipping isnt too bad on the aus post website still cheaper then a new one.
  14. Neffy

    Hello all

    Welcome! there are some perth bettas being sold by members atm White dragons PK http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11944 and Red Platnum Dragon http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11997
  15. Yea that one is an option! i cant find any info on it or its quality however it sounds like a no name type brand :P
  16. ROFL why would someone travel to that tiny bit of land in the scrub infested with crocs to release guppies in 1910 0.0
  17. I would but my patience isn't that great 2hrs packing mud no thanks
  18. Hi welcome Fishchick - Jodi lea has a youtube channel which she sells her stock from and she frequently gets alot of fancy guppy varieties in and she ships australia wide! http://www.youtube.com/user/Fishchick65#g/u
  19. Hello Im getting my younger sister a fish tank for her birthday the problem is i live in melbourne and she lives in canberra so i need to buy a tank from a source that is able to ship it does anyone know good online stores that sell/ship tanks at reasonable prices?? i have found a few but they seem a bit umm inflated in price. Also i need suggestions for good tanks that have an inbuilt filter and lighting and she wants to keep 1 bristlenose and 3 kuhli loaches and im looking around the 30L mark. So far ive seen a few aqua one models sold on ebay (always pickup) but when ever i find a store with one its included with a stand which i dont want. argh frustrating!
  20. thats what i found mine went all blurgh when i put it in water so hope this method works well =D
  21. ya i think so are you submersing it at all? wheres the pretty zen shot with it sitting offcenter on sand :P
  22. You can google it lots of forum threads about peoples process i also found how to make a shiny mud ball by accident Looking good Matt what kind of moss did you use?
  23. Hi Ashlea! Welcome to Ausaqua, sounds like your well suited here thats alot of bettas I think your so so shots will be very interesting !
  24. Oh i hope the skinny mandarin pulls thru they are stunning !!! The asfur angel is very pretty as well but i wouldnt want to see him eat all the pretty coral !
  25. The video is amazing! what are the sweeper tentacles? the colour is amazing looks like your getting the hang of photographing them now :D
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