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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. I think Maddie might be thinking of Big Kev who has pulled back a bit because of work. Not exactly sure. I might have got my wires crossed.
  2. I've been hovering at 9 for gosh 3 years?
  3. I've been known to take a hundred shots to get one I can use. Good lighting is the key. Helps your camera focus. The other thing is getting used to the delay in your camera's reaction time. With bettas you can sometimes anticipate when they're going to start or stop. With guppies OMG remove sharp objects to prevent self-harm.
  4. Well at least we know for sure what the tolerance is.
  5. Sharpening stones. Yes. I think someone mentioned that once but it fell out of my head. They didn't mention the part about the stone not being good for knives afterwards though. Ok so cheapie it is.
  6. It's pretty big. For the non-glaziers among us, what's a good way to take off the sharp edges? I made some small tanks and cut the glass myself a few years ago and didn't do anything about the edges. They are pretty sharp and I have to be really careful handling the tanks. They're just little photography tanks so they get moved a lot. I have since learnt that I could have just used sandpaper and I did work on one edge. It was really tedious! Haven't yet finished sanding a whole tank. Is there something else? Are there attachments that can fit on a drill? Or something like that?
  7. Oh wow! I think this is the first time we've actually had a glazier show us how it's done. Thank you! I have to admit I didn't entirely follow all of it. I think I need to read again slowly. So how big is this tank?
  8. I don't understand. There's nothing crazy about that at all. :P
  9. Bettarazzi

    Water PH

    Is that a mermaids tail? :gasp: :faints:
  10. Bettarazzi

    Water PH

    Test the pH of the bottled water and the rain water separately. Rain water should be completely soft with no hardness at all. But depending on how it was collected and stored it may have picked up the hardness from elsewhere. Aquarium salts will raise the hardness a little bit. But should really buffer it. Could you be adding too much?
  11. Bettarazzi

    Water PH

    Yeah I really don't like those painted pebbles. Much prefer a more natural look. Some of those coloured gravels can actually be toxic.
  12. Bettarazzi

    Water PH

    No the wooly stuff that plants come with shouldn't affect anything. What water conditioner are you using? You don't have any gravel or other rocks?
  13. Bettarazzi

    Water PH

    What kind of substrate is in the tank? Try just filling a container of water in a bucket to see what happens with the pH in comparison with the tank. Need to eliminate the possibility of something in your tank causing the change or the water itself being unstable.
  14. I wonder if these heaters need a bit of flow going past them. Is it possible that the water close to the heater is warm so it goes off? To be honest I've always had trouble with small tanks. Reptile heating cords underneath the tanks, controlled with a separate thermostat seems to work best but needs a bit of fiddling with to get the right balance.
  15. Welcome Eric. I'm not really familiar with those heaters. Have you asked at the shop you bought them from?
  16. Welcome Leigh. What kind of guppies are you interested in?
  17. Welcome Jess. We don't mind the occasional non-betta pic so feel free to post your other animals in the coffee shop.
  18. Yeah probably just the new surroundings. Were you still wanting to change your username?
  19. Oops. Apologies for the delayed approval. Welcome.
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