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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Welcome to the forum knoxfish. If you can make it, a few of us are going to the Aquarium Society of Victoria meeting on Thursday 26th August. You'll be able to chat with people and find out who has what. Details here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9988&view=findpost&p=108230
  2. Bettarazzi

    I'm New

    Welcome to the forum, Midee. Sounds like you're off to a good start.
  3. Hi Mike. Welcome to the forum. If the eggs weren't properly fertilised during the spawning he would have abandoned them. Maybe let the female rest for a couple of weeks then try again.
  4. Ooh, congrats on the Aquascape win! Surely you took a pic... :D
  5. Welcome Sophie. I reckon the tetras might even have a go at the adult shrimp. A nibble here, a nibble there...
  6. Yes, I think sitting out is probably the best thing to do. If the cloudiness isn't from floating particles in the water then a clarifier might not do anything.
  7. Last time I set up a new tank and it went cloudy, I don't think it lasted more than a few days. Maybe a week? Perhaps an 80% change was a bit large but I don't think it would really have harmed your filter cycle. Maybe just do 20% next time. Could the cloudiness be a result of the gravel? Was the tank clear after you filled it? Can't help with the hardness test. I don't generally test my water.
  8. Once you've loaded your photos onto Photobucket all you need to do is: In Photobucket, slide your mouse over the photo that you want to link tocopy the IMG linkpaste that into your forum post
  9. If you put the tags in properly this is what it will look like. But I gotta say that pic is a bit large. Maybe try to keep your pics around the 640 x 400 pixel mark. A bit of cropping wouldn't hurt either.
  10. You've somehow managed to add extra text to the url and actually when I looked just now, all the code in your post has gone haywire. This is what you should be aiming for: [img=http://i940.photobucket.com/albums/ad245/glenyboy2010/fish/DSCF2770.jpg]
  11. More info here How To Post Images Using Photobucket
  12. This came up when I typed "reptile heating cord" into Google
  13. Now, listen up people. This is what we mean when we ask for an Intro. Thanks for that great intro beefy and welcome to the forum. It sounds like the tank you have is the kind that has filter media in the back. I would suggest that you leave the pump running 24/7. The tank will eventually cycle and the filter will help to deal with the waste. Air driven filters generally don't produce a flow that's strong enough to bother a betta. And the benefits of having a working filter far outweigh a bit of water movement. Welcome again.
  14. Go to the Notifications page by clicking on the number or using the dropdown Right at the bottom of the page you should see Mark All Read Click that
  15. I have fixed your access now.
  16. The kind I use is waterproof. It seems to be the most common kind. I've used them completely submerged.
  17. Yep. Rotala wallichii. I've had bad experiences with tetras and male bettas. Although admittedly not enough experience to say for certain that they don't go together. However based on that limited but unpleasant experience of seeing an expensive imported halfmoon chewed by a bunch of neons, I'd stay away from them.
  18. That's coming along well Yan. You know once you put the guppies in there they'll never leave, right? Looking forward to the clear water pics. Where are you at with what fish are going in there?
  19. Hi there qwerty99. Selamat Datang! Welcome to the forum. Are you a breeder? We would all love to see pictures of your bettas.
  20. You can heat multiple tanks by running reptile heating cords underneath them.
  21. A few things I think you might consider: perspex scratches easily but is easy to drill and attach plumbing toglass is more sturdy, doesn't scratch as easily, drilling is more difficult but not impossiblethe size of the tank that you're planning is large enough to fit a small sponge filter so you could do away with the sump and just plumb the tanks to make water changes easier
  22. Pfft! How can you have too many bettas? Billy-Jo, are these containers going to be glass? Will you be building them yourself? Or getting them made for you?
  23. Stability and Cycle are similar. Not sure what's in Stress Zyme but from its name I would think it was more similar to Stress Coat. Stability and Cycle help to establish your biofilter. Stress Coat helps a fish maintain its slime coat particularly during stressful situations like illness or transport.
  24. You're never going to find something that exactly fits what you have in mind because everyone will build their DIY barracks to suit their particular needs. So you just need to get pen and paper out and start designing. If you give us more details about what you're having trouble with we can help you solve those issues. At first glance I would have thought that the basic principle of any barracks would suit. You just need a sump at the bottom which will hold filter media, heaters and a pump that will pump water up to the top row of tanks then an overflow system that returns it via gravity back to the sump below. Here's a video of my system. You could use the same principle just tweak a bit by using larger containers and a slightly different overflow system.
  25. LMAO @ large predatory boyfriend. *lol*
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