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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't look after mine very well and lost them before they dropped any fry. I don't think there are any special requirements. Just normal good water quality. Not sure about outcrossing but if you keep a couple of separate lines from the next generation, you could outcross every 5th generation to the other line.
  2. Was Sushi as pink as that in real life? I notice the fluoros have a pink tinge as well.
  3. Happy Birthday Stefan! Hope you have a great day! Finally not a teenager any longer. :balloons:
  4. It's tomorrow I believe. I would suggest it's too late to make purchases now. But if you've already bought something you should confirm with the sellers that your fish will be in the shipment tomorrow.
  5. Welcome Roy. Hope you'll post some photos about your betta farm visit. We'd love to hear all about it.
  6. Hey Jamie!! Welcome back. Yep it's the same forum. Your brother bear username is still there. Maybe you should just reset the password? That account is connected to your optusnet email. I think it's probably best if you use brother bear and we'll delete this one. Let me know if you're having any issues.
  7. I recommend cycling the angels tank really well before adding them. They can be a bit more sensitive although they do seem hardier these days. Once you've got the tiger barbs tank going you could swap filters or use their filter media to seed the filter in the angels tank.
  8. I'd stick with non-red girls. Otherwise you'll lose the yellow in the first gen.
  9. Easiest way is to just buy some black aquarium backing.
  10. Ask the breeder for a matching black-yellow marble female. That would be the best way of getting more like him.
  11. Welcome to the forum TasV. Didn't realise the Tasmanian restrictions were quite so bad. Hope you can get everything in order without too much pain. Beautiful as Tassie is, I think I'd be tempted to move. Great to have someone with your experience here. So again, welcome.
  12. WOAH!!! That's pretty sensational for a first attempt!! Welcome to the forum Brett.
  13. I think the dooverlackie you mean is a bulkhead http://www.aquaria.com.au/catalog/index.php/cPath/1_33. You can also find them at Bunnings in various sizes.
  14. Yep. They can be used in or out of water. I use them dry under small tanks and beanie boxes and wet in my drip system. I've also used them to warm the water in my ageing bucket. They're basically just a wire completely sealed in rubber.
  15. Wait... I think I DO have internet... WOOHOO!

    1. Bec


      That is soooo frustrating aint it!

  16. I'm off on a long weekend in Wye River. No TV, no internet... not sure how I'll cope with that. Probably no phone reception either.

    1. fishish


      ooow excellent :D lol I spent a good two months like that while overseas in rather non 21st century areas, absolutely loved it. Enjoy your trip :)

  17. My guess is that the shops who don't import their own fish won't really be as aware as those that do. Also if they only bring in the bread and butter fish, they're not going to be affected that badly. The shops that try to stock the more expensive and more sought after fish will have been told by the wholesalers and importers about the changes. I'm really not surprised that some shops don't know what's going on. I bet many of them have simply dismissed it as something that won't affect them. But all you have to do is play the tape all the way to the end and ask yourself a simple series of what-ifs and you'll start to see how the dominoes will fall.
  18. Welcome to the forum Kate. Can't wait to see the pics of your 6ft. Are you planning a fully planted out tank?
  19. Very nice. Love the strong red colour on the head of that male. And that's a nice butterfly pattern on the first boy.
  20. You can link to Facebook if you can find the exact URL of the file. How do you know if you've got the right URL? Paste it into a new browser window and the picture appears on its own without any Facebook banners. It's odd that you can get to Photobucket but can't upload. Normally if it's blocked you can't get to it at all. You could also try Picasa or Flickr to host your pics.
  21. Welcome to the forum Peter. Rod's going to want first dibs on fry. Although I thought he already had smaragdina. Anyway welcome.
  22. Hmm... I suppose the AFL themed logo is wasted on those who are on the forum during the game LOL

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bettarazzi


      Yeah, maybe but it kinda seems a bit of an anti-climax.

    3. fishbites


      Nothing is an anticlimax if Collingwood gets thumped :)

    4. Sarah


      Your idea of watching it sounds like mine Bettarazzi! :D

  23. Maybe you should block their view of the patoti. Since they're being good parents I wouldn't remove them. I did that once and the pair turned on each other. There are soooooooooo many of them. I hope you have a bucket load of food ready. Have you got spare tanks to split the spawn up into?
  24. They're a beautiful pair. Looking forward to seeing how the fry turn out.
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