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About Peta

  • Birthday 04/04/1978

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas

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  1. Sarah

    happy Birthday!

  2. OHH wow they are stunning!! I had a pair of green snows but they had more of the pink tone vs the MG .. I was very sad the day I got told that my Snow green boy had 'jumped' ship while i was away at work (first and only jumper!)
  3. ohh the Arctic sea pair are just way to cute...
  4. not sure myself, I found a baby in my red Chile guppies that had a crocked spine - and that's from the first ever spawn in my tank... .. I caught him the other day and threw him in as snack to my betta males tank, seems he might be to fast for snack food, saw that he was still in there hiding in the java moss tonight.
  5. Thanks girls - had a nice quite day of packing and collecting boxes!! ROFL - we're moving on the 17th... to a house with a great space for a fish room hehe :D
  6. actually, I'd put it more down to the good lighting you have set up with all the tanks vs. simply the camera for good photos as that's all ways the one thing I say when anyone ask's me about getting good photos of their fish - you need good lighting! (and most fish rooms are on the 'dark' side so not very good for lighting!) .... Your boys are all totally cute Becki!
  7. my guppies just stay in the tank all together... I read that it wasn't necessary to separate them so I never have and I have HEAPS of them! So I reckon you should be fine to put them in!
  8. Peta

    My Guppies...

    :) true ... I'm just lucky I have one MASSIVE tank, one 80L tank and 5 2ft tanks sitting empty still .. so plenty of tanks for the guppies to take over Might even look at getting another variety of Guppies from J.L :)
  9. Peta

    My Guppies...

    Yeah they came from J.L. might have to ask her if she can remember what they where LOL I've done some research and am leaning towards mosaic's over grass - not that I really care what they are it's more so for when / if I go to pass some on to others. I might just have to take the laptop into the fish room and sit and compare the photos to the fish themselves. Have two baby boys that would be the size of dad when I got him so might move them into their own tank with lady friends LOL
  10. Peta

    My Guppies...

    :) yeah as the babies themselves are also up the duff. The boys so far have been the same colour and style of daddy.
  11. Peta

    My Guppies...

    Got these guys from Jodie - from memory they where 'Blue Metalic" but that's about all I remember... Anyone got any idea's on any other classification for them? They are quite good little breaders hehe certainly getting rather full in their! Thinking a second tank might need to be on the cards in a month or so!
  12. where as my experience of 5-6 girls in a 2ft (ish) tank was that they might not have killed each other - but they certainly did beat each other up. Just thought I would mention it as I'm sure my old posts have long gone by now... I'd definitely look into the mixed tank (no suggestions on what as I don't have any knowledge in that field) If you're close by Jodie's shop at annerly, you can go have a look in there, she actually has betta's in tanks with other species of fish so that would give you a good idea on what other's you can mix her in with...
  13. i don't have a set tank so I'll just give you a run down on how i did the majority of mine in regards to your questions Size: I actually would use those 'betta' cube's - the ones that are 10x10 (so the wee little ones) as a/that's what I had haha (I actually used them to place the fish in while i did 100% water changes on their tanks... b/a smaller size gives them less room to move so not 'chasing' them around the tank trying to get a photo of them (good in theory but they still move pretty darn quick the little buggars) Backing: Most of the time I never bothered with this. Once I did set up a black towel behind the cubes and that was great for really showing the colors off. - white would be another alternative as it's a light reflector so could help if lighting was a little on the poor side. With the black backdrop I had a sheet of white card set to the other side of where the mirror and light source was sot that the white card would reflect the light back onto the fish.... If I can find a photo of that set up on my other computer I'll post a picture for you Lighting: As I did the majority of my stuff during water changes, I'd always do this outside on the veranda, so I'd get to use a lot of natural light (afternoon light - not harsh morning or mid day light...) As you need to have them well light for your camera to be able to focus and catch them as still as possible. Lighting in my opinion is the biggest thing to getting a nice clear/clean shoot you have to have good lighting for the camera (no matter what kind/type) to function at its best Other things I have found..... Take lots of shoots. If you can, make sure you can move around the cube to take a shot from another side, as 99.99% of the time the damn fish will be on the one side that you can't take a photo from ...umm.... mirrors work well, a lot of mine where either with mirrors or one of the other boys just on the other side out of view I thin that's about it - well other then know your camera and its settings... what kind of camera are you using.??
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