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About Ghengis

  • Birthday 10/13/1973

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
  • Interests
    My gorgeous girlfriend. Building model cars...infact, anything to do with cars! Australian Rules Footy (c'arn the Bombers!), hiking and my fishies.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. I think BB meant that you get what you pay for. Sure, you could get away with cheapies, but (if it were me at least) you'd be spending every day wondering just when somehing is gonna go kaput. My suggestion would be to hold your pennies for now and just go with good ol' T5 Fluros. By the time you have saved enough money, the good quality LEDs may have come down to a reasonable price...
  3. Without going into too much detail, yes LED lighting is fine, actually EXCELLENT, for aquarium plants and does come in a range of wavelengths/colour temps/output levels. LED will use less energy, but output the same, or in many cases more, power than the average fluro. LEDs also have something like 50,000 hrs of life, before needing replacement. Lighting in general, be it brake lights/indicators/headlights in cars, to domestic applications such as loungeroom downlights etc, is all heading toward LED lighting. Even the TV manufacturers are embracing the technology. At the moment, LED lighting for aquariums, at least in any sort of decent wattage or output, is still very expensive, but prices are tumbling by the day, as more manufacturers get on board. But, since they have such a long life expectancy, the cost can be offset by what you would usually pay to replace your lovely T5 HO globes every six to twelve months.
  4. Yeah, fishy, that was a great response!! Pretty much everything I wanted to say, but just done much better (I blame the fact that I was typing at work and didn't want to get sprung, lol!) I do want to reiterate, though, that not all canisters need cost over $500. I believe that alot of beginners are scared off by what they think they have to spend on such a device. Yes, the Fluvals and Eheims etc can get pretty pricey, and for good reason as they have a great reputation, but I have always been a fan of the Aqua One fiters (be they canister or otherwise). They are a fantastic brand, right across the board. I just the other day received my new Advance 1250, to go under my new setup. Cost me $165. Plus delivery. This will be the second Advance in my collection, the other being the 750 ($125) sitting under my 2ft. I honestly cannot recommend these filters enough...you simply cannot go wrong. Particularly with a 4 year warranty. This is not to say everyone should have one...an FX5 would be an awesome filter to own if that's what someone wanted and could afford, but it does mean there are options. Just don't try to go TOO cheap, lol.
  5. I am in the process of setting up a tank also. It will be fully planted and pretty much no-expense spared... The reason I am doing it the "expensive" way, is because my current 2ft has, over the years, chewed up easily as much as what I will be spending on the new one. The point being, it is best to buy the very best that you are able to afford, and not go ahead with this bit or that thing, "just for now". You will most certainly end up spending double what you have to. Now, having said that, yes, SOME canister filters can be expensive, but if you want a nice display tank, with awesome filtration, they almost cannot be beaten. There are plenty of brands around that will do a perfectly fine job, for not too much outlay. Hang on filters are also good, and not overly conspicuous. These are always available very cheaply. Now, if you are not too concerned about appearence inside the tank, a sponge filter is a great, cheap way to bio-filter your tank. Easy to clean, as well. As to the others...a wet/dry is a great filtration system, but can be bulky and messy. Good for multiple tanks on the same system, though. Internal filters...well, they are just internal filters...they do the job well, but will never look attractive. UG filters are good, but very hard to keep clean...and very 20th Century, lol. Substrate. Again, find the best you can afford. A gravel of about 2mm grain size is perfect for almost any application, whether planted or otherwise. Of the specialist planted substrates, you could try EcoComplete or Seachem Flourite. These are both around $50 a bag and a far cry from some of the ADA gear that is vastly overpriced in this country. You are right, bright colours are a no-no...not only does bright blue gravel look ridiculous, it does nothing for your fish. Everytime I see a tank with yellow/blue/green/anything but brown gravel, I seriously want to vomit...it just looks naff. Now, the tank I mentioned setting up, is a long term process. I am buying things as I can afford them. I am not by any means rich, but by doing the research, I have came to a setup that will be exactly what I want in every way. Key point, be patient. Don't rush it. Do what you can, as you can and make sure it cycles properly... Good luck!
  6. Ghengis


    We hate noobs here! I joke! Howsit and welcome...! This is a great place to hang out, I am sure you will love it here I see you have "co2" in your Thread title...were you wanting to find something out??
  7. I have never kept shrimp, but I know what Lyarlla says is true. One day at an LFS, I was looking at a Platinum HM girl that I wanted to buy...she was in a tank with various fish and some glass shrimp (I think that's what they were). In the ten minutes I was watching, I think she swam to the bottom to gobble up a little shrimpy maybe three or four times. I do hope those shrimp didn't cost the proprietor too much, cos they were getting picked off like sitting...well, shrimp!
  8. Ghengis

    New Tank

    2ft deep? Have fun reaching into that to clean the bottom! Nice, big tank, though...I am playing with the idea of a larger tank, as well. Though maybe not quite as massive as that one! ;)
  9. ...are they really a coldwater fish?? I thought they, like all gourami's, were a tropical species...?
  10. You need to copy the URL. You are likely making the same mistake I always do, which is to have the code wrapped in tags. Just remove the [ IMG ] [/ IMG ], and it should be sweet... Your breeding status looks fine...
  11. Loving the new av Cassy! Oooo-la-la!

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