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Status Updates posted by Neffy

  1. Hahaha guess who left the blackworms out in a 40°c !! ewwwww

  2. Whole lotta egg dropping not any spawning this weekend Doh!

  3. That took awhile but all broken links in my signature have been updated :P

  4. About 100 snails shaked off my java fern clump this morning, so gross.

    1. Bettarazzi
    2. EmmaJT


      I got a ramshorn snail for my tank a week ago & already located 3 egg sacks that I "dealt with" I'm sure that's just the beginning..

  5. Gleefully released 3 yoyo loaches into the tank last night and then watched them swim up to and look at every snail... soon... soon they will learn to eat them!

  6. Got feeder fish for Oscar - want to keep them all T_T

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neffy


      but oscar really needs them as he went off eating :( he is alot better now tho!

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. What's 'spookish'?

    4. Neffy


      frightened, they freak out any time im nearby.

  7. My marble platy was looking fat yesterday, so i made up a small tank for her and by bedtime there was a huge bunch of baby fry !! lucky or they would of feed the community ! yay

  8. Two new mystery fry yay the fun continues!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zhong89


      colour shape infor?

    3. Neffy


      Im betting guppies this time long and thin, there was a 3rd but one of the other community fish snatched it before i could.

    4. Neffy


      THEY GOT EATEN youd think id learn ! damn jumping fish!

  9. Yay photobucket is unblocked! It was so depressing without pics !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SiameseFightingFist


      How did you convince work to unblock it?

    3. Neffy


      yea at work, and i didnt do anything they just unblocked lol

    4. SiameseFightingFist


      Common sense prevailed on its own then!

  10. Ausaqua why you no show pictures *rage face*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kermadum


      What a beautiful rage face you have Neffy

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      'All the more to rage with, my dear'

    4. Neffy


      turms out work is blocking photobucket now D=

  11. Angelfish fry almost free swimming now !

  12. Angel fish eggs Round 2! This pair is on fire! still on leaf in community tank tho, might remove tonight.. get whole new tanke where no tetra can jump in the net and eat them!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neffy


      They are but the angel fish are very good defenders ! Eggs where still there and wiggling i removed them to a new tank, they looked very put out :P lol i felt so bad

    3. Neffy


      I also found a mystery fry !! which i syphoned into a bottle to float in the tank, i think its a white cloud but not sure yet !! yay for fry now the mudeye is gone

    4. les


      hey lucky you thats a bonus LOL

  13. Pulled my self away from my latest video game to notice the angels defending a section of tank and pecking at a leaf, went over to see and they had a clutch of eggs they where guarding and doing a great job!! now in breeder net tho as the fry would be snapped up quick smart.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neffy


      Skyrim WHAT ELSE IS THERE ! The fry are still at the "attached" stage they take a week to be free swimming which is freaking me out "why arnt they swimming yet are they dead"

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      wow that's a serious game and you're a serious gamer chick. It ain't no angry birds.

    4. Neffy


      haaha its true!

      SO FUNNY THING HAPPENED one of my tetras magically teleported its self into the breeder net .. and ATE all the wiggly angel fry :(

  14. got some absolutely adorable clown kilis today such vibrant eye colours very cute!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillieOrCory


      They are awesome little killifish! Very easy to spawn but tricky to raise the fry as they are very tiny. Good luck with them. I love mine!

    3. Neffy


      Thanks! I hope they do spawn!

    4. melbournebetta
    1. Sarah


      Oh my gosh! So cute!

      I want one haha... or do they make them a little bigger?

    2. Melbourne_betta_HM
    3. Neffy


      they are based in the US but do create bigger ones. How to get AU jellies that wont kill :(

  15. Can blind bettas still find food?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neffy


      that is good to hear hopefully i can get her to eat, otherwise i will put her down (lost one in a fight and the other has fungused) so sad.

    3. Sarah


      I had a completely blind Betta once, he was 5 and a half years old.

      He could find food for a little bit, with vibrations and smell - but then just couldn't.

      I ended up putting food on the surface when he was about to come up for air, then he would blindly gulp for food all around the water surface.

      Sadly, he died shortly after this.

    4. les


      some of the waters that they originaly come from are prity muky they should pick up live food by vibration and such

  16. Newest addition to the fish room, a Tiger Oscar named Oscar ! My partners first fish (I knew i would convert him)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Neffy


      There was a big group of them! as you enter the fish room turn left on the left wall at the bottom about 3 tanks in, then about 3 more tanks is the huge one! I cant wait to see his personality develop and see how he rearanges the tank!

    3. DenningA.Rajit


      ahh I remember now. I did see them. But, when you mention baby oscars I thought you meant by like 10 or 15 cm in size. The one I saw was much bigger. I like the look of the albinos. and one of the tiger oscars. wanted to give them a hug cos they look so cute and gorgeous. If only I had a bigger tank and permission to renovate the living room into a fish room :D

    4. Neffy


      I do mean that XD the one we got is 10cm long from a tank with about 20 others that size

  17. harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sarah


      Naww Matt! Um, to be honest... I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, and I think I've only seen half of one of the movies.


    3. Neffy



    4. little_troppo


      Get out Sarah!!! I kid :P

      And Neffy I know it was awesome

  18. Last night i had a nightmare about buying fish and having no room for them, my partner told me it was actually a truthmare OTL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. girlz0r


      hahahahahahaha!!! ALWAYS room for fish. at the acutions i bought more fish than i could. the auction before that I bought tanks for the fish that I knew i'd eventually buy haha

    3. Neffy


      HAHA yes i have backup tanks as well XD

    4. fishbites


      Did that today but it wasn't a dream - ordered fish and now wondering where I'm going to put them! Just accept it - fish addiction is a medical condition and there's no cure! :)

  19. its always worrying when your fry are the tiny dot stage i can never find them :(

    1. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    2. GoldenGirl13


      I used to have trouble finding mine even when they were bigger!! Glasses anyone?

    3. les


      There in the tank Neffy see I found them

  20. What to do ? I left the 1lt coke bottle i used as a chimney in the spawn tank on its side, now the male has built a HUGE nest in it but my girl keeps bumping into the side (let me in) like she cant find the entrance T_T should i destroy his massive nest and remove it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bettarazzi


      Yeah leave it. If she's too dumb to figure it out you don't want her to pass on her stupid genes. LOL

    3. Neffy


      HAHA she was too dumb trying another female since they lost interest in each other.

    4. melbournebetta


      I very rarely "LOL" but I just had a rather inappropriate laughter outburst at work after Razzi's comment.

  21. If i dont have eggs when i get home im going to be very upset !! pair are doing everything right this time!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Sorry Neffy. :(

      Are the pair still together?

    3. Neffy


      Yep! still looking keen but not getting there yet :( was hoping for eggs this morning but nope. This is the most dedicated the male has ever acted ! He has a nest this time haha

    4. Neffy


      Today i spotted about 5 eggs sort of hidden and randomly scatterd like the male didnt know they where there. =( was hoping for more left female in.

  22. newly hatched shrimp are the tiniest things i have ever seen smaller then betta fry.

    1. Sarah


      Yeah, I've done a test run and thought I failed.. I was like "where are they?" As I hatched hardly any eggs at all, they weren't very orange. :)

    2. Neffy


      Oh i mean baby Cherry shrimp not brine shrimp haha :D

    3. Sarah


      Haha. :D

      Never seen those, but I bet they are tinsy. :))

  23. Do cherry shrimp go completely clear sometimes ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neffy


      seems like i have some ghost shrimp then ... aparently they can eat the cherry shirmp D=

    3. Yanagi


      Got a picture? I've seen Cherries go almost clear but they still keep little dull red lines/marks.. Usually stress. Ghost shrimp get larger, they can have a blueish tint.. Some also appear to have brown marks on them.

    4. zhong89


      yes.... the males some times go clear

  24. Won a fluval u3 internal filter at Aquarium Society of Victoria meetup best $2 spent ever

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Now those Barrack fish (Bettas, I'm assuming) will have nice filtered water.

    3. fishbites


      congrats Neffy... nice prize to win!

    4. somchai2500
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