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bewarebrunette last won the day on December 29 2015

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas & Other Species

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  1. Hi Masone, I'm in Cairns too. I've bred bettas in the past, got out of fish all together for a while but am now back into it! Currently have 5 male and 2 female HMPK's and am looking for some more females. Do you have any pics of your fish? Jess
  2. Hi Danny, Welcome to the forum, I haven't been on here for ages. How are your fish doing? Jess
  3. Welcome Jennifer - I'm from Cairns :)
  4. I don't feed my BN beef, are you looking for something to feed them generally? They love zuchini and mushroom. I was under the impression they got bloat if they ate too much protein.
  5. I was told to use mushroom, I put it in today and it's being munched on like the zuchini :D
  6. Thanks Yan I will, do you know why this is?
  7. So on my search for some black substrate, without spending hundreds! Someone told me to go to a pool shop.. So I walked in there, asked for some black pebbles... $28/20kg. Hell yeah! Was going to cost me about $100++ for gravel from pet/aquarium shops. So will be doing that this weekend. I have also realised we have a silk plant shop in the city centre, my friend bought this big fern for his tank for $20, instead of the insane prices you pay at LFS.. So keep an eye out for an update after next weekend. Will also be re-arranging/Re-scaping my shrimp tank YAY
  8. Haha you're very keen saying you will answer questions! Mine would be, should I start stocking up now!!? Anyway Cam, welcome to the forum Everyone is really nice and as you can probably see there is information on almost everything on here! I'll see you around. Ps I like your username jess
  9. Hey Roy welcome! This forum has some really great people and such a rich source of information. Just so you know we love to see photos of your fish See you round the forum :P
  10. So this is the new setup baby angels, koi parents older babies - corys and angels (tank needs a clean) platinum breeding pair
  11. Thanks Neffy Here's some more (I have lots to share!) These are DT's that I've found at LFS's. The male was being sold as a female and tiny, but I noticed his ventrals were long for a female and I also have my Arctic pair getting ready to spawn. I'm a bit scared to let her out, she's pretty agressive! So my partner Dave is a boilermaker by trade, and he's welded us up some new stands as we've got a colony of L168's, some Longfin BN, marbles, plecs etc. Also trying to breed Angels, and corys. More in the way of, lets see what we can do, rather than.. lets breed! (if that makes sense)
  12. Thought i'd post some photos of out set up and fishies at this current time, it's been a while! Got kinda slack for a bit, and have just gotten back into it again, breeding that is. I know how much everyone likes photos so I thought I'd post away This is my new boy that I bought from Mihaela and his current sexual interest as is this one - Dusty and his mate please bump me so i can upload some more pics :)
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