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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Kids can cope with being called different things by different people. My sister's kids are called one thing at home, something else by their uncles and aunts, and something else at school. I usually just call them "the little s****!" I don't seem to have congratulated you yet. So Congratulations!
  2. With anubias you can plant the roots that trail down but make sure you keep the rhizome (the part the leaves grow out of) above the gravel.
  3. You're right. It was set to private, which is really odd because it's been public for a long time. Are you on my YouTube friends list, kurupt? Anyway, I've reset it to public now so everyone should be able to see it.
  4. This is my drip system. But it's functional rather than being a display unit.
  5. Do you have a drawing of how you're going to configure it? How is the water going to flow out of the tank and into the sump? Do you really need a glass frame? Why not use make a wooden frame? You could still have a glass sump and hide this behind the wooden frame.
  6. The swords might benefit from a bit of root fertiliser. You can buy fertiliser tablets from the LFS. Or for a cheaper option just get some Native Plant Osmocote, wrap about 5 pellets in a small bit of paper towel then shove one of the packages into the gravel near the roots of each plant. One for each sword plant.
  7. Wait... Maybe not ALL of Lilli's wishes. *lol*
  8. Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope it's a wonderful day! And if it's not, just indulge in some commuter rage on the way home. That always make me feel better. *lol*
  9. I thought we had someone else from Dubbo a while back. Don't remember who that was now. Welcome webster!
  10. Good birthday present. Loungeroom tank needs to show off all your skill as an aquarium hobbyist. A statement to all your visitors about why you do what you do and how proud you are of it. Everyone that sees it must say, "I want one of those". No pressure. Hope you're going to start a thread and take us through your journey pictorially step by step. :P
  11. Happy Birthday Jessica! Hope you have a great day. If I'd seen it was your birthday I wouldn't have put up the scary video. lol
  12. The really big importers don't have as much to lose because they bring in large quantities of fish. Although they sometimes bring in specialty fish it hasn't really been their focus.
  13. Welcome to the forum pepsi. I'd reconsider the shrimps and tetras as tank mates. I've had bad experiences with neons biting the fins of my betta. And the betta may attempt to eat the shrimp. If the tank will be well planted then you should consider a small shoal of otocinclus. Some kuhli loaches might also be suitable although I find they tend to hide a lot of the time. Good luck with the tank. Look forward to seeing some pics of it.
  14. I've signed it and I'm going to share it with all my friends via email, Facebook and Twitter (just as soon as I get home and have access to all of those things). Also want to say that anonymous signatures are not terribly useful. From the standing orders governing petitions: "A petition shall be signed by the petitioners with their names".
  15. Very nice. Have those eggs actually hatched? They look like they're wiggling.
  16. Hi there Malaika. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Yeah, those channoides can be difficult to sex. A friend had a couple last year which I stared at for a quite a long time and observed behaviour over many weeks without ever being able to come to a conclusion. Good luck with them. And welcome to the forum.
  18. If the tank is for bettas you can get away with just using a product like Seachem Stability. I start all my tanks like that. Add water, add Prime, add Stability, add fish. I wouldn't start a discus tank like that. But bettas, guppies, and really all the small community fish should be fine.
  19. Could it be that the rummies were younger and more timid before? Now that they're more confident they're behaving true to type and chomping the lovely long fins as I would expect all tetras to do.
  20. Happy Birthday Jodi! Hope you've had a good one.

  21. I thought it would be useful to put up some instructions for those of you who have found Twitter somewhat counter intuitive. Often tweets don't show up immediately in searches even though the #hashtag is present. They do show up to your followers though. So if you follow the other people who are tweeting and they do the same, I think you'll soon find that it's not too bad. My number one tip is: when you sign-up, don't tick Protect my tweets because this effectively makes you invisible except to followers that you approve. If you have already signed up you can change your protection setting by going logging into Twitter, then Here is a YouTube video that might be useful and after that some articles which will hopefully help you make sense of it. Articles: http://davefleet.com...d-with-twitter/ http://rapidrollout....d-with-twitter/ Google: http://www.google.co...rted+on+twitter To join the campaign against batch testing Sign up at http://twitter.com Search for #batchtesting Read what others have tweeted and follow them Start tweeting
  22. AAQ folk are going nuts on Twitter LOL!

    1. fishbites


      LOL... hope we drove the media and politicians nuts too - it was almost like an electronic sit in!

  23. Tweet #qanda today and then watch the show to see if our tweets make it onto the tweet feed

  24. Lateline is about to start http://twitter.com/Lateline. If Leigh Sales mentions batch testing I am going to pee myself!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chuckie


      I wish I had known. I was sick yesterday, and sleeping at all useful times

    3. Bettarazzi


      Don't worry Lisa.First of many I'm sure. This thing ain't over yet.

    4. Bettarazzi


      We should do #qanda. they have live twitter.

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