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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Tony Burke is on Lateline tonight. Tweet the host, Leigh Sales http://twitter.com/leighsales

  2. Batch testing means no more AquaBid

    1. rionthai


      has it been implemented yet??

    2. Bettarazzi
    3. Bettarazzi


      if you care about it then please join the Twitter campaign

  3. Most of my females weren't swollen with eggs.
  4. Okaaaayyyy.... gone a little badge crazy!

  5. Prime neutralises chlorine and chloramine. I think it may deal with ammonia as well but the main reason for using it is to handle the chlorine and chloramine. I don't bother with adding mineral salts. If you were keeping species that preferred harder water, then yes, but for bettas and most other common community fish, Melbourne tap water is fine.
  6. Have a look at http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au. I think they're very reasonably priced.
  7. Welcome to the forum Vanessa. How big is the new tank? I know I could Google it. Being lazy. :P
  8. Hi Penny. Welcome to the forum.
  9. It's not really going to spook them. Just a bit of extra light. My torch is only 5cm long. Fits in the palm of my hand. I don't see why they would mind. I took out my camera once at St Kilda Aquarium and started taking photos. They minded then! Although I had actually asked another staff member.
  10. I usually take a torch with me when I'm shopping for bettas. I've got this great little LED one at he moment which I found in Coles or kmart. Produces a very strong white light and fits in my pocket. And a mirror is useful too. Just remember to take it out of your back pocket before you get back into the car. That reminds me... I must get that tattoo fixed up to hide the scar a bit better.
  11. Yeah I think it's usually a Thursday. I can never make it then either. But the Saturday morning after they're released should be ok. Not that I've ever made it then either. LOL
  12. Welcome Kat. I'm sure you'll find lots of info here.
  13. I think the bettas at Coburg start looking a bit worse for wear when it starts to get near the end of that batch of stock. So the trick is to find out when the next batch will get released from quarantine (they import their own) and then try to get in there pretty soon after -- as in days, not weeks.
  14. I like the blue-red boy although he looks kinda green in the pic. I'd love to be able to develop a bicolour line that had irid on the body and red fins. The problem I think is restricting the irids to the body without it bleeding onto the fins. It would be fun to work with though and I think something like this boy would be a good start.
  15. Welcome Rob. Can't help with the fish you're looking for. Good luck with the search.
  16. Bettarazzi


    Welcome Sharm. I'm sure you'll find plenty of info here.
  17. Welcome to the forum, Katrinka. You should take a look at the Shutterbugs forum for tips on photography. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showforum=32
  18. Looks good Yan. Like a little slice of a tropical rainforest.
  19. Nice. I've always wanted a tank on my desk. If I wasn't on a fixed term contract I'd definitely do one.
  20. Trogdor is a brilliant name! Trogdor Flametongue, Burninator of Peasants, Guardian of the Grey Mountains.
  21. But you know it wouldn't hurt to have a gorgeous halfmoon in there. It would be like some great mythical beast flying over the mountains, lord of its domain and master of all it surveys. The shrimp will be like peasants working the fields. And occasionally being Betta chow. *lol*
  22. OMG DIVY!!! I am gobsmacked!! The language part of my brain seems to have gone to jelly and the only thing I can think to say is, WOW!
  23. The pink ambulia might not be getting enough light. Will be interesting to see if you have enough light for the HC bearing in mind the light reaching the substrate where the HC grows will be less than what is available closer to the surface where the ambulia is. Could you STOP posting pics of the rams? Every time I see them I want to setup a tank with rams. And I have barely enough time look after the few bettas that I have. Really like that head on shot.
  24. Hi there Cricketsong. Welcome to the forum.
  25. My favourite is the first one. I really love that it has a black face as well as black fins.
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