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    Anything Fishy!

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  1. Mate,those 2 female ct's are a perfect match for the boy.Hopefully we'll see some nice green dragon crowntails in the near future. Thanks for sharing and goodluck !. Cheers
  2. Hi,I was wondering if anyone's spoken to Les or know if he's doing ok.Haven't seen old mate on here for a while and just wanted to send him my regards. Cheers
  3. Im having the same problems.As soon as I click to post a msg Im back in the homepage. cheers
  4. Hi is anyone able to contact paws.n.all(Gaby) or get this member to contact me on 0404768431 asap.Any help will be appreciated.Thankyou. Cheers
  5. jdmsta

    hey jim,

    cant seem to pm u,just wanted to ask if you have dragon hmpk if so are they giants and what colour? thanks champ please pm me

  6. CMac

    Did you happen to have any females available? Im looking for a really unique colour something other thanred or blue would you have any for sale


  7. CMac

    Im new to bettas but am looking for a female that really stands out color wise - emerald green, etc just not red or blue. Would you have anything for sale

    Thanks for your time


  8. Hi Jim Im looking for a black orchid CT female, got anything?? and also a traditional PK female ???

  9. Sorry Les,Just cleared the inbox,and yes 7 plakats is not a problen.


  10. les

    Hey jim I have been trying to send you a PM but I think your in box is full. Is there any chance of getting seven more Normal Fighter Plakats? the $5.00 ones that yousent over before.



  11. Hi Newton,welcome to the forum.I do not deliver but I can express post to you at your own risk.

    It usually takes 2 days to reach you in W.A.


  12. hi, im new to ausaqua

    i was just wondering if you deliver to w.a?

  13. Very nice fh you got there Lachie,kok looks like its grown heaps and coming alomg nicely. cheers \
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